Boulder Shooter Bought Gun Legally and Passed Background Check

Narrative fail.
View attachment 473527
If this is all true, it appears anyone can get a gun if they really want one. So what's the issue with gun control? Not restrictive enough for you?

We have laws against speeding but people still drive and crash. Unless we ban guns or driving (tangent: will happen soon as self-driving cars get better) no laws or rules will be 100% effective. Doesn't mean they are completely useless.

Then why do we need more laws?
Read the OP, the laws we currently have are not working very well.

So, the solution is more laws that won't work very well?
I'm willing to listen to a better solution. Hopefully it will be better than "we'll clean up the mess after it happens".

Do away with gun free zones. Make it easier for people to carry in public. These attacks almost always take place where everyone is unarmed. These clowns don't attack people who are armed.
An unprovoked assault on another HS student should have netted him psychiatric counseling that did not show up on the instant name check. The most notorious school shooting in history (Va. Tech Blacksburg) happened because a mentally disturbed student who had been ordered by the court to attend psychiatric counseling sessions (which he failed to do so) was able to purchase firearms and it did not show up on the instant name check. It seems that (mostly) democrats think that the mentally deranged should be able to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights while the rest of us shouldn't.
Boulder Shooter Bought Gun Legally and Passed Background Check
All while he was reportedly already on the FBI's radar...whatever that many other time bombs are walking around with guns that are already on the "FBI's Radar"?...and why? it incompetence or it intentional? and furious all over again....
It's a free country.

That is going to make us more vulnerable, period.

But the alternative is a damn sight worse, so just be aware and be ready to handle it.
I thought they said the FBI was aware of the shooter? So what happened?
Well, I'm aware of the FBI, that doesn't mean I can stop them from doing dirt to folks.

OTOH, when they bring that bullshit to Texas, we can shoot them in the face.
Narrative fail.
View attachment 473527
If this is all true, it appears anyone can get a gun if they really want one. So what's the issue with gun control? Not restrictive enough for you?

We have laws against speeding but people still drive and crash. Unless we ban guns or driving (tangent: will happen soon as self-driving cars get better) no laws or rules will be 100% effective. Doesn't mean they are completely useless.
Do tell us why he should have failed his background check.
not a clue
Well, if the FBI had done its job instead of fabricating evidence against Trump and spending thousands of man hours going after a couple of dozen trespassing protesters, he’d have had his name on the no buy list.
Biden bombed Syria, sent out $1400 stimulus checks, and this Syrian used his to buy a rifle and shoot up a grocery store in retaliation.
What "no buy" list?

As far as I know, there was no legal justification for preventing him from buying a firearm.
There probably isn’t anything we can do. Nothing both sides would agree to, at least.

At this point, I think we just have to accept that these things are going to happen and we’re not going to do anything to prevent them.

If we stopped ignoring the mental health crisis in this country we'd be seeing a lot less of this.
We're not ignoring it, the system is flooded with druggies, fakers, and parasites scamming the system. They know all the right things to say and they suck up all the resources and leave the folks who legitimately need the help, sucking hind tit.
Narrative fail.
View attachment 473527
If this is all true, it appears anyone can get a gun if they really want one. So what's the issue with gun control? Not restrictive enough for you?

We have laws against speeding but people still drive and crash. Unless we ban guns or driving (tangent: will happen soon as self-driving cars get better) no laws or rules will be 100% effective. Doesn't mean they are completely useless.

Then why do we need more laws?
Read the OP, the laws we currently have are not working very well.

So, the solution is more laws that won't work very well?
I'm willing to listen to a better solution. Hopefully it will be better than "we'll clean up the mess after it happens".
Narrative fail.
View attachment 473527
If this is all true, it appears anyone can get a gun if they really want one. So what's the issue with gun control? Not restrictive enough for you?

We have laws against speeding but people still drive and crash. Unless we ban guns or driving (tangent: will happen soon as self-driving cars get better) no laws or rules will be 100% effective. Doesn't mean they are completely useless.

Then why do we need more laws?
Read the OP, the laws we currently have are not working very well.

So, the solution is more laws that won't work very well?
I'm willing to listen to a better solution. Hopefully it will be better than "we'll clean up the mess after it happens".

Do away with gun free zones. Make it easier for people to carry in public. These attacks almost always take place where everyone is unarmed. These clowns don't attack people who are armed.
I think the reality is very different:
Dodge City, Kansas, formed a municipal government in 1878. According to Stephen Aron, a professor of history at UCLA, the first law passed was one prohibiting the carry of guns in town, likely by civic leaders and influential merchants who wanted people to move there, invest their time and resources, and bring their families. Cultivating a reputation of peace and stability was necessary, even in boisterous towns, if it were to become anything more transient than a one-industry boom town.​
Narrative fail.
View attachment 473527
If this is all true, it appears anyone can get a gun if they really want one. So what's the issue with gun control? Not restrictive enough for you?

We have laws against speeding but people still drive and crash. Unless we ban guns or driving (tangent: will happen soon as self-driving cars get better) no laws or rules will be 100% effective. Doesn't mean they are completely useless.

Then why do we need more laws?
Read the OP, the laws we currently have are not working very well.

So, the solution is more laws that won't work very well?
I'm willing to listen to a better solution. Hopefully it will be better than "we'll clean up the mess after it happens".

Do away with gun free zones. Make it easier for people to carry in public. These attacks almost always take place where everyone is unarmed. These clowns don't attack people who are armed.
I think the reality is very different:
Dodge City, Kansas, formed a municipal government in 1878. According to Stephen Aron, a professor of history at UCLA, the first law passed was one prohibiting the carry of guns in town, likely by civic leaders and influential merchants who wanted people to move there, invest their time and resources, and bring their families. Cultivating a reputation of peace and stability was necessary, even in boisterous towns, if it were to become anything more transient than a one-industry boom town.​

So, you believe gun free zones are working?
Narrative fail.
View attachment 473527
If this is all true, it appears anyone can get a gun if they really want one. So what's the issue with gun control? Not restrictive enough for you?

We have laws against speeding but people still drive and crash. Unless we ban guns or driving (tangent: will happen soon as self-driving cars get better) no laws or rules will be 100% effective. Doesn't mean they are completely useless.

Then why do we need more laws?
Read the OP, the laws we currently have are not working very well.

So, the solution is more laws that won't work very well?
I'm willing to listen to a better solution. Hopefully it will be better than "we'll clean up the mess after it happens".

Smoked that stupid
Narrative fail.
View attachment 473527
If this is all true, it appears anyone can get a gun if they really want one. So what's the issue with gun control? Not restrictive enough for you?

We have laws against speeding but people still drive and crash. Unless we ban guns or driving (tangent: will happen soon as self-driving cars get better) no laws or rules will be 100% effective. Doesn't mean they are completely useless.

Then why do we need more laws?
Read the OP, the laws we currently have are not working very well.

So, the solution is more laws that won't work very well?
I'm willing to listen to a better solution. Hopefully it will be better than "we'll clean up the mess after it happens".

Smoked that stupid

That was some damn good shooting; a head shot on a moving target under fire.

Damn good.
Narrative fail.
View attachment 473527
If this is all true, it appears anyone can get a gun if they really want one. So what's the issue with gun control? Not restrictive enough for you?

We have laws against speeding but people still drive and crash. Unless we ban guns or driving (tangent: will happen soon as self-driving cars get better) no laws or rules will be 100% effective. Doesn't mean they are completely useless.

Then why do we need more laws?
Read the OP, the laws we currently have are not working very well.

So, the solution is more laws that won't work very well?
I'm willing to listen to a better solution. Hopefully it will be better than "we'll clean up the mess after it happens".

Do away with gun free zones. Make it easier for people to carry in public. These attacks almost always take place where everyone is unarmed. These clowns don't attack people who are armed.
I think the reality is very different:
Dodge City, Kansas, formed a municipal government in 1878. According to Stephen Aron, a professor of history at UCLA, the first law passed was one prohibiting the carry of guns in town, likely by civic leaders and influential merchants who wanted people to move there, invest their time and resources, and bring their families. Cultivating a reputation of peace and stability was necessary, even in boisterous towns, if it were to become anything more transient than a one-industry boom town.​

So, you believe gun free zones are working?
I'm ready to listen to the numbers.

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