CDZ Boy Scouts apologize for insertion of political rhetoric into boy scout jamoree

Freedom of speech. No apology.
I know you don't think he's accountable for anything.
He broke steadfast rules of the Boy Scouts. No politics.
He's a miserable failure.
A president is the last person who should lose his freedom of speech and the first to practice it.
That crowd was cheering and I watched the full speech. Cheering not sleeping like a Clinton rally.
From someone who was there who isn't a filthy liberal, "I saw nothing but roughly 40,000 to 45,000 Boy Scouts cheering the president on throughout his remarks and I think they were pretty excited that he was there,". Ouch there went the OP's Trump hate thread.
You were there at the Jamboree to hear trump's speech or is this a quote from some anonymous source
You know, the jamboree is a big thing, and it only happens once every 4 years. I know because not only was I a Scout, but so were my cousins Pat and Mike who both made Eagle Scout, and one year they both went and we got to visit them there.

And no, a jamboree isn't a place for a political rally speech.
Freedom of speech. No apology.
I know you don't think he's accountable for anything.
He broke steadfast rules of the Boy Scouts. No politics.
He's a miserable failure.
A president is the last person who should lose his freedom of speech and the first to practice it.
That crowd was cheering and I watched the full speech. Cheering not sleeping like a Clinton rally.

You DO realize that was a captive audience right? The Scouts probably had to attend, and were probably also coached as to appropriate behavior.
Hilarious! Truly f*cking Hilarious!

A bunch of 10 year olds take responsibility where Trump won't.
Trump is a man devoid of integrity. That's all you need to know to understand why the leaders of the Boy Scouts of America would feel compelled to apologize for his behavior.
I bet Trump is still crowing about the applause he got from a bunch of 10 year olds.

Pitiful, just pitiful.
Obama has more class in his baby finger than Trump in is whole body.

Here is the full transcript of Obama's video message to the 2010 National Scout Jamboree:

Hello everybody.

I wanted to send my greetings to everyone taking part in the national Scout Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill and congratulate you on the hundredth anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. I hope you've all enjoyed this year's festivities.

"You know, for a century, scouts just like you have served your communities and your nation in ways both large and small. During World War II, scouts played a vital role in supporting the war effort at home by running messages and selling war bonds. Some of our nation's greatest heroes have worn the scout uniform, including 11 of the 12 men who have walked on the moon. And today, scouts across the country continue the tradition of collecting food for those in need, improving our neighborhoods, and reaching out to those less fortunate.

That service is worth celebrating. But there's still more to do. Even though we face a different set of challenges than we did 100 years ago, they are no less important. And in the years ahead, we are going to depend on you, the next generation of leaders, to move America forward.

So I hope that all of you will carry the lesson you have learned in scouting with you for the rest of your lives. And I hope that when you're called upon to help write the next great chapter in the American story, you will uphold the best of the scouting tradition and respond with enthusiasm, skill and determination.

Congratulations again on your first 100 years. I'm sure the next 100 will be even better."

He doesn't have to put others down to try and make himself look good , and it failed Trump. PS: Obama worked, Trump does rallies.
Freedom of speech. No apology.
freedom of speech comes with responsibility....
No it does not. When the Nazis or the KKK March their speech is not restricted. Their actions are but not their speech.
.like those ass wipes are going to be responsible for what they say.....hey fury what happens if you yell fire in a crowded theater if there is no fire?...can they prosecute you?....if so why?...
From someone who was there who isn't a filthy liberal, "I saw nothing but roughly 40,000 to 45,000 Boy Scouts cheering the president on throughout his remarks and I think they were pretty excited that he was there,". Ouch there went the OP's Trump hate thread.

That was hideous Trump prostitute Sarah Huckabee, wasn't it?

Keep telling who you really are libs, I love it :eusa_clap:
From someone who was there who isn't a filthy liberal, "I saw nothing but roughly 40,000 to 45,000 Boy Scouts cheering the president on throughout his remarks and I think they were pretty excited that he was there,". Ouch there went the OP's Trump hate thread.
You were there at the Jamboree to hear trump's speech or is this a quote from some anonymous source

From someone who was there who isn't a filthy liberal, "I saw nothing but roughly 40,000 to 45,000 Boy Scouts cheering the president on throughout his remarks and I think they were pretty excited that he was there,". Ouch there went the OP's Trump hate thread.

Oh, NO, I am sure that there were at LEAST 500,000 kids there to hear trump's rant!
So some of the Boy Scouts had snowflake parents?


TD...can't you ever admit that sometimes Trump might not behave appropriately? What did past presidents say? How does it compare?
Mod Reminder - two threads got merged - you are all now in the Twilight Clean Debate Zone.

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