Boycott ABC

If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

At the first sign of controversy, ABC axed Pro-Trump 'Roseanne' after a series of tweets.

We all know that if she was a liberal, she'd be still on the air. Sadly, since she is a Trump supporter, she got booted within hours.

Sign the petition to DEMAND that Roseanne be put on another network!
SIGN THE PETITION: Put Roseanne On A Different Network!

I'm sick and tired of the Liberals boycotting everyone to force them into compliance with Liberal philosophy lets do it back to them.

Consider it signed. They have already passed the 100,000 mark required. Funny thing is that I just started checking out 'Roseanne' a few months ago because I like Big Bang and I was just curious what John Galecki was like on the old show. And I never watch ABC anyway. There's nothing on it! I HAD been checking out the new Roseanne shows and kinda liking it but after 2 months, zip! If TBS fires Samantha Bee, then I consider the matter settled.

100,000 mark required for what? Is there some obscure constitutional clause that requires media outlets to respond to petitions signed by 100,000 people? Threads like this make me proud to be unassociated with the Republican Party.

Funny, peer pressure (loss of viewers, loss of advertisers) is EXACTLY the method long always used by the Left, and David Hogg! Now that people are pressuring networks to pick up and save Roseanne (I really don't want it to stay on ABC, fuck them), now it is suddenly a bad thing? I really don't care what Roseanne said. A few words. A bad joke actually slightly based in anthropological fact. Get a life. 10 million times worse is said about Trump and his family EVERY WEEK by network celebrities (read: Samantha Bee) and no one even gets a second look. Cancelling the show and hurting all those people that were on it plus the fans who liked it is just proof again that not only is there a horrible double standard but Americans have become total cream-puff tweeting pussies who think an insult on social media is national news. Why I bet they are reading about this now in Turkmenistan. If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
Referring to a race of people as subhuman creatures in not acceptable in the 21rst Century. That is considered an advancement in civilization.

Sit on it and gyrate you f----king hypocrite elitist snob. I don't see you losing sleep over Samantha Bee or Wanda Sykes calling Trump an Orange Orangutan.

If you actually knew anything about anthropology, you'd know that for most of the family of Homininae, most of them would have passed as apes! And Roseanne didn't "refer to a race of people as subhuman creatures," moron, she tweeted an insult about an individual comparing her looks to a character in a sci-fi movie. Acceptable or not, it was just a stupid joke, a trashy insult, and if we are so high and mighty in the 21st century, we wouldn't fear words so much, much less treat them like they just murdered a baby and try to ruin their lives. You can FINE HER, SUSPEND HER, CHASTISE HER, REPRIMAND HER, but only little, dirty, stinking baby, commie fascists try to DESTROY those they disagree with.
If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Take notice the real stars Goodman & Metcalf kept quiet knowing most likely the show is going to be picked up by another network in the future.
Well...color me not sure...but whatcha wanna bet ABC will say they changed their mind and will take her back? Lets face it..a lot of people are pissed off right now. The public..AND the crew on that show. All of them are out of a job and they are probably burning up the texts to the higher ups and I am betting there will be a change of heart. Whether roseanne accepts that change of heart remains to be seen. OR...the show will go on..with a new name, same people, minus Roseanne.
Hmmm...I wonder,...does the cast have a case against ABC? Were there not contracts all parties signed? What if Goodman and Metcalf and that loser Gilbert....said "pay up, put us all back...or else"? Would they have a real case? Makes ya wonder.
This just in. Roseanne has been hired to replace Huckabee since Roseanne promises that she won't cry about school shootings.....
If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.
Hmmm...I wonder,...does the cast have a case against ABC? Were there not contracts all parties signed? What if Goodman and Metcalf and that loser Gilbert....said "pay up, put us all back...or else"? Would they have a real case? Makes ya wonder.

Roseanne without Roseanne? Never gonna happen. The show was just picked up for another season in the fall. Is this breach of contract now to turn around and cancel it outright? And because of a TWEET by one of the stars? Good question. Have to see the contract. If the cast had any good lawyers in putting the contract together, I might say maybe. I'd put the chances of a reconciliation in saving the show or it being picked up elsewhere now at about 30%.
If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.

Only that the bus driver is the Liberal Left. Had Rosie's insult been about Trump, the show would still be on the air. Let me know when TBS fires Samantha Bee and cancels her show and I'll agree that Roseanne made her own bed.
Hmmm...I wonder,...does the cast have a case against ABC? Were there not contracts all parties signed? What if Goodman and Metcalf and that loser Gilbert....said "pay up, put us all back...or else"? Would they have a real case? Makes ya wonder.

Roseanne without Roseanne? Never gonna happen. The show was just picked up for another season in the fall. Is this breach of contract now to turn around and cancel it outright? And because of a TWEET by one of the stars? Good question. Have to see the contract. If the cast had any good lawyers in putting the contract together, I might say maybe. I'd put the chances of a reconciliation in saving the show or it being picked up elsewhere now at about 30%.

After putting all that money into the show, you can be assured there is a clause saying that if Rosey makes an ass of herself, the network isn't responsible for the repercussions. They knew she was crazy. They covered themselves.
If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.

Only that the bus driver is the Liberal Left. Had Rosie's insult been about Trump, the show would still be on the air. Let me know when TBS fires Samantha Bee and cancels her show and I'll agree that Roseanne made her own bed.

So now, along with "But Hillary" we have to listen to " But Samantha Bee" Your hero is crazy and got herself canned.. Live with it
If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.
She fucked up. So did Samantha. Point is...BOTH were thrown under the bus. The network KNEW what Samantha was going to say, and didn't bleep it out or stop her. Roseanne tweeted something everyone knew she was capable of saying and ABC knew it before they asked her to return.
Hmmm...I wonder,...does the cast have a case against ABC? Were there not contracts all parties signed? What if Goodman and Metcalf and that loser Gilbert....said "pay up, put us all back...or else"? Would they have a real case? Makes ya wonder.

Roseanne without Roseanne? Never gonna happen. The show was just picked up for another season in the fall. Is this breach of contract now to turn around and cancel it outright? And because of a TWEET by one of the stars? Good question. Have to see the contract. If the cast had any good lawyers in putting the contract together, I might say maybe. I'd put the chances of a reconciliation in saving the show or it being picked up elsewhere now at about 30%.
Roseanne wouldn't be Roseanne without her cast. And ALL of them came back. Even Estelle Parsons. Goodman doesn't really need the work..he is wanted everywhere. Metcalf is in demand too..she won best supporting actress on that show. So could survive without Roseanne just by the ones still there.
If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.
She fucked up. So did Samantha. Point is...BOTH were thrown under the bus. The network KNEW what Samantha was going to say, and didn't bleep it out or stop her. Roseanne tweeted something everyone knew she was capable of saying. Both were thrown under the bus.

Sounds like Roseann 's network just didn't like her as much as Samantha's does. Perhaps she shouldn't have been such a c*nt.
They didn't go after her for what she tweeted. They went after her because she supports Trump. THAT is the truth of the whole matter.
If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.
She fucked up. So did Samantha. Point is...BOTH were thrown under the bus. The network KNEW what Samantha was going to say, and didn't bleep it out or stop her. Roseanne tweeted something everyone knew she was capable of saying. Both were thrown under the bus.

Sounds like Roseann 's network just didn't like her as much as Samantha's does. Perhaps she shouldn't have been such a c*nt.
They didn't go after her for what she tweeted. They went after her because she supports Trump. THAT is the truth of the whole matter.

They went after her because she's crazy. Supporting Trump is just a symptom of that.
Hot off the press! Roseanne announces that she has been hired to star in a new show, entitled, "Lose cannons on Parade!". Charlie Sheen has not yet committed to the role of Roseanne's husband, commenting that every time he looks at her, it reminds him of the bowling shirt that he hated so much on "Two and a Half Men".....
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If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Good post gracie..
BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.
She fucked up. So did Samantha. Point is...BOTH were thrown under the bus. The network KNEW what Samantha was going to say, and didn't bleep it out or stop her. Roseanne tweeted something everyone knew she was capable of saying. Both were thrown under the bus.

Sounds like Roseann 's network just didn't like her as much as Samantha's does. Perhaps she shouldn't have been such a c*nt.
They didn't go after her for what she tweeted. They went after her because she supports Trump. THAT is the truth of the whole matter.

They went after her because she's crazy. Supporting Trump is just a symptom of that.
Comparing someone to an Ape is not racist. The fact that she's black doesn't make it a racist statement. If she had been white and compared to an Ape would it still be such a big deal? Are we now going to have two sets of rules depending on what race the person we are talking about is?
ABC was right to fire the racist bigot!

Trump supporters are sick and don't belong outside of their single wides.

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