Bowling Green, Kentucky man charged with assaulting Senator Rand Paul

The attacks inspired by fake news Rachel "Blinky" Maddow is a troubling trend. Never turn your back on a leftist!
The Rachel "Blinky" Maddow inspired leftist must have driven the Senator's body into a tree stump or rock. It is surprising the Senator did not have a guard dog or a Taurus Public Defender to eliminate the threat when the time came.
Leftists and violence go together like a LWNJ and Toyota Prius.
"I appreciate all of the support from everyone. A medical update: final report indicates six broken ribs & new X-ray shows a pleural effusion" - Senator Paul

what's a pleural effusion?
Oh look. Another lefty attacking a righty. Funny how it is always the lefty's committing the violence they accuse the right of doing.
It was over landscaping. The 'burbs are brutal. It had nothing to do with their politics.
Oh look. Another lefty attacking a righty. Funny how it is always the lefty's committing the violence they accuse the right of doing.
It was over landscaping. The 'burbs are brutal. It had nothing to do with their politics.

Apparently! That's a good reason for me never living in the 'burbs!
It was over landscaping. The 'burbs are brutal. It had nothing to do with their politics.

Not exactly. It was over property rights. Apparently, Rand grows pumpkins on his property and composts. He believes he has the right to do so on his property.

The attacker was effectively playing the role of HOA enforcer.
Why does media downplay a potentially lethal blindside attack on a US Senator as an “altercation,” and why is someone who committed such an assault out of jail on $7500 bail the very next morning? He must've had Bowe Bergdahl's judge.
Oh look. Another lefty attacking a righty. Funny how it is always the lefty's committing the violence they accuse the right of doing.

We don't actually know his political affiliation yet, but I suspect you will be correct.

“Kentucky State Board of Election voting records list Boucher (man who assaulted Rand Paul)as a registered Democrat”

Rand Paul Assaulted At His Kentucky Home
Wow..that was quick..the culture warriors working double time!!
Thinking Error: minimizing

Burley???? You guys got internet??

I didn't get what your post meant...but hello anyway.

Rock Creek..1 week ago:

I don't see a rock anywhere in that pic. Lots of wood!

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