Bowman gets $1000 fine and 3 months probation for pulling false fire alarm to subvert Democracy…maybe some are above the law.

Yeah because you probably THOUGHT about it. That's what the 4 Proud Boys were convicted of really. The prosecutors presented videos of violent behavior by Proud Boys who were only tenuously connected to the defendants.
The proud boys planned out the attack from the start. That's why they were charged as a criminal conspiracy and not as individuals. Any person in a criminal conspiracy can be charged with any crimes committed by any other conspthat were committed in furtherance of the conspiracy.
It happens all the time. People who didn't actually commit violence During a riot, Get charged with taking part in the riot for being there when it happened all the time. This is no different from that. In the eyes of the law, A person who knowingly takes part in a violent mob can be charged with the crimes of that mob.
No it doesn't happen all the time. It only happens to those who oppose Joe Biden. Enrique Tarrio wasn't even there and was convicted. Total miscarriage of justice and malicious prosecution.
The proud boys planned out the attack from the start. That's why they were charged as a criminal conspiracy and not as individuals. Any person in a criminal conspiracy can be charged with any crimes committed by any other conspthat were committed in furtherance of the conspiracy.
No explicit plans were ever found and Tarrio wasn't even there on Jan 6th.
The proud boys planned out the attack from the start. That's why they were charged as a criminal conspiracy and not as individuals. Any person in a criminal conspiracy can be charged with any crimes committed by any other conspthat were committed inFirst, the prosecutors in this case, who relied heavily on questionable inferences, never showed that the defendants explicitly planned to disrupt congressional certification of Biden's victory. furtherance of the conspiracy.
First, the prosecutors in this case, who relied heavily on questionable inferences, never showed that the defendants explicitly planned to disrupt congressional certification of Biden's victory.
No explicit plans were ever found and Tarrio wasn't even there on Jan 6th.
The f b I have numerous messages online between members of the proud boys discussing plans to commit violence, Including specific instructions to target police officers who would be the most threat.
The f b I have numerous messages online between members of the proud boys discussing plans to commit violence, Including specific instructions to target police officers who would be the most threat.
Yeah, and the 'f b i' had 'evidence' that Trump was a Russian asset too. LOL Yet, prosecutors never found explicit plans to overthrow the government on Jan 6th. Indeed video evidence shows they couldn't have accomplished this on that day. Talk is talk, messages are just messages. Normally you can't convict someone on what they SAY they were going to do anyway. There is 0 evidence of any kind of real planning to overthrow the U.S. Government. You believe silly stories and that trial was not fair.
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Gee, Leviticus...I've listened to audio from that confrontation at the door where Babbitt was shot dozens of times. I've never heard ANYONE in that crowd of protesters say a single word about killing anyone. I've also not heard a single warning given by any Capitol Police before Lt. Byrd stepped out from hiding and executed Babbitt without saying a word.
I hope they sent her family a bill for the bullet.
The same crowd of protesters that you claim were so bloodthirsty had just pleaded with the three police officers who were in front of those doors to get out of the way because they didn't want them to get hurt. The House Chamber was being evacuated even as Byrd decided to be the ONLY law enforcement officer that fired his weapon that day...shooting an unarmed female protester at point blank range with no warning!
“Hang Mike Pence”... I’m guessing you didn’t hear that.
Yeah, and the 'f b i' had 'evidence' that Trump was a Russian asset too. LOL Yet, prosecutors never found explicit plans to overthrow the government on Jan 6th. Indeed video evidence shows they couldn't have accomplished this on that day. Talk is talk, messages are just messages. Normally you can't convict someone on what they SAY they were going to do anyway. There is 0 evidence of any kind of real planning to overthrow the U.S. Government. You believe silly stories and that trial was not fair.
I don't recall the f b I ever claiming they had evidence that This trump was a russian asset at least concrete evidence.

There was plenty of evidence that people around trump were trying to work with russia. Such as donald trump junior trying to get the russian embassy to give his campaign access to their secure line to moscow.
I don't recall the f b I ever claiming they had evidence that This trump was a russian asset at least concrete evidence.

There was plenty of evidence that people around trump were trying to work with russia. Such as donald trump junior trying to get the russian embassy to give his campaign access to their secure line to moscow.
Hillary paid for a fake Russian dossier on Trump. The f b i lied to a Fisa court and said the dossier was verified. The f b i used that to wire tap Trump and everyone in the 'lame stream media' started yelling RUSSIA! With regard to Trump. Now we find out the whole thing was a hoax perpetrated by Hillary and the Democrats to try to smash Trump.
Meanwhile a Jan 6 babe gets 4 years for talking on a bullhorn.
in reality that "babe" did the following.

Powell later used an ice axe and a battering ram to break through a different window and breach the Capitol at a different location, encouraging other rioters to enter the Capitol. After the riot, instead of remorse, Powell continued to call for political violence.

Seems light based on what he did.

Knowingly pulled a false fire alarm in a federal building to delay a House vote.

Seems like an insurrection….attempting to block a vote?
Insurrection? Bull$hit. Faux equivalency. Your Orange Baboon-God is still going down in the law courts over January 6th.

Meanwhile... there are probably other charges that can be thrown at the Idiot From New York, but I doubt they'll do that.

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