When BSA was forced to allow gay troop leaders this was inevitable.....we warned you....you don't mix gay men with boys in the woods in a pup tent....

Had nothing to do with it. What mattered was scouts restricted access to boys one on one.

This was before they allowed gay scouts and scout masters
I brought my boy to BSA meetings a few times but it was a constant shake down for money and we lost interest.
Just a couple of years after abandoning their mandate for Moral Straightness and capitulating to the libs.

I saw this one coming but I'm surprised to see how quickly it came down.

Boy Scouts Of America Files For Bankruptcy

That's largely wrong. Years ago when my boys were very young we signed them up for scouts. At the little meeting we got the run down and were told to visit their store to buy uniforms. I bought 6 shirts and all the patches. $400. Huge rip off. And the boys asked for BSA pocket knives. $100 each. We passed though because the guy dropped one getting it out and it went to pieces. First even was building a fire they weren't allowed to light. It was $40 to attend that event. After a little over two months the Den folded up and that was the end of it. BSA's problem ain't that gay folks are allowed in. It's the fact that BSA put a $$ on it's morals.
When BSA was forced to allow gay troop leaders this was inevitable.....we warned you....you don't mix gay men with boys in the woods in a pup tent....
This simply not true.
Which part?....BSA was sued into allowing grown gay men to be troop leaders....a fact....and now we are hearing from abused young men....2+2=4....

Yes, we are just now hearing about this even though it goes back decades. It's not something people accept being swept under the rug any longer.
Just a couple of years after abandoning their mandate for Moral Straightness and capitulating to the libs.

I saw this one coming but I'm surprised to see how quickly it came down.

Boy Scouts Of America Files For Bankruptcy

That's largely wrong. Years ago when my boys were very young we signed them up for scouts. At the little meeting we got the run down and were told to visit their store to buy uniforms. I bought 6 shirts and all the patches. $400. Huge rip off. And the boys asked for BSA pocket knives. $100 each. We passed though because the guy dropped one getting it out and it went to pieces. First even was building a fire they weren't allowed to light. It was $40 to attend that event. After a little over two months the Den folded up and that was the end of it. BSA's problem ain't that gay folks are allowed in. It's the fact that BSA put a $$ on it's morals.
In my sons Scout Troop, uniforms and patches were about all that was bought at the Scout Store. One uniform lasted for years, they were well made. Camping gear, knives, flashlights and other equipment usually came from commercial stores

We usually had one fund general purpose raiser a year and dues were paid in January
Has nothing to do with it

Actually, it has everything to do with it. The libs pestered the Boy Scouts to bring in homosexuality and other liberal ideals with the promise that they would support the organization and bring in millions of new members and billions of dollars.

Once they did it,they left them high and dry.

Just like the Dixie Chicks, who they convinced to tell their conservative fans to listen to something else, because they would support and provide the DC's with a sophisticated, urban audience.

Horseshit. The abuse goes back decades. Some of the victims are in their sixties now. That shuts down your myopic theory.

I disagree. First off, the Boy Scouts didn't wake up one day, and change their entire philosophy. The changes you saw in the last year or two, were not done randomly on a Thursday. It was decades on decades of bad people with bad ideology moving up the chain, until they were in the top tier of the organization, and destroying the fundamentals the built the boy scouts.

Equally, the membership in the scout declined as the moral foundations were slowly being destroyed from the inside out.

But instead of reforming the scouts to be what they once were, they chucked their founding principals, and became a disgusting left-wing trash organization.

And the results were predictable.

True, I don't think that all the lawsuits were directly the result the changes we've have seen recently.

But clearly the changes resulted in reduced membership to the scouts. And obviously reduced membership reduces revenue to pay for law suits, which results in bankruptcy.

At the very least, it is obvious their "all inclusive" stance hasn't increased membership.

What really killed the BSA IS LEADERS molesting Boy Scouts and scouting being dumb

What's so "dumb" about camping and learning to survive off the land? Millions of Americans in our major cities are living in tents, crapping outside, and roughing it nowadays. They are having a better time of it if they spent time in the BSA as a kid.
They’d probably have VD as well courtesy of the BSA
Just a couple of years after abandoning their mandate for Moral Straightness and capitulating to the libs.

I saw this one coming but I'm surprised to see how quickly it came down.

Boy Scouts Of America Files For Bankruptcy

That's largely wrong. Years ago when my boys were very young we signed them up for scouts. At the little meeting we got the run down and were told to visit their store to buy uniforms. I bought 6 shirts and all the patches. $400. Huge rip off. And the boys asked for BSA pocket knives. $100 each. We passed though because the guy dropped one getting it out and it went to pieces. First even was building a fire they weren't allowed to light. It was $40 to attend that event. After a little over two months the Den folded up and that was the end of it. BSA's problem ain't that gay folks are allowed in. It's the fact that BSA put a $$ on it's morals.
In my sons Scout Troop, uniforms and patches were about all that was bought at the Scout Store. One uniform lasted for years, they were well made. Camping gear, knives, flashlights and other equipment usually came from commercial stores

We usually had one fund general purpose raiser a year and dues were paid in January

Amazon came through for me. Them and eBay. I got hem Swiss Army knives with the BSA logo. Both boys still have those.
Boy Scouts Of America Banned Atheists But Protected Pedophiles

While you would expect the Catholic Church to not embrace Atheists, it is, on the surface, rather odd that an organization that is usually thought of as secular, would ban Atheists . However:

The Boy Scouts of America, an organization dominated by conservative Christians, has filed for bankruptcy after being overwhelmed by thousands of lawsuits from former Scouts who were sexually abused while they took part in Scouting.

And there in lies the unholy nexus between the Boy Scouts and the Church

For decades the Boy Scouts knew about and tried to cover-up an epidemic of sexual abuse within the organization, even going so far as keeping a secret record, known as the “Perversion Files,” of Scout leaders suspected of raping and sexually abusing children, records that were never turned over to authorities for prosecution.

And yet while the Boy Scouts actively protected pedophiles, they promoted conservative Christian values, even going so far as to deny atheists and the children of atheists the chance to participate in the program.

There is something seriously wrong with that picture. I would like some Christians to explain this to me.
When BSA was forced to allow gay troop leaders this was inevitable.....we warned you....you don't mix gay men with boys in the woods in a pup tent....
This simply not true.
Which part?....BSA was sued into allowing grown gay men to be troop leaders....a fact....and now we are hearing from abused young men....2+2=4....

Yes, we are just now hearing about this even though it goes back decades. It's not something people accept being swept under the rug any longer.
The boy scouts were sued in the 90's so that would be decades ago....each troop was on its own to decide whether or not to allow gay men as scout leaders....many held out but many folded under pressure....especially in California....to deny that that is part of this issue is to be very short sighted....its 2020 in case you didn't know it....you don't put gay men with young boys and expect nothing to happen.....not all gay men are perverts but some are....and they seek out positions like this....wearing blinders in issues involving children is very dangerous....
When BSA was forced to allow gay troop leaders this was inevitable.....we warned you....you don't mix gay men with boys in the woods in a pup tent....
This simply not true.
Which part?....BSA was sued into allowing grown gay men to be troop leaders....a fact....and now we are hearing from abused young men....2+2=4....

Yes, we are just now hearing about this even though it goes back decades. It's not something people accept being swept under the rug any longer.
The boy scouts were sued in the 90's so that would be decades ago....each troop was on its own to decide whether or not to allow gay men as scout leaders....many held out but many folded under pressure....especially in California....to deny that that is part of this issue is to be very short sighted....its 2020 in case you didn't know it....you don't put gay men with young boys and expect nothing to happen.....not all gay men are perverts but some are....and they seek out positions like this....wearing blinders in issues involving children is very dangerous....

A lot of married white males can't be trusted it would seem.
When BSA was forced to allow gay troop leaders this was inevitable.....we warned you....you don't mix gay men with boys in the woods in a pup tent....
This simply not true.
Which part?....BSA was sued into allowing grown gay men to be troop leaders....a fact....and now we are hearing from abused young men....2+2=4....

Yes, we are just now hearing about this even though it goes back decades. It's not something people accept being swept under the rug any longer.
The boy scouts were sued in the 90's so that would be decades ago....each troop was on its own to decide whether or not to allow gay men as scout leaders....many held out but many folded under pressure....especially in California....to deny that that is part of this issue is to be very short sighted....its 2020 in case you didn't know it....you don't put gay men with young boys and expect nothing to happen.....not all gay men are perverts but some are....and they seek out positions like this....wearing blinders in issues involving children is very dangerous....

A lot of married white males can't be trusted it would seem.
Very true...but lets not throw gasoline on a fire....
This is just ONE MORE EXAMPLE of the PERVERT PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS BULLYING their way into something that was once a DECENT, MORAL, SUCCESSFUL organization for DECADES, and trashing it into the GARBAGE. It's what they do with EVERYTHING they get INVOLVED with. Look at the cities run by democrats, they're TOILETS, full of SHIT IN THE STREETS, NEEDLES FROM DRUGGIES IN THE GUTTERS, HOMELESS TENT CAMPS FOR MILES and RAMPANT CRIME they REFUSE to PROSECUTE.


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