CDZ Boy Scouts apologize for insertion of political rhetoric into boy scout jamoree

i had to go hear this thing because i do not really care about scouting so i did not pay attention when it happened.....but i think lots of the stuff he said was out of place for a scout jamboree.....but then trump has a big mouth and creates many of his own problems....basically he doesnt know when to shut up....
I am SOOOOOOOO looking forward to his first SOTU....he dodged doing one in January.
Uh..... He gave a speech.... But you're not supposed to give one until you've been in office a year anyway.
Boy Scouts apologize for insertion of political rhetoric into boy scout jamoree

That's thoughtful of the Boy Scout organization's leadership, but truly the person who should, for having done that apologize likely never will.
Politics was inserted into the Boy Scouts when the left forced gay scout-masters on the Scouts.

This is so very selective outrage.
We sincerely regret that politics were inserted into the Scouting program.
Then we get
As part of our program’s duty to country, we teach youth to become active citizens, to participate in their government, respect the variety of perspectives and to stand up for individual rights."
im confused
It was his typical "rally" and that's not what the Pres usually says to 12-15 year olds.
Oh, i agree. Trump shouldnt have talked about stuff like that. I was just confused by the letter. Maybe i am missing something, but it seems to contradict itself.

there is nothing contradictory.... they are simply saying that the jamboree was not the place for trump's version of politics; that it was the first time any president was this inappropriate; and that the scouts should pay attention to scout values and not the swayed by inappropriate statements.
Boy Scouts apologize for insertion of political rhetoric into boy scout jamoree

That's thoughtful of the Boy Scout organization's leadership, but truly the person who should, for having done that apologize likely never will.

it's likely that person doesn't even understand that he's not appropriate.
I personally don't care if he inserted politics into his speech, and I'm sure most of the kids there will forget most of what he said before the day was out. What I find entertaining is imagining the parents in the crowd who were thinking, "What the fuck is he going on about?" :lol:
Boy Scouts apologize for insertion of political rhetoric into boy scout jamoree

That's thoughtful of the Boy Scout organization's leadership, but truly the person who should, for having done that apologize likely never will.

it's likely that person doesn't even understand that he's not appropriate.
I ticked "funny and agree," but if USMB had a "sad, but true" one, I'd have ticked that instead because, truly, there's nothing funny about the matter. LOL
From someone who was there who isn't a filthy liberal, "I saw nothing but roughly 40,000 to 45,000 Boy Scouts cheering the president on throughout his remarks and I think they were pretty excited that he was there,". Ouch there went the OP's Trump hate thread.
From someone who was there who isn't a filthy liberal, "I saw nothing but roughly 40,000 to 45,000 Boy Scouts cheering the president on throughout his remarks and I think they were pretty excited that he was there,". Ouch there went the OP's Trump hate thread.

That was hideous Trump prostitute Sarah Huckabee, wasn't it?
The BSA is a shell of what it used to be. Priorities have changed and its PC leaders suck the big one. Hopefully Trump got through to some young patriots.​
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It's been months since I called Trump megalomaniacal...mostly because it's become so obvious it need not be pointed out.
I remember when I was a Boy Scout. As my Scoutmaster was diddling me behind a bush all I thought was, "At least he's not making this political."

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