Bowman gets $1000 fine and 3 months probation for pulling false fire alarm to subvert Democracy…maybe some are above the law.

thats what you get for disobeying police orders while participating in a violent mob trespass.
Try again….
“Can you give us some examples of unarmed women being shot in the neck for stepping through broken glass doors on public property?”
Quit tying to make Babbitt your martyr.
She was one leap away from YOUR beloved members of Congress.
Trying to enter a Highly Restricted Area to Kill them.
But sure, make her you Hero.
How was a 5’4” unarmed woman going to “kill” anyone?
Did the horns guy have the same intent that you claim….did anyone?
Why project ignorant bullshit?
How was a 5’4” unarmed woman going to “kill” anyone?
Did the horns guy have the same intent that you claim….did anyone?
Why project ignorant bullshit?
Then answer this.
What was her intent if she had successfully breached the window?
No, you should work on your language skills.
Literally every single video I’ve ever seen of a dark person being killed by police looks the exact same…ignorant, illiterate, defiant fool doesn’t comply and he ends up getting smoked.
Same shit over and over again.
Then answer this.
What was her intent if she had successfully breached the window?
It would be ignorant for one to assume her intent was any different than the other several hundred who broke in to tour the place with an escort from Capitol police.
It’s all on video…haven’t you seen the video?
Can you give us some examples of unarmed women being shot in the neck for stepping through broken glass doors on public property?
She was breaking the law in the middle of a vicious and violent riot, had been warned not to, and she used her free will to make a stupid, irreversible decision. The paid the price for trying to create her own prerogative law instead of following the normative one in place.
Try again….
“Can you give us some examples of unarmed women being shot in the neck for stepping through broken glass doors on public property?”
It would be ignorant for one to assume her intent was any different than the other several hundred who broke in to tour the place with an escort from Capitol police.
It’s all on video…haven’t you seen the video?
Weak ass effort on your part.
I wanted to type "nice try" but I knew that was wrong.

You choose to suggest the % of video that shows no crime.
That ^^^ will NEVER hide or dismiss the % of video of actual crimes they committed.

Example: Look at these Bank Robbers eating Pie at the neighborhood Cafe in the hours before they committed their CRIME.

Yup, you consider them considerate Pie Eaters.
Most of America Considers them Violent Criminals.
Breaking a window and screaming from behind a wall.
Good to know cops can shoot blacks like that.
She was climbing through the wall despite numerous warnings from the officers on the other side That anyone who came through would be shot. The officers have every reason to believe that the mob was armed and dangerous and after accordingly.
Are you forgetting that this dead idiot served in the US Military?
She was trained with firearms you fucking dolt.
Was she trained to use that firearm she didn’t have? How does that work?
If a person takes part in a robbery, And their accomplice shoots and kills the victim, They are still guilty of murder.

The same goes for the rioters who didn't commit violence. They took part in a violent mob even if they personally did nothing except be there. They are complicit in the crime and therefore can be charged with the same crimes.
So let me get this straight, Leviticus! You actually think that if you're a protester who does nothing violent during a protest but someone ELSE at the same protest hits someone....YOU'RE guilty of assault? Do you smoke a lot of herb?
Well, there's the fact that she busted the glass trying to get through while taking part in a mob that was great Screaming that they wanted to Kill members of congress and the vice president of the united states, And was given several warnings that she and others in her group would be shot if they attempted to bust through the door.
The officer who shot her did his job.
Gee, Leviticus...I've listened to audio from that confrontation at the door where Babbitt was shot dozens of times. I've never heard ANYONE in that crowd of protesters say a single word about killing anyone. I've also not heard a single warning given by any Capitol Police before Lt. Byrd stepped out from hiding and executed Babbitt without saying a word.

The same crowd of protesters that you claim were so bloodthirsty had just pleaded with the three police officers who were in front of those doors to get out of the way because they didn't want them to get hurt. The House Chamber was being evacuated even as Byrd decided to be the ONLY law enforcement officer that fired his weapon that day...shooting an unarmed female protester at point blank range with no warning!
Not a Democrat.

The charges of seditious conspiracy are not fake. They garnered multiple convictions by a jury of the perpetrators peers.

Bad verdict. Prosecutors never found that the defendants explicitly planned to disrupt the certification. Trump supporters acted spontaneously. Seditious conspiracy is defined as a felony when 2 or more people conspire to OPPOSE BY FORCE the authority of the U.S. government or BY FORCE to prevent or hinder or delay execution of law. The Proud Boys never stated anywhere they plotted to help Trump remain in office. Even the 'star prosecution witness' (a former Proud Boy) repeatedly told investigators that the organization never had any explicit plan to stop the election certification.
So let me get this straight, Leviticus! You actually think that if you're a protester who does nothing violent during a protest but someone ELSE at the same protest hits someone....YOU'RE guilty of assault? Do you smoke a lot of herb?
It happens all the time. People who didn't actually commit violence During a riot, Get charged with taking part in the riot for being there when it happened all the time. This is no different from that. In the eyes of the law, A person who knowingly takes part in a violent mob can be charged with the crimes of that mob.
So let me get this straight, Leviticus! You actually think that if you're a protester who does nothing violent during a protest but someone ELSE at the same protest hits someone....YOU'RE guilty of assault? Do you smoke a lot of herb?
Yeah because you probably THOUGHT about it. That's what the 4 Proud Boys were convicted of really. The prosecutors presented videos of violent behavior by Proud Boys who were only tenuously connected to the defendants.
Can you give us some examples of people that pulled fire alarms and were sent to jail for it? I have never heard of it happening unless a firefighter got hurt on the way to a fake fire.
i dont know any adult stupid enough to pull a fire alarm .. i dont hang out with democrats .. do you think you could have done what Bowman did in the same building and got away with a slap on the wrist ?

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