Bowman gets $1000 fine and 3 months probation for pulling false fire alarm to subvert Democracy…maybe some are above the law.

When did I make that claim?

"The strategy may have played well in front of television cameras and on talk radio to Trump’s supporters. But it has proved a disaster in court, where judges uniformly rejected their claims of vote fraud and found the campaign’s legal work amateurish."

"In a scathing ruling late Saturday, U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann — a Republican and Federalist Society member in central Pennsylvania — compared the campaign’s legal arguments to “Frankenstein’s Monster,” concluding that Trump’s team offered only “speculative accusations,” not proof of rampant corruption."

Who was convicted for what they thought they were thinking?
Like I keep saying, you have no evidence. Neither does Fani.
Ahhh. Cool. Please link me all the evidence the jury has so I can check it out.
I asked you to provide evidence of even one crime Trump has committed. We could discuss that but you evade and obfuscate. Just admit you have 0 real evidence of any crime Trump committed.
Ah, but the attempt was made. And was solidly kicked in the butt.

They weren't trying to overthrow the government, they wanted to delay the certification until a real investigation could be done. Granted, they took their protest too far., but you don't overthrow the government without many more people and many more guns. Silly stuff propagated by the left-wing media and the lemmings bought it.
More equivocation to try and minimize Benedict Donald's plot to overturn the election of 2020.
Who’s trying to minimize anything? Certainly not me. What I am doing is pointing out the two sides approach to “justice” here. And yes, the situations are similar, you lefty’s are just trying to duck out and hem and haw when your guy gets caught committing “insurrection”.
The non-Trump America approaches the law in a normative way to justice and the law.

It is what it is.

MAGA want a prerogative change in justice and law to accord with their world view, like the fascists and Nazis did.

That will never happen.
J6 was not silly stuff. It was an attempt to interfere with the lawful proceedings of government. Threats of death and lynching were made by the crowd. They were fortunate they were not machine gunned.
How does that differ from what Bowman did? You can't get a more blatant example of interfering with the proceedings of government than deliberately pulling a fire alarm to stop a vote to fund the government!
Who did Bowman threaten to lynch or kill"

So it is totally different to interfere with the lawful proceedings(as Bowman did) of government as long as you don’t threaten to lynch or kill anyone? Do you think everyone that walked into the Capitol building on 1/6 were threatening to kill and lynch? Most of the ones I saw walking around the Capital didn’t look like they were on the war path to kill or lynch anyone. Trespassing and interfering for sure, but It isn’t like they were armed and shooting to kill. Maybe the plan was to overthrow the most powerful country in the world with their flag poles and Trump pins. Those can be pretty sharp you know.
So it is totally different to interfere with the lawful proceedings(as Bowman did) of government as long as you don’t threaten to lynch or kill anyone? Do you think everyone that walked into the Capitol building on 1/6 were threatening to kill and lynch? Most of the ones I saw walking around the Capital didn’t look like they were on the war path to kill or lynch anyone. Trespassing and interfering for sure, but It isn’t like they were armed and shooting to kill. Maybe the plan was to overthrow the most powerful country in the world with their flag poles and Trump pins. Those can be pretty sharp you know.
Why would you think that, DBA? It was not lawful for him to do so, and he paid the price for it.

You seem confused.
So it is totally different to interfere with the lawful proceedings(as Bowman did) of government as long as you don’t threaten to lynch or kill anyone? Do you think everyone that walked into the Capitol building on 1/6 were threatening to kill and lynch? Most of the ones I saw walking around the Capital didn’t look like they were on the war path to kill or lynch anyone. Trespassing and interfering for sure, but It isn’t like they were armed and shooting to kill. Maybe the plan was to overthrow the most powerful country in the world with their flag poles and Trump pins. Those can be pretty sharp you know.
Most stayed inside the velvet ropes.

Seems light based on what he did.

Knowingly pulled a false fire alarm in a federal building to delay a House vote.

Seems like an insurrection….attempting to block a vote?
If a Republican did that the punishment would have been a lot more severe.

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