Boy........Did we ever get Schlonged

Thanks to the whack jobs in the former Confederate States of America we have a President of White Folk Nation

The U.S. constitution gives rural areas disproportionate power in the political system. The framers of the Constitution didn’t want to give any state too much power. Because rural voters and rural states tend to be whiter than the general population, this has the effect of giving white non-Hispanic voters more power over the outcome of the election than black, Hispanic or Asian voters.

Some States like North and South Dakota have less populations than two or three cities within just the County I live in...yet they swing hefty weight in the electoral college

True, but if there was not an electoral college those states might as well not even vote, because the numbers would be so insignificant. Us in the rual states cannot have Californians and New Yorkers telling us what to do in our own state, they don't know what's best for this state.
I tried to explain that to my dad. But it still does seem shady. If 51% of Americans want one person to win, that person should win.

I think it also must suck for the smaller states who only get 3 electoral votes. California is worth more than they are worth. I'm sure they'd rather it be one person one vote.

Or figure out how many electoral votes VT is worth and how many CA is worth and have it be based on the population. I'm sure they do that but if they did it right the winner of the popular vote would always be the winner. It must be now that some states have more electoral votes than they should and some smaller states have less and should be worth more.
Still the fact is Donald Trump won more votes in more states, it's obvious Hillary Clinton did not relate to the greater America. You cannot have an East and West Coast only candidate and still relate Relate to the whole country, that is the whole reason for the EC is this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. Mob rule is the popular vote only just a fact.
Still the fact is Donald Trump won more votes in more states, it's obvious Hillary Clinton did not relate to the greater America. You cannot have an East and West Coast only candidate and still relate Relate to the whole country, that is the whole reason for the EC is this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. Mob rule is the popular vote only just a fact.

Here are some facts

South Dakota.............3 electoral votes for their choice Trump

North Dakota............3 electoral votes for their choice Trump

Wyoming.................3 electoral votes for their choice Trump

Add all those up and you come up with a total population of 2,176,810 those folks were represented with a total of 9 electoral votes and they voted roughly 62-64 percent for Trump

Here is the Population of Miami-Dade County 2,712,952...That is more than half a Million more in population...

that population voted for Clinton at about the same rate those 3 states voted for Trump..Hillary received in fact 64.33 percent of the votes cast in Miami Dade .....Those folks were represented with a total of Zero (0) Electoral votes ...
Still the fact is Donald Trump won more votes in more states, it's obvious Hillary Clinton did not relate to the greater America. You cannot have an East and West Coast only candidate and still relate Relate to the whole country, that is the whole reason for the EC is this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. Mob rule is the popular vote only just a fact.

Here are some facts

South Dakota.............3 electoral votes for their choice Trump

North Dakota............3 electoral votes for their choice Trump

Wyoming.................3 electoral votes for their choice Trump

Add all those up and you come up with a total population of 2,176,810 those folks were represented with a total of 9 electoral votes and they voted roughly 62-64 percent for Trump

Here is the Population of Miami-Dade County 2,712,952...That is more than half a Million more in population...

that population voted for Clinton at about the same rate those 3 states voted for Trump..Hillary received in fact 64.33 percent of the votes cast in Miami Dade .....Those folks were represented with a total of Zero (0) Electoral votes ...
You're missing the point with a pure popular vote the east and west coast basically would elect every single President.
With candidates like Barry and the Hildabeast they don't represent anybody in flyover country so to speak.
The fact remains you're denying, you're in denial, trump won more vote in more states... The EC worked how it should no two ways about it
The fact remains you're denying and you're in denial, trump won more vote in more states... The EC worked how it should no two ways about it

It worked out that the white men in those States got 9 electoral votes but the larger and more diverse population of Miami Dade Florida did not get any electoral votes.... I am not in denial of anything because I have not said at any moment "Hillary Clinton got more votes in more States" ...what I am saying is that he is a white folk's POTUS ...the system gives more political weight to the votes of whites
. Us in the rual states cannot have Californians and New Yorkers telling us what to do in our own state, they don't know what's best for this state.
The converse is why do the folks in Miami Dade County be held so insignificant that a smaller white pop gets 9 EV s and MDC gets urban folks can't have western white rural dudes telling us what to do ...they do not know what is best for us
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. Us in the rual states cannot have Californians and New Yorkers telling us what to do in our own state, they don't know what's best for this state.
The converse is why do the folks in Miami Dade County be so insignificant that a smaller white pop gets 9 EV s and MDC gets urban folks can't have western white rural dudes telling us what to do ...they do not know what is best for us
More people voted for Trump in Florida than the Hildabeast... they were fully represented. Just as in South Dakota more people voted for Trump than the Hilda beast… Understand?
But if you take California out of the equation? Trump wins both the EC and the popular vote.
If you take Texas out of the Equation then Trump is not President either
But there you go again, more people in Texas voted for Trump and the ECs went to trump.
same as California but the other way
Yes, they were represented more people voted for Hildabeast and she got the EC's she knew that going into the election the voters that voted for her should have known that going into the election… LOL
This is a republic...
Donald Trump Hillary Clinton Lead
Alabama 1,303,576 (62.9%) 717,138 (34.6%) 586,438
Alaska 129,786 (53.0%) 92,013 (37.6%) 37,773
Arizona 947,175 (49.7%) 864,053 (45.3%) 83,122
Arkansas 677,904 (60.4%) 378,729 (33.8%) 299,175
California 2,965,704 (33.2%) 5,481,885 (61.5%) 2,516,181
Colorado 1,075,770 (44.8%) 1,126,384 (46.9%) 50,614
Connecticut 637,919 (41.7%) 823,360 (53.9%) 185,441
Delaware 185,103 (41.9%) 235,581 (53.4%) 50,478
Florida 4,605,515 (49.1%) 4,485,745 (47.8%) 119,770
Georgia 2,068,623 (51.3%) 1,837,300 (45.8%) 231,323
Hawaii 128,815 (30.0%) 266,827 (62.2%) 138,012
Idaho 407,199 (59.2%) 189,677 (27.6) 217,522
Illinois 2,117,479 (39.4%) 2,976,534 (55.4%) 859,055
Indiana 1,554,959 (57.2%) 1,029,127 (37.9%) 525,832
Iowa 798,923 (51.8%) 650,790 (42.2%) 148,133
Kansas 655,035 (57.2%) 413,482 (36.2%) 241,553
Kentucky 1,202,942 (62.5%) 628,834 (32.7%) 574,108
Louisiana 1,178,004 (58.1%) 779,535 (38.4%) 398,469
Maine 328,546 (45.1%) 349,922 (47.9%) 21,376
Maryland 873,646 (35.3%) 1,497,951 (60.5%) 624,305
Massachusetts 1,082,521 (33.5%) 1,964,433 (60.8%) 881,912
Michigan 2,278,630 (47.6%) 2,265,938 (47.3%) 12,692
Minnesota 1,321,003 (45.4%) 1,363,742 (46.8%) 42,739
Mississippi 675,842 (58.3%) 461,105 (39.8%) 214,737
Missouri 1,585,753 (57.1%) 1,054,889 (38.0%) 530,864
Montana 260,767 (56.9%) 161,341 (35.7%) 99,426
Nebraska 485,819 (60.3%) 273,858 (34.0%) 211,961
Nevada 511,319 (45.3%) 537,753 (47.9%) 26,434
New Hampshire 345,379 (47.3%) 346,816 (47.5%) 1,437
New Jersey 1,502,524 (42.0%) 1,964,586 (54.8%) 462,062
New Mexico 315,875 (40.0%) 380,724 (48.3%) 64,849
New York 2,635,300 (37.5%) 4,142,719 (58.8%) 1,507,419
North Carolina 2,162,074 (50.5%) 2,339,603 (46.7%) 177,529
North Dakota 216,133 (64.1%) 93,526 (27.8%) 122,607
Ohio 2,771,984 (52.1%) 2,317,001 (43.5%) 454,983
Oklahoma 947,934 (65.3%) 419,788 (28.9%) 528,146
Oregon 725,090 (40.9%) 919,591 (51.9%) 194,501
Pennsylvania 2,912,941 (48.8%) 2,844,705 (47.6%) 68,236
Rhode Island 165,810 (40.3%) 225,445 (54.9%) 59,635
South Carolina 1,143,611 (54.9%) 849,469 (40.8%) 294,142
South Dakota 227,701 (61.5%) 117,442 (31.7%) 110,259
Tennessee 1,515,242 (61.1%) 865,693 (34.9%) 649,549
Texas 4,677,115 (52.7%) 3,852,923 (43.4%) 824,192
Utah 360,634 (46.8%) 217,820 (27.8%) 142,814
Vermont 95,025 (32.6%) 178,072 (61.1%) 83,047
Virginia 1,731,155 (45.0%) 1,916,845 (49.9%) 185,690
Washington 750,719 (37.8%) 1,118,772 (56.3%) 368,053
West Virginia 486,198 (26.5%) 187,457 (68.7%) 298,741
Wisconsin 1,409,467 (47.9%) 1,382,210 (46.9%) 27,257
Wyoming 174,248 (70.1%) 55,949 (22.5%) 118,299
As a minority I don't see it that way, elections have consequences… Trump won the most votes in the most states… End of story
That is correct however nothing changes the fact that more folk voted for Hillary in the totality of the US population ...
But if you take California out of the equation? Trump wins both the EC and the popular vote.

Why should California have a say in rual states?
I think it won't even matter in 2020.

I also think Trump will take states like Nevada and Virginia in 2020 to extend the electoral college lead.

Trump could be the greatest thing to happen to the Republican Party since Lincoln.
Major butt kicking by Republicans as Trump wins probably the most impressive victory in history. Never thought he could take a majority of swing states let alone shatter the blue wall

The SENATE. Republicans had to defend 26 states and defended 24. Unbelievable ground game by Republicans and Trumps coat tails were longer than could be expected

So now the Supreme Court will go 5-4 conservative and probably 6-3

The American people have spoken and I wish President Elect Trump the best

Why am I tightening my ass strap?
Your democrat brand of progress was soundly rejected in front of the entire world...
these were the Obama victory margins .........any questions..............

D -- 69,498,516
R -- 59,948,323...................Victory margin nearly 10 million votes

D -- 65,915,795...................Victory Margin 5 million votes
R -- 60,933,504


2016 (so far):
D -- 59,923,020
R -- 59,692,974......................Victory Margin Negative 225 K votes
If you subtract the dead people and the Trump votes that the Soros machines switched to Clinton, the numbers suddenly reverse.
"If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize -- very publicly and very sincerely -- to all the widows and the orphans, the impoverished and the tortured, and all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. I would then announce that America's global interventions -- including the awful bombings -- have come to an end. And I would inform Israel that it is no longer the 51st state of the union but – oddly enough – a foreign country. I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage from the many American bombings and invasions. There would be more than enough money. Do you know what one year of the US military budget is equal to? One year. It's equal to more than $20,000 per hour for every hour since Jesus Christ was born. That's what I'd do on my first three days in the White House. On the fourth day, I'd be assassinated."
Yeah, by the very people you apologized to.
Democrats have now won the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections.
You don't seem to understand that elections are not won by the popular vote. Once a candidate gets a comfortable lead in a state, it makes no sense to stay in that state just to rack up more votes because they're not going to help. You move on to a state you haven't won yet. If they ever move to a PV system (not likely), I'm sure you'll see future candidates spend most of their time in the heavily populated states, racking up votes and ignoring the less populated states.

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