Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

What spurred the re-opening of the case wasn't caused because of forwarded e-mails of Hitlery from Huma Abedin to Anthony Wiener but the fact that those e-mails contain incriminating evidence showing that the Clintons were armpit deep in a child trafficking pedophile ring.

Dude, you really should seek some counseling.

Fuck you, ass-wipe...I know more about this topic than I wish I did...... but if we don't stand for the most innocent of us then I am just as guilty for keeping silent.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

The rebellious people of Middle America broke free of 30 years Learned Helplessness Conditioning. There is a long war ahead though. The NWO will not give up its power and position as long as it draws breath. The calls to Forgive All and join in Purple Unity must be RUDELY rejected. These s.o.b.'s bragged about how we 'deplorables' were to be first dispossessed and then liquidated as a people/class. They now must be reduced to such a state that they can never again threaten Middle America. The unwanted/unneeded/useless/criminal/jihadi foreigners among them must be expelled from America never to return. The Traitor criminals such as the Clintons must be jailed for their crimes and the entire Crime Family stripped of its wealth. The socalled clinton foundation can be turned over to the US Treasury to apply to barry's debt. Chelsea needs to be turned out to find work she is suited for such as waiting tables at minimum wage. Barry needs to be quietly warned that IF he and the wife don't retire to quiet solitude the AG can still look into their high crimes.

Why do I always get the tin foil brigade responding to my posts?

You have been on this board for a year and a half and have managed to make three posts. What game are you playing?
It is pretty clear why Trump won. The people did not vote FOR him. They voted against the corrupt lying establishment (Hillary). Below explains it for you....

They may well have been voting against the corrupt, self-serving status quo rather than voting for the individual Donald Trump. There are very few opportunities for powerless non-elites to register their disapproval of the nation’s Ruling Elite and the corrupt status quo. Voting for an outsider in a national election is one such rare opportunity. - Charles Huge Smith

When did the D party become the party of the power elite establishment and why would you support it?
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

You have proven an inability to why would you think you could predict anything? Let this election be a lesson that possible? You LWNJ are dinosaurs that need to go extinct.

We can only hope this election signals the end of liberalism in America. Sadly, liberalism is like a dread never goes away until it kills it's host.

This will be another example to America of what happens when we let conservatives have their way. We saw it with Bush 43....Slash taxes, deregulation, nation building
Now we are getting Bush on steroids

You better hope Trump delivers because America will take it out on you

And the vicious internal fight of the GOP primaries was based on what then? Conflict of personalities?

YOur liberals have a superpower.

And it is to maintain an infinite number of conflicting "facts" in your head at the same time.

You gloat about how the GOP is tearing itself apart,

and then days later, assume that nothing has changed, even after seeing the change guy win and win big.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


Trust me, voter suppression of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin helped Trump steal this election.
So, how many times will it take before your mind can grasp the concept of a representative democratic republic as opposed to pure and thus evil, democracy?
how many concussions have you endured dude ?

Few enough that I can see that you couldn't even grasp my question, let alone answer it.

Do you even understand that what you actually want is mob rule?
What spurred the re-opening of the case wasn't caused because of forwarded e-mails of Hitlery from Huma Abedin to Anthony Wiener but the fact that those e-mails contain incriminating evidence showing that the Clintons were armpit deep in a child trafficking pedophile ring.

Dude, you really should seek some counseling.

Fuck you, ass-wipe...I know more about this topic than I wish I did...... but if we don't stand for the most innocent of us then I am just as guilty for keeping silent.

He's already done what he needed to do...keep Hillary out of the WH. That was my only concern, we've just avoided another world war.
Really? I think we may have just got into one.

The conflict between Russia and the US was just rejected by the voters.

It's not like the muslim terrorists were being nice to us because they thought HIllary was going to win.
I think comeys November surprise hurt hillary. Rigged! Lol

Hitlery shouldn't have even been allowed to run as POTUS....if the Wikileaks didn't do enough to raise eyebrows than there is nothing that a Clinton lackey like Comey could do to hurt her. Hardcore believers regardless of political party live in this echo chamber that shuts off any negative news. I know that before I was awake that I did the same thing about G.W Bush and the unbelievable crimes being committed during the raping, pillaging and plundering of Iraq as well as the war crimes....that stench still follows me to this day and the shame I feel remains.....
It was the independents and undecideds who decided this one.

Who found Trumps' message on Trade and Immigration attractive.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


Trust me, voter suppression of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin helped Trump steal this election.

CITE? posting an unproven allegation makes you look like an idiot. provide proof or STFU
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


Who is this guy ^^^
It is pretty clear why Trump won. The people did not vote FOR him.
You are correct it was the Electoral College that won it

the people voted like this
D -- 59,923,020
R -- 59,692,974

My question to you is this.......where were those Hitlery supporters when she was making her infrequent campaign appearances? They seemed to show up disguised as empty chairs and floor space......
BEWARE of kiss ass Democrats. November 8th was the Democrats worst nightmare, the GOP now control the House, Senate, and White House and thanks to Harry Reid changing the rules in the senate it only takes a simple majority in the Senate to pass a shit ton of legislation and fill cabinet positions. Democrats are shitting themselves and trying to kiss Trump's ass hoping he may pity them and include them. Obama didn't, he told the GOP to fuck off when Dem's had complete control. So beware these kiss ass Dem's.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

You have proven an inability to why would you think you could predict anything? Let this election be a lesson that possible? You LWNJ are dinosaurs that need to go extinct.

We can only hope this election signals the end of liberalism in America. Sadly, liberalism is like a dread never goes away until it kills it's host.

This will be another example to America of what happens when we let conservatives have their way. We saw it with Bush 43....Slash taxes, deregulation, nation building
Now we are getting Bush on steroids

You better hope Trump delivers because America will take it out on you

And the vicious internal fight of the GOP primaries was based on what then? Conflict of personalities?

YOur liberals have a superpower.

And it is to maintain an infinite number of conflicting "facts" in your head at the same time.

You gloat about how the GOP is tearing itself apart,

and then days later, assume that nothing has changed, even after seeing the change guy win and win big.

It will be interesting to see how Trump governs without the support of Democrats or his own party

Sure, Republicans will support him when they get things off their Christmas list, but what happens when Trump goes off the plantation like he said he would?
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

You have proven an inability to why would you think you could predict anything? Let this election be a lesson that possible? You LWNJ are dinosaurs that need to go extinct.

We can only hope this election signals the end of liberalism in America. Sadly, liberalism is like a dread never goes away until it kills it's host.

This will be another example to America of what happens when we let conservatives have their way. We saw it with Bush 43....Slash taxes, deregulation, nation building
Now we are getting Bush on steroids

You better hope Trump delivers because America will take it out on you

And the vicious internal fight of the GOP primaries was based on what then? Conflict of personalities?

YOur liberals have a superpower.

And it is to maintain an infinite number of conflicting "facts" in your head at the same time.

You gloat about how the GOP is tearing itself apart,

and then days later, assume that nothing has changed, even after seeing the change guy win and win big.

It will be interesting to see how Trump governs without the support of Democrats or his own party

Sure, Republicans will support him when they get things off their Christmas list, but what happens when Trump goes off the plantation like he said he would?
It will be interesting. If he picks a bunch of establishment types for his cabinet, as Big Ears did, we will know the fix is in.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

You have proven an inability to why would you think you could predict anything? Let this election be a lesson that possible? You LWNJ are dinosaurs that need to go extinct.

We can only hope this election signals the end of liberalism in America. Sadly, liberalism is like a dread never goes away until it kills it's host.

This will be another example to America of what happens when we let conservatives have their way. We saw it with Bush 43....Slash taxes, deregulation, nation building
Now we are getting Bush on steroids

You better hope Trump delivers because America will take it out on you

And the vicious internal fight of the GOP primaries was based on what then? Conflict of personalities?

YOur liberals have a superpower.

And it is to maintain an infinite number of conflicting "facts" in your head at the same time.

You gloat about how the GOP is tearing itself apart,

and then days later, assume that nothing has changed, even after seeing the change guy win and win big.

It will be interesting to see how Trump governs without the support of Democrats or his own party

Sure, Republicans will support him when they get things off their Christmas list, but what happens when Trump goes off the plantation like he said he would?
It will be interesting. If he picks a bunch of establishment types for his cabinet, as Big Ears did, we will know the fix is in.

BINGO!!!! And I will be vetting each and every can bet your ass on that one. I will not play the partisan bullshit game....been there and done that. I owe you all here more than that.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best


Trust me, voter suppression of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin helped Trump steal this election.

I would like to find out about the involvement of Russia in interfering with our elections

This could have far reaching impacts
It is pretty clear why Trump won. The people did not vote FOR him.
You are correct it was the Electoral College that won it

the people voted like this
D -- 59,923,020
R -- 59,692,974
Figure the Reality that about 5 million of those HRC votes were no more real people than most of her twitter followers, illegal aliens and other non-citizens, plus Trump votes switched by corrupted voting machines.

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