Bowe Bergdahl parents receive death threats

So I have read. Why THEY receive death threats is the issue. Bergdahl's status as a soldier/deserter/collaborator is not yet proven, it should not impact them in any event.
Liberals made a movie about assassinating Bush. Not that it makes this right, it's the selective outrage that's comical.

I watched that movie. They didn't make the assasination of Bush out to be a good thing. It was more an exploration of how a presidential assasination would be covered in today's 24 hour news atmosphere. That said, the movie started off interesting, but got boring as hell halfway through.
Liberals made a movie about assassinating Bush. Not that it makes this right, it's the selective outrage that's comical.

Nothing to do with the topic. Make a thread about that movie if you want and see if any liberals defend it.

Personally, I think death threats against Bergdahl's family is disgusting and should be condemned.
Liberals watch fox news more than cons do....LMAO
After all this time in office didn't anyone in the WH think that
having a celebration in the WH rose garden as maybe not a good idea
given the circumstances...

But Obama has been taking heat over the VA problems so someone
figures let's give Obama a chance to take a victory lap.

Why are those who watch FOX sub human mutants? You & Edgetho should arm wrestle.

fox "news" was leading the charge against the parents and helped stir up the subhuman swine, now death threats

Fox Host Attacks Bowe Bergdahl's Father: You 'Look Like A Member Of The Taliban' | Crooks and Liars
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Why are those who watch FOX sub human mutants? You & Edgetho should arm wrestle.

fox "news" was leading the charge against the parents and helped stir up the subhuman swine, now death threats

Fox Host Attacks Bowe Bergdahl's Father: You 'Look Like A Member Of The Taliban' | Crooks and Liars

Kilmeade to Bergdahl?s Dad: ?Don?t Have to Look Like a Taliban Member? Anymore | Mediaite

Labeling those that disagree with you "subhuman" swine is worse than Edgethro insults. More objective analysis from The Christian Science Monitor:

Bowe Bergdahl's complicated story -
The UK Guardian?

Was this before, or after, the report of giant alien cats from mars hovering over London?
If the perps are tried in a Boise court, they will go to jail for eight years.

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