Bowman gets $1000 fine and 3 months probation for pulling false fire alarm to subvert Democracy…maybe some are above the law.

Insurrection? Bull$hit. Faux equivalency. Your Orange Baboon-God is still going down in the law courts over January 6th.

Meanwhile... there are probably other charges that can be thrown at the Idiot From New York, but I doubt they'll do that.
More TDS from the carrion crow. Your favor of the Swamp is duly noted, road-kill breath.
Wait…what? Who are you saying there was no insurrection about? The J6 rioters??? After years of calling them insurrectionists…now..when it’s your guy on the hook, it no longer an insurrection?
The Jan 6th riot was not an attempt to pull a fire alarm where there was no fire, period.
It doesn't matter if babbit had a gun on her or not. The group that she was willingly taking part in was violent and had attacked numerous police officers and had made threats against several members of congress and the vice president of the united states. The officers have every reason to assume that they were intending to harm or kill the members of congress tha officers were protecting. The officers gave clear warnings that anyone who attempted to break through the door would be shit and she decided to ignore those warnings and break through the glass window on the door and was shot.
It happens all the time. People who didn't actually commit violence During a riot, Get charged with taking part in the riot for being there when it happened all the time. This is no different from that. In the eyes of the law, A person who knowingly takes part in a violent mob can be charged with the crimes of that mob.
Happens all the time? Then you can show me an example of someone that was charged with a violent crime during a BLM or Antifa riot simply for being in the crowd?
Literally every single video I’ve ever seen of a dark person being killed by police looks the exact same…ignorant, illiterate, defiant fool doesn’t comply and he ends up getting smoked.
Same shit over and over again.
Maybe sourcing your videos from stormfront isn't the best idea.
"The Disrupt J20 group on Twitter said its anger was not directed only at Trump, and that it would also have demonstrated had Democrat Hillary Clinton won the election last November."

Anarchists are not protestors.
"The Disrupt J20 group on Twitter said its anger was not directed only at Trump, and that it would also have demonstrated had Democrat Hillary Clinton won the election last November."
It doesn't matter if babbit had a gun on her or not. The group that she was willingly taking part in was violent and had attacked numerous police officers and had made threats against several members of congress and the vice president of the united states. The officers have every reason to assume that they were intending to harm or kill the members of congress tha officers were protecting. The officers gave clear warnings that anyone who attempted to break through the door would be shit and she decided to ignore those warnings and break through the glass window on the door and was shot.
You keep making the claim that "clear warnings" were given to Babbit that anyone attempting to break through the door would be shot, Leviticus! Would you care to show where it was that happened? You can listen to the conversations taking place at that doorway from several different cell phone recordings of the event. On none of those can you hear a single warning given by Lt. Byrd before he fires the shot that kills Babbitt...nor is there a warning given by any other Capitol Police officer prior to that.
The fact of the matter is that Byrd waited out of sight...stepped out of hiding without saying a thing and shot Babbitt at point blank range. Why he decided that deadly force needed to be used at that point has never been established nor has he ever credibly explained why that needed to happen. Byrd has claimed that he issued a warning before pulling the trigger but numerous audio recordings as well as another Capitol Police officer who was with him in the hallway belie that claim.
Are you forgetting that this dead idiot served in the US Military?
She was trained with firearms you fucking dolt. if you're trained with firearms...but you don't HAVE a what way does that make you a threat, Winco? One of the dumber posts on this forum...just saying...
Be cautious cult fucks. You will get burned. It always happens. We have hundreds of years of history to prove it.
Man...imagine he he had lied to investors about the value of his properties to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars...the judge should make it quite clear that isn’t acceptable too...right?

And his investors sued him? I thought he lied to the banks?
And his investors sued him? I thought he lied to the banks?
His investors got paid with interest, Frank. I still don't know who the injured party is in this civil suit, which begs the question why this judge didn't toss the case on day one! He's spent considerable time trying to impose a "gag order" on a defendant that shouldn't have even been in court! Our legal system has become a joke.
"The Disrupt J20 group on Twitter said its anger was not directed only at Trump, and that it would also have demonstrated had Democrat Hillary Clinton won the election last November."

Anarchists are not protestors.
You lying cult fucks know that if it was a Pub who did the exact thing, you noodle dicks would be losing your minds and demand he do 20-life.

He interfered with DEMOCRACY. He broke federal law to block a legal HOUSE VOTE.

There is no option but to remove him from Congress. if you're trained with firearms...but you don't HAVE a what way does that make you a threat, Winco? One of the dumber posts on this forum...just saying...
Prove that she didn't have a weapon in that backpack.
It doesn't matter if babbit had a gun on her or not. The group that she was willingly taking part in was violent and had attacked numerous police officers and had made threats against several members of congress and the vice president of the united states. The officers have every reason to assume that they were intending to harm or kill the members of congress tha officers were protecting. The officers gave clear warnings that anyone who attempted to break through the door would be shit and she decided to ignore those warnings and break through the glass window on the door and was shot. if you're trained with firearms...but you don't HAVE a what way does that make you a threat, Winco? One of the dumber posts on this forum...just saying...
There are SO many law abiding gun owners on this site. This is Very True.

That said, If Babbitt and the mob were breaking into your house, with your family in the house with you, would you shoot that intruder who just broke through your family room window, with a mob of angry criminals behind the intruder?
George Floyd said negroes are to be America’s pride and joy, our number one greatest asset and ALL the ignorant sheep fell in line with the prophecy of their immortal God…George Floyd has granted Capitol killer Michael Byrd and all negroes in power a certain level of immunity.
I stopped reading at "George Floyd".


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