Boy Scouts lose 1/5th of membership 1 week after announcing name change

I can't remember if I have ever asked this question before, but what is the difference between boy scouts and cub scouts?

God bless you always!!!

Age levels. First a cub scout, then a Boy Scout, then Eagle Scout, if all qualifications are met.
You forgot what falls between Cubs and Scouts. Some thing that sounds like Weeblos.
WeBeLoyalScouts = Webelos.
Shit, I went through the whole scout system and thought it meant we blow the leaders. Guess I was fooled.
Liberal ideology destroys everything


The question becomes, do they seek to infiltrate every social group in the world to destroy them, or does it just happen naturally afterward as they leave scratching their heads as to why and blaming capitalism as the cause.
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change – True Pundit

OUCH! I am taking a wait and see approach here. We live in a conservative area and we have a large girl scout troop here so I doubt the scout troop will have any girls joining but if they do the boy scouts will lose more members my son included. I will drive him the 15 miles each way for the trail life usa group meetings.
The article does not say what the name was changed to. Good journalism.
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change – True Pundit

OUCH! I am taking a wait and see approach here. We live in a conservative area and we have a large girl scout troop here so I doubt the scout troop will have any girls joining but if they do the boy scouts will lose more members my son included. I will drive him the 15 miles each way for the trail life usa group meetings.
The article does not say what the name was changed to. Good journalism.
Scouts BSA from the first article I read when announced.
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change – True Pundit

OUCH! I am taking a wait and see approach here. We live in a conservative area and we have a large girl scout troop here so I doubt the scout troop will have any girls joining but if they do the boy scouts will lose more members my son included. I will drive him the 15 miles each way for the trail life usa group meetings.
The article does not say what the name was changed to. Good journalism.
Scouts BSA from the first article I read when announced.
That is what it used to be. What did they change it to?
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change – True Pundit

OUCH! I am taking a wait and see approach here. We live in a conservative area and we have a large girl scout troop here so I doubt the scout troop will have any girls joining but if they do the boy scouts will lose more members my son included. I will drive him the 15 miles each way for the trail life usa group meetings.
The article does not say what the name was changed to. Good journalism.
Scouts BSA from the first article I read when announced.
That is what it used to be. What did they change it to?

May 2, 2018.

I'd like to see the girl scouts do the same out of fairness.

Of course it will snow in hell before that occurs.
I can't remember if I have ever asked this question before, but what is the difference between boy scouts and cub scouts?

God bless you always!!!

Age levels. First a cub scout, then a Boy Scout, then Eagle Scout, if all qualifications are met.
there's webelos are in there somewhere too. i think pre-cub.

in any events, i'd agree with old lady - just improve your program and make it more challenging for the girls if that's what they were after.
Webelos are between cubs and Boy Scouts
Tiger cubs are before Cub Scouts
Good opportunity for a new membership club to start up with family values....
There is one already. Trail Life USA is Christian based and started after the BSA let homosexuals in a few years ago. We have 2 near us unfortunately not one RIGHT in our town.
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change – True Pundit

OUCH! I am taking a wait and see approach here. We live in a conservative area and we have a large girl scout troop here so I doubt the scout troop will have any girls joining but if they do the boy scouts will lose more members my son included. I will drive him the 15 miles each way for the trail life usa group meetings.
The article does not say what the name was changed to. Good journalism.
Its just Scouts of America now...the BOY was dropped.
Mormons have been planning to pull out for years

Bad move by the boy scouts...
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change – True Pundit

OUCH! I am taking a wait and see approach here. We live in a conservative area and we have a large girl scout troop here so I doubt the scout troop will have any girls joining but if they do the boy scouts will lose more members my son included. I will drive him the 15 miles each way for the trail life usa group meetings.
Trail Life USA looks to be a great choice for our boys. I knew once the gays infiltrated the leadership, it was downhill from there. Next will be transgenders wanting in. United Way supports The Boy Scouts of America DBA Scouts,BSA. They will get no more contributions from me.

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