Both parties play politics to increase their base.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.
You're saying parties make moves based on what's best for their survival and not just what's morally sound?!
Sure. Gotta please the base. Go off the reservation and you get castigated and primaried.

So, you go as far left/right as you have to, just to keep the base happy and fired up for you.

Meanwhile, the rest of us can only watch the circus and hope for a viable third party one day.

Party over country is killing us.
The two parties are really criminal gangs. Time to close both of them out.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

Democrats are supportive of broke ass rapist illegal killer Mexicans because they killed 50 million plus potential liberal voters since the early 1970's ..

Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

It is not "education" that leads to less voting republicans, but simple indoctrination.

And we are not "Reducing support for education". Moron.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

you have it all backwards,,,

both their goal is to increase the other partys base so that there is always a divide in the country so both partys can work together to destroy the constitution and the country,,,

and the democrats support the illegal aliens and not legal immigrants and neither party wants the populace to get educated and is why both support a government ran education system,,
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

Democrats are supportive of broke ass rapist illegal killer Mexicans because they killed 50 million plus potential liberal voters since the early 1970's ..

Republicans support dumbing down of America so the Republican and white males can keep power.
It would be hard to find anyone that is a bigger dumbass than you. The dumber you are the more Trump loves you. Trump loves you a whole fricking lot.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

It is not "education" that leads to less voting republicans, but simple indoctrination.

And we are not "Reducing support for education". Moron.
Cornell has been drinking Trump's Kool Aid. He or she has been indoctrinated. Cult like.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

It is not "education" that leads to less voting republicans, but simple indoctrination.

And we are not "Reducing support for education". Moron.
Cornell has been drinking Trump's Kool Aid. He or she has been indoctrinated. Cult like.

Nope, just supporting the guy who's platform most closely matched what I wanted.

That you can't respect that, is just a factor of your lack of maturity.
Elmer your a disgrace and embarrassment to the very fundamental values that define America.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

It is not "education" that leads to less voting republicans, but simple indoctrination.

And we are not "Reducing support for education". Moron.
Cornell has been drinking Trump's Kool Aid. He or she has been indoctrinated. Cult like.

Nope, just supporting the guy who's platform most closely matched what I wanted.

That you can't respect that, is just a factor of your lack of maturity.
what do you want
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

First off, it's true. The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. Their goal is to eliminate us (not in a genocidal way) so they can create a single-party country.

However you are wrong about the other. It's the Democrats who are deterring young people from going to college. Unless you come from an upper middle-class household, it's almost unaffordable. For the most part, liberals run those colleges. Furthermore, how do all those uneducated people in the inner-city vote? What President took over the student loan program which is turning out to be a disaster?

Republicans are not against a higher eduction, however as of late, they encourage people to get into trades where you actually have to work with your hands. The only reason for that is these people are sometimes into their 40's before they payoff their college loans. Trade school is much cheaper, takes less time, and you can get into the workforce much quicker. That's why Republicans promote it.
Elmer your a disgrace and embarrassment to the very fundamental values that define America.
I strongly disagree. I am what makes the US great. You do not realize this because you are very stupid. I could help you be a better person and a better American.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

I don't think that is accurate. Both parties play politics to manipulate and control their bases. Not to increase them.

Increasing your base implies that you are attempting to gain converts. But really, what the parties want to do is to reduce their bases down, trading quantity for purity. That's why we have such bad gerrymandering problems.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

I don't think that is accurate. Both parties play politics to manipulate and control their bases. Not to increase them.

Increasing your base implies that you are attempting to gain converts. But really, what the parties want to do is to reduce their bases down, trading quantity for purity. That's why we have such bad gerrymandering problems.
I agree. The extreme right and left are dominating both parties reducing their broader appeal.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

I don't think that is accurate. Both parties play politics to manipulate and control their bases. Not to increase them.

Increasing your base implies that you are attempting to gain converts. But really, what the parties want to do is to reduce their bases down, trading quantity for purity. That's why we have such bad gerrymandering problems.
I agree. The extreme right and left are dominating both parties reducing their broader appeal.

That's because both parties are drifting further and further away from each other. However the parties cater to their constituents.

On the right, we are sick of our establishment sector. Donald Trump was a protest vote. The constitutionalists are pushing the party more right.

On the left, the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential contenders, and gave accolades to Bernie Sanders, an admitted Socialist.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. And that's why I've been saying for some time, that we need to divide our country in half and have two separate countries instead. Conservatives on one side, and liberals on the other. The line would be drawn from north to south, and up to the vote of all Americans.

I would have zero problems with never having to put up with liberalism ever again. In fact, if my side of the country was voted as the conservative side and the liberals had to move out. My property value would triple overnight.
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.


You Tards are so full of Shit......
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.
Republicans are reducing support for education
Republicans were there for the education of minorities in 1954 in Little Rock when President Eisenhower had to send in the National Guard to protect a little girl from being shot by Democrats who had to be held back at military gunpoint who formed a human barrier so the little girl could go into a school of all white kids to get her equal education, since her family moved nearby and wanted her to get a decent education.
They had to make sure the Democrats didn't beat her up and send her mauled body back home with a warning on it.

Don't you ever criticize my party over education Elmer Mudd. How dare you be a creep from the deep. :cranky:
Both parties play politics to increase their base.

Democrats are more supportive of immigrants than Republicans because they know a greater % of immigrants will support the Democratic party.

Republicans are reducing support for education (example: Betsy DeVos as secretary of education). They know the more education any voter has the less chance they will vote Republican.

I don't think that is accurate. Both parties play politics to manipulate and control their bases. Not to increase them.

Increasing your base implies that you are attempting to gain converts. But really, what the parties want to do is to reduce their bases down, trading quantity for purity. That's why we have such bad gerrymandering problems.
I agree. The extreme right and left are dominating both parties reducing their broader appeal.

That's because both parties are drifting further and further away from each other. However the parties cater to their constituents.

On the right, we are sick of our establishment sector. Donald Trump was a protest vote. The constitutionalists are pushing the party more right.

On the left, the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential contenders, and gave accolades to Bernie Sanders, an admitted Socialist.

So where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and Communism? There is none. And that's why I've been saying for some time, that we need to divide our country in half and have two separate countries instead. Conservatives on one side, and liberals on the other. The line would be drawn from north to south, and up to the vote of all Americans.

I would have zero problems with never having to put up with liberalism ever again. In fact, if my side of the country was voted as the conservative side and the liberals had to move out. My property value would triple overnight.
You are absolutely incorrect about your communism analogy. The left is moving toward democratic socialism. I think they are going to far to the left. But Trump is moving toward an Oligarchy. His favorite leaders are Putin and Kim Jung Un. Dictatorship. Trump loves Russia, Communist. He feels the strength of the Chinese government is taking advantage of the weaknesses of our democracy. China is a Communist oligarchy. Trump is overriding the separation of powers set up in our Constitution to give him the powers he wants.
Trump is infatuated with major Communist countries, especially Russia.

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