Both conservative outlet PJMedia & CNN's Cowardly Chris Cillizza write lengthy pieces predicting Sleepy Joe Biden will pick Kamala or Pokahontas as VP


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the media are never wrong

Kamala locked up many minorities for toking good reefer and having sex with their Bosses. Kind of hypocritical, but perfect pairing with Believe All Women Groped by Joe

During the heat of the primaries, Biden desperately bent over for the Identity Politics nutters in his party and promised he'd disqualify anyone with a dick to be his VP.

So, with what remains, she's probably his best pick overall.

Is she actually the best qualified, especially considering the fact that there is a decent chance she'll have to take over? It doesn't matter. The main thing is that she doesn't have a dick.
During the heat of the primaries, Biden desperately bent over for the Identity Politics nutters in his party and promised he'd disqualify anyone with a dick to be his VP.

So, with what remains, she's probably his best pick overall.

Is she actually the best qualified, especially considering the fact that there is a decent chance she'll have to take over? It doesn't matter. The main thing is that she doesn't have a dick.

^^^^ The Real Vichy Mac takes over... his biggest fear is that a White Male might be deprived of something.

I'm not thrilled with Warren as a possibility. She'd probably panic Wall Street, who seems to have come around to Biden being a replacement for the Dumpster Fire we have in the White House now. I don't see Kamala bringing anything to the ticket it doesn't already have, either.

A better pick might be Klochabar, because she builds him up in the Midwest.
During the heat of the primaries, Biden desperately bent over for the Identity Politics nutters in his party and promised he'd disqualify anyone with a dick to be his VP.

So, with what remains, she's probably his best pick overall.

Is she actually the best qualified, especially considering the fact that there is a decent chance she'll have to take over? It doesn't matter. The main thing is that she doesn't have a dick.

Identity politics nutters?

Can you name a politician who doesn’t bend over for identity politics nutters?
It doesn't matter who he picks because he won't have any say in policy and neither will she. Democrats have transformed their party into socialism on steroids, which is very close to communism. From judges trying to make a Texas hairdresser apologize to society for going to work to governors disallowing people to buy seeds or go to their second homes, Democrats have run roughshod over freedom, human decency and our constitution. Biden's puppeteers will destroy what's left of our economy. So there's really no choice whichever socialist he picks. A Biden presidency makes America the big loser.
During the heat of the primaries, Biden desperately bent over for the Identity Politics nutters in his party and promised he'd disqualify anyone with a dick to be his VP.

So, with what remains, she's probably his best pick overall.

Is she actually the best qualified, especially considering the fact that there is a decent chance she'll have to take over? It doesn't matter. The main thing is that she doesn't have a dick.
As far as we know...Biden needs to pick a progressive to balance the Dem ticket. Warren will probably be his pick. Kamala has was too much baggage.
Kamala who bragged about getting high while locking up people for getting high?

She is the perfect liberal.

Utter hypocrite.

She is trash.

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