Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

Your democrat brand of progress was soundly rejected in front of the entire world...
these were the Obama victory margins .........any questions..............

D -- 69,498,516
R -- 59,948,323...................Victory margin nearly 10 million votes

D -- 65,915,795...................Victory Margin 5 million votes
R -- 60,933,504


2016 (so far):
D -- 59,923,020
R -- 59,692,974......................Victory Margin Negative 225 K votes
Your democrat brand of progress was soundly rejected in front of the entire world...
these were the Obama victory margins .........any questions..............

D -- 69,498,516
R -- 59,948,323...................Victory margin nearly 10 million votes

D -- 65,915,795...................Victory Margin 5 million votes
R -- 60,933,504


2016 (so far):
D -- 59,923,020
R -- 59,692,974......................Victory Margin Negative 225 K votes
America just voted to repeal most of 80 years of progress, and they didn't even know that was on the ballot.

States that went blue with 18-25 year old voters
That is the kind of absurd LWNJ rhetoric we have come to expect from the Left. The Donald is a prog, but progs are too stupid to understand.
2016 (so far):
D -- 59,923,02
R -- 59,692,974

spin about Republicans "taking their country back" and having a "mandate" is nonsense -- as evidenced by the fact that they're not even going to win the popular vote. In a Democracy, mandates come from the people, not an electoral college.

Look at the electoral map not only by state but by's very, VERY Red"....the reason the electoral college was put in place was to make sure that each state was represented fairly per their population. If a candidate wins a state by one vote or a million votes, the assigned vote number per the electoral college is what that state will represent when the roll is called...and btw, there is nothing from preventing the electors from casting their vote against the wishes of the public.

"Republicans/neocons" did little to nothing to help Trump and the RNC didn't spend a dime on ads for his campaign until the very end that showed that he was surging in the polls and thought that it would benefit their side....fuck the RNC AND the DNC......both corrupt entities owned by the same people. The fact that Trump and his people did the lion's share of the work on their own is a feather in their cap.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

You have proven an inability to why would you think you could predict anything? Let this election be a lesson that possible? You LWNJ are dinosaurs that need to go extinct.

We can only hope this election signals the end of liberalism in America. Sadly, liberalism is like a dread never goes away until it kills it's host.

This will be another example to America of what happens when we let conservatives have their way. We saw it with Bush 43....Slash taxes, deregulation, nation building
Now we are getting Bush on steroids

You better hope Trump delivers because America will take it out on you
I don't expect Trump to deliver much. He is a progressive on most issues, so you needn't worry about anything.

The Rs are scumbags just like the Ds. I expect little good will be accomplished.

Government never works...which is why we need to abolish it.
The fact that Trump and his people did the lion's share of the work on their own is a feather in their cap.
specially his people within the FBI

Comey is anti-Clinton? Do you want to go with that one? Because I can show you just how wrong you are on that one. What about the Wikileaks data dump or Project Veritas showing that DNC operatives (working in conjunction with Hitlery's campaign and the MSM) that was paying people to cause incidences at Trump rallies? That kind of shit is right out of the communist handbook...are you on board with those kinds of underhanded and dirty tactics? Are you one of those POS that believes that the "end justifies the means" and do whatever it takes to get the job done? Because if so, you are one sickening piece of shit. I guess I have higher moral standards than you do......
The election was more than just Hillary blowing an election to Trump

Republicans beat down Democrats across the board. The Senate was a no brainer for Democrats. Republicans had to defend 26 seats and Dems had to only pick off five......they got two
The elite media missed everything, people are fucking sick of the federal government… Fact
I agree 100% with you! Trump must perform as far as I'm concerned. He has the wind to his back and there are NO excuses!
He's already done what he needed to do...keep Hillary out of the WH. That was my only concern, we've just avoided another world war.
Really? I think we may have just got into one.

The conflict between Russia and the US was just rejected by the voters.

It's not like the muslim terrorists were being nice to us because they thought HIllary was going to win.
I think comeys November surprise hurt hillary. Rigged! Lol

Hitlery shouldn't have even been allowed to run as POTUS....if the Wikileaks didn't do enough to raise eyebrows than there is nothing that a Clinton lackey like Comey could do to hurt her. Hardcore believers regardless of political party live in this echo chamber that shuts off any negative news. I know that before I was awake that I did the same thing about G.W Bush and the unbelievable crimes being committed during the raping, pillaging and plundering of Iraq as well as the war crimes....that stench still follows me to this day and the shame I feel remains.....
It was the independents and undecideds who decided this one.
The election was more than just Hillary blowing an election to Trump

Republicans beat down Democrats across the board. The Senate was a no brainer for Democrats. Republicans had to defend 26 seats and Dems had to only pick off five......they got two
The elite media missed everything, people are fucking sick of the federal government… Fact
Yes the old elite media missed it all, but will there be consequences? I hope so but do not expect it.

IMHO this is telling...
“In a corrupt country, trust is a rare commodity. That’s America today. Only 19 percent of Americans say they trust the government most of the time, down from 73 percent in 1958 according to the Pew Research Center.”

No doubt trust in the elite media is about the same.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

The rebellious people of Middle America broke free of 30 years Learned Helplessness Conditioning. There is a long war ahead though. The NWO will not give up its power and position as long as it draws breath. The calls to Forgive All and join in Purple Unity must be RUDELY rejected. These s.o.b.'s bragged about how we 'deplorables' were to be first dispossessed and then liquidated as a people/class. They now must be reduced to such a state that they can never again threaten Middle America. The unwanted/unneeded/useless/criminal/jihadi foreigners among them must be expelled from America never to return. The Traitor criminals such as the Clintons must be jailed for their crimes and the entire Crime Family stripped of its wealth. The socalled clinton foundation can be turned over to the US Treasury to apply to barry's debt. Chelsea needs to be turned out to find work she is suited for such as waiting tables at minimum wage. Barry needs to be quietly warned that IF he and the wife don't retire to quiet solitude the AG can still look into their high crimes.
Comey is anti-Clinton?

Please note I said "his [Trump] people within the FBI not mentioning Comey at all...

The FBI is "Trumpland": FBI Collusion with the Trump Campaign

Comey makes the call....does he not? What spurred the re-opening of the case wasn't caused because of forwarded e-mails of Hitlery from Huma Abedin to Anthony Wiener but the fact that those e-mails contain incriminating evidence showing that the Clintons were armpit deep in a child trafficking pedophile ring.

Dr.Steve Pieczenik worked in intelligence for four different presidents and has maintained contact with his network of might want to pay this heed......

Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

The rebellious people of Middle America broke free of 30 years Learned Helplessness Conditioning. There is a long war ahead though. The NWO will not give up its power and position as long as it draws breath. The calls to Forgive All and join in Purple Unity must be RUDELY rejected. These s.o.b.'s bragged about how we 'deplorables' were to be first dispossessed and then liquidated as a people/class. They now must be reduced to such a state that they can never again threaten Middle America. The unwanted/unneeded/useless/criminal/jihadi foreigners among them must be expelled from America never to return. The Traitor criminals such as the Clintons must be jailed for their crimes and the entire Crime Family stripped of its wealth. The socalled clinton foundation can be turned over to the US Treasury to apply to barry's debt. Chelsea needs to be turned out to find work she is suited for such as waiting tables at minimum wage. Barry needs to be quietly warned that IF he and the wife don't retire to quiet solitude the AG can still look into their high crimes.

Why do I always get the tin foil brigade responding to my posts?

You have been on this board for a year and a half and have managed to make three posts. What game are you playing?
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

The rebellious people of Middle America broke free of 30 years Learned Helplessness Conditioning. There is a long war ahead though. The NWO will not give up its power and position as long as it draws breath. The calls to Forgive All and join in Purple Unity must be RUDELY rejected. These s.o.b.'s bragged about how we 'deplorables' were to be first dispossessed and then liquidated as a people/class. They now must be reduced to such a state that they can never again threaten Middle America. The unwanted/unneeded/useless/criminal/jihadi foreigners among them must be expelled from America never to return. The Traitor criminals such as the Clintons must be jailed for their crimes and the entire Crime Family stripped of its wealth. The socalled clinton foundation can be turned over to the US Treasury to apply to barry's debt. Chelsea needs to be turned out to find work she is suited for such as waiting tables at minimum wage. Barry needs to be quietly warned that IF he and the wife don't retire to quiet solitude the AG can still look into their high crimes.

You nailed that one.....nicely done.
What spurred the re-opening of the case wasn't caused because of forwarded e-mails of Hitlery from Huma Abedin to Anthony Wiener but the fact that those e-mails contain incriminating evidence showing that the Clintons were armpit deep in a child trafficking pedophile ring.

Dude, you really should seek some counseling.
He's already done what he needed to do...keep Hillary out of the WH. That was my only concern, we've just avoided another world war.
Really? I think we may have just got into one.

The conflict between Russia and the US was just rejected by the voters.

It's not like the muslim terrorists were being nice to us because they thought HIllary was going to win.
I think comeys November surprise hurt hillary. Rigged! Lol

Hitlery shouldn't have even been allowed to run as POTUS....if the Wikileaks didn't do enough to raise eyebrows than there is nothing that a Clinton lackey like Comey could do to hurt her. Hardcore believers regardless of political party live in this echo chamber that shuts off any negative news. I know that before I was awake that I did the same thing about G.W Bush and the unbelievable crimes being committed during the raping, pillaging and plundering of Iraq as well as the war crimes....that stench still follows me to this day and the shame I feel remains.....
It was the independents and undecideds who decided this one.

I agree.....I just hope that their faith is justified......I will know before long by vetting his appointees and cabinet. You can bank on it if I find that he has appointed a bunch of the very same globalists that he told us he was against...I'm on this like white on rice.
BTW, I intend to keep their feet to the fire with the same intensity that I did before when the left was running things.......this is what I do.....

I agree 100% with you! Trump must perform as far as I'm concerned. He has the wind to his back and there are NO excuses!
He's already done what he needed to do...keep Hillary out of the WH. That was my only concern, we've just avoided another world war.
Really? I think we may have just got into one.

The conflict between Russia and the US was just rejected by the voters.

It's not like the muslim terrorists were being nice to us because they thought HIllary was going to win.
I think comeys November surprise hurt hillary. Rigged! Lol

Imo, the only one comey hurt was the FBI.

They have been revealed to be politicized.
"If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize -- very publicly and very sincerely -- to all the widows and the orphans, the impoverished and the tortured, and all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. I would then announce that America's global interventions -- including the awful bombings -- have come to an end. And I would inform Israel that it is no longer the 51st state of the union but – oddly enough – a foreign country. I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage from the many American bombings and invasions. There would be more than enough money. Do you know what one year of the US military budget is equal to? One year. It's equal to more than $20,000 per hour for every hour since Jesus Christ was born. That's what I'd do on my first three days in the White House. On the fourth day, I'd be assassinated."
America just voted to repeal most of 80 years of progress, and they didn't even know that was on the ballot.

States that went blue with 18-25 year old voters
That is the kind of absurd LWNJ rhetoric we have come to expect from the Left. The Donald is a prog, but progs are too stupid to understand.
2016 (so far):
D -- 59,923,02
R -- 59,692,974

spin about Republicans "taking their country back" and having a "mandate" is nonsense -- as evidenced by the fact that they're not even going to win the popular vote. In a Democracy, mandates come from the people, not an electoral college.

So, how many times will it take before your mind can grasp the concept of a representative democratic republic as opposed to pure and thus evil, democracy?

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