Bowman gets $1000 fine and 3 months probation for pulling false fire alarm to subvert Democracy…maybe some are above the law.

Ah, but the attempt was made. And was solidly kicked in the butt.
Yep, a few hundred old fat out of shape core American patriots in Carhartt gear and armed with crutches, flags and a fire extinguisher showed up at THEIR Capitol Building to "take over the government"....hahaha
Those Apache choppers would be no match for some old fat dudes wielding flags and crutches would they?
The crazy thing is; you wack-jobs don't even realize how fucking stupid you sound when you say this retarded bullshit, you embarrass the living fuck out of yourself and you don’t even know it….and you wonder why NOBODY decent, sane and legitimate takes you LefTarded fools seriously.
Bad verdict. Prosecutors never found that the defendants explicitly planned to disrupt the certification. Trump supporters acted spontaneously. Seditious conspiracy is defined as a felony when 2 or more people conspire to OPPOSE BY FORCE the authority of the U.S. government or BY FORCE to prevent or hinder or delay execution of law. The Proud Boys never stated anywhere they plotted to help Trump remain in office. Even the 'star prosecution witness' (a former Proud Boy) repeatedly told investigators that the organization never had any explicit plan to stop the election certification.
Yes. I'm sure a person can always find someone somewhere with an opinion they want to believe, and subsequently cling to that opinion regardless of any other assessments.

This may help you.

"Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out and prefer information that supports our preexisting beliefs. As a result, we tend to ignore any information that contradicts those beliefs."

No offense but I will take the opinion of the courts and a jury over random people with opinions.
His investors got paid with interest, Frank. I still don't know who the injured party is in this civil suit, which begs the question why this judge didn't toss the case on day one! He's spent considerable time trying to impose a "gag order" on a defendant that shouldn't have even been in court! Our legal system has become a joke.
The democrat Party claims their feelz wuz hurt by the Bad Orange Man

Pinochet '24
Yep, a few hundred old fat out of shape core American patriots in Carhartt gear and armed with crutches, flags and a fire extinguisher showed up at THEIR Capitol Building to "take over the government"....hahaha
Those Apache choppers would be no match for some old fat dudes wielding flags and crutches would they?
The crazy thing is; you wack-jobs don't even realize how fucking stupid you sound when you say this retarded bullshit, you embarrass the living fuck out of yourself and you don’t even know it….and you wonder why NOBODY decent, sane and legitimate takes you LefTarded fools seriously.
You can explain it to the saps who are in prison because of their President's unmitigated foolishness.
Yes. I'm sure a person can always find someone somewhere with an opinion they want to believe, and subsequently cling to that opinion regardless of any other assessments.

This may help you.

"Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out and prefer information that supports our preexisting beliefs. As a result, we tend to ignore any information that contradicts those beliefs."

No offense but I will take the opinion of the courts and a jury over random people with opinions.
You just perfectly explained Fani’s whole case and your own TDS.
This will be on MAGA's tombstone. "Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out and prefer information that supports our preexisting beliefs. As a result, we tend to ignore any information that contradicts those beliefs."


Thomas Sowell's words well describe the MAGAt and -ettes.

“Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence.”

The facts are simple. A bunch of goofy yahoos rioted at the Capitol and paid the moral, ethical, and legal dues for being so stupid.

Seems light based on what he did.

Knowingly pulled a false fire alarm in a federal building to delay a House vote.

Seems like an insurrection….attempting to block a vote?

The man's net worth is shown as an estimated $1 million on one site and by Forbes $5 million as of 10-1-2023. $1,000 is pocket change to him and the probation requirements will almost certainly impose few, if any, restrictions on his lifestyle.

You can bet if he had been a Republican he likely would be serving serious jail time now. Until we can vote this weaponized administration out of office, the two tiered justice system will continue unchallenged.
The man's net worth is shown as an estimated $1 million on one site and by Forbes $5 million as of 10-1-2023. $1,000 is pocket change to him and the probation requirements will almost certainly impose few, if any, restrictions on his lifestyle.

You can bet if he had been a Republican he likely would be serving serious jail time now. Until we can vote this weaponized administration out of office, the two tiered justice system will continue unchallenged.
Well, we now know Pubs can pull the same shit and should get the same consequences.

Thats good to know.

Pubs can block a vote for $1k and 3 months probation.
You'd be in jail.
At the very least, he should have been fined $10,000 and given a three month unpaid sabbatical, with no access to the congress buildings.

I understand that MTG is pursuing some serious censure.

He should be removed from the House

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