Boy Scouts lose 1/5th of membership 1 week after announcing name change

Age levels. First a cub scout, then a Boy Scout, then Eagle Scout, if all qualifications are met.

Not quite.

The distinction between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts is indeed age-based. I think Cub Scouts are from age 8 to 10, and Boy Scouts from 11 to 18.

Within Boy Scouts, there's a hierarchy of ranks, of which Eagle is the highest level.
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change – True Pundit

OUCH! I am taking a wait and see approach here. We live in a conservative area and we have a large girl scout troop here so I doubt the scout troop will have any girls joining but if they do the boy scouts will lose more members my son included. I will drive him the 15 miles each way for the trail life usa group meetings.
So all the raping didn't make the little faggots quit but the name change did?

Nearly 8,000 Alleged Child Abusers Identified In Boy Scouts’ Files, Review Finds
The BSA also reported 12,254 alleged victims within its organization dating back to 1944.
I never cared for the Boy Scout program,, too much propaganda and lack of independent thought. Sounds like the same-old, same-old. Only the tune has changed. I didn't care for the old one and certainly have no use for their new choice.
Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change – True Pundit

OUCH! I am taking a wait and see approach here. We live in a conservative area and we have a large girl scout troop here so I doubt the scout troop will have any girls joining but if they do the boy scouts will lose more members my son included. I will drive him the 15 miles each way for the trail life usa group meetings.

So I'm assuming that BSA stands for what it always did? The word scouts is in there twice?

I never cared for the Boy Scout program,, too much propaganda and lack of independent thought. Sounds like the same-old, same-old. Only the tune has changed. I didn't care for the old one and certainly have no use for their new choice.

Yes we'll apparently the dirty little secret is that it has been a haven for homo pedophiles far more so than was previously thought.


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