Boycott ABC

BOTH of them knew what Roseanne was like. They fucking grew up on that show. Yet..they stayed. And they said YES when asked to do a revival. They did indeed throw her under the bus.

Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.
She fucked up. So did Samantha. Point is...BOTH were thrown under the bus. The network KNEW what Samantha was going to say, and didn't bleep it out or stop her. Roseanne tweeted something everyone knew she was capable of saying. Both were thrown under the bus.

Sounds like Roseann 's network just didn't like her as much as Samantha's does. Perhaps she shouldn't have been such a c*nt.
They didn't go after her for what she tweeted. They went after her because she supports Trump. THAT is the truth of the whole matter.

They went after her because she's crazy. Supporting Trump is just a symptom of that.

Trumpism needs to be wiped out and boxed in. It is a huge mistake that will hurt America's place in the world for decades to come.
Opinion | Roseanne Barr should blame Trump most of all

President Trump wants to create a safe public space for ugly, unvarnished, unambiguous racism, which he knows he can exploit for political advantage. This cynical and destructive ploy must not be allowed to succeed.

Witness Trump’s reaction to Roseanne Barr’s self-immolation. The president frequently airs his opinions via Twitter within minutes of seeing something he likes on Fox News or something he hates on CNN. But since Tuesday, there has been not a word of censure for Barr’s vile “joke” portraying Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to President Barack Obama, as the result if “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.”
Roseanne got the boot because she compared a black woman to an ape.
She DIDNT get fired for dressing up as Hitler and baking ginger bread Jews, OR for wishing all Christians would die of cancer, OR for saying anyone over 100 million should be executed, OR for mocking our flag.

Funny where the tards draw the line.
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At the first sign of controversy, ABC axed Pro-Trump 'Roseanne' after a series of tweets.

We all know that if she was a liberal, she'd be still on the air. Sadly, since she is a Trump supporter, she got booted within hours.

Sign the petition to DEMAND that Roseanne be put on another network!
SIGN THE PETITION: Put Roseanne On A Different Network!

I'm sick and tired of the Liberals boycotting everyone to force them into compliance with Liberal philosophy lets do it back to them.

Is it right that people get fired for tweets? No. But she should had known better, especially being in Hollywood. The network had every right to drop her show.

This is the world we live in now. Snowflake City where you can’t offend leftists or they’ll scream until you get fired.
Referring to a race of people as subhuman creatures in not acceptable in the 21rst Century. That is considered an advancement in civilization
Like it or not, Valerie Jarrett looks like Zira the kindly ape to Charleton Heston's character. Same hair style, same jaw bone line from a side view. The joke was accurate and partially true, which makes it funny. Rossanne told Joe Rogan she didn't know Jarrett was black and would not make the joke. Neither did I, she's Iranian after all. I believe her.

If the Left wants to get all hot and bothered about a joke, where is their outrage at the outright hateful thing that slut Samantha Bee said? Is that fucking **** still on television so she can host the next White House correspondents dinner?
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This just in. Roseanne has been hired to replace Huckabee since Roseanne promises that she won't cry about school shootings.....
Yeah I bet you're still laughing over little Johnny's guts splattered all over the chalkboard. Dumb shit, you just won an permanent Iggy. I'm not going to pollute my brain reading your hate.

At the first sign of controversy, ABC axed Pro-Trump 'Roseanne' after a series of tweets.

We all know that if she was a liberal, she'd be still on the air. Sadly, since she is a Trump supporter, she got booted within hours.

Sign the petition to DEMAND that Roseanne be put on another network!
SIGN THE PETITION: Put Roseanne On A Different Network!

I'm sick and tired of the Liberals boycotting everyone to force them into compliance with Liberal philosophy lets do it back to them.
Roseanne got the boot because she compared a black woman to an ape.

But it's OK to compare President Trump to an orangutan and call his daughter the c-word. Got it. Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds. Do you ever wonder why even with your great Obama in office the GOP took the House, Senate and beat Hillary for the White House? smh

At the first sign of controversy, ABC axed Pro-Trump 'Roseanne' after a series of tweets.

We all know that if she was a liberal, she'd be still on the air. Sadly, since she is a Trump supporter, she got booted within hours.

Sign the petition to DEMAND that Roseanne be put on another network!
SIGN THE PETITION: Put Roseanne On A Different Network!

I'm sick and tired of the Liberals boycotting everyone to force them into compliance with Liberal philosophy lets do it back to them.
Roseanne got the boot because she compared a black woman to an ape.

But it's OK to compare President Trump to an orangutan and call his daughter the c-word. Got it. Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds. Do you ever wonder why even with your great Obama in office the GOP took the House, Senate and beat Hillary for the White House? smh
No, I do not wonder. I also do not view a white woman calling a black woman an ape the same as a white woman calling another white woman a c***.

At the first sign of controversy, ABC axed Pro-Trump 'Roseanne' after a series of tweets.

We all know that if she was a liberal, she'd be still on the air. Sadly, since she is a Trump supporter, she got booted within hours.

Sign the petition to DEMAND that Roseanne be put on another network!
SIGN THE PETITION: Put Roseanne On A Different Network!

I'm sick and tired of the Liberals boycotting everyone to force them into compliance with Liberal philosophy lets do it back to them.
Roseanne got the boot because she compared a black woman to an ape.

But it's OK to compare President Trump to an orangutan and call his daughter the c-word. Got it. Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds. Do you ever wonder why even with your great Obama in office the GOP took the House, Senate and beat Hillary for the White House? smh
No, I do not wonder. I also do not view a white woman calling a black woman an ape the same as a white woman calling another white woman a c***.

Of course you don't. You base your outrage on your political views. Speaks volumes about your moral standards and you as a person. But it's OK. We know the world is filled with POS people.

At the first sign of controversy, ABC axed Pro-Trump 'Roseanne' after a series of tweets.

We all know that if she was a liberal, she'd be still on the air. Sadly, since she is a Trump supporter, she got booted within hours.

Sign the petition to DEMAND that Roseanne be put on another network!
SIGN THE PETITION: Put Roseanne On A Different Network!

I'm sick and tired of the Liberals boycotting everyone to force them into compliance with Liberal philosophy lets do it back to them.
Roseanne got the boot because she compared a black woman to an ape.

But it's OK to compare President Trump to an orangutan and call his daughter the c-word. Got it. Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds. Do you ever wonder why even with your great Obama in office the GOP took the House, Senate and beat Hillary for the White House? smh
No, I do not wonder. I also do not view a white woman calling a black woman an ape the same as a white woman calling another white woman a c***.

Of course you don't. You base your outrage on your political views. Speaks volumes about your moral standards and you as a person. But it's OK. We know the world is filled with POS people.
Sorry, I am not brainwashed into identity politics nor am I outraged. My opinion is that the owner of the venue, stage, microphone has the final say on whether Roseanne or that comedian who made the nasty comment about Ivanka gets to keep their jobs and I am OK with whatever decision they make. It is their call. Sorry if my belief in freedom of speech disturbs you.
Let roseanne go, change the name to "the Conners" and continue the show like that.
That has been suggested, but Roseanne owns rights to the show. It was her creation and copying in any way would require royalty payments to her. That is something ABC refuses to do. Otherwise they could make an episode of her dying and continue without her. Of course, it is debatable whether the show would be successful without her.
Roseann crawled under the bus and yelled GO!!. The entire incident is her fault. Quit trying to pretend anyone was mean to her.
She fucked up. So did Samantha. Point is...BOTH were thrown under the bus. The network KNEW what Samantha was going to say, and didn't bleep it out or stop her. Roseanne tweeted something everyone knew she was capable of saying. Both were thrown under the bus.

Sounds like Roseann 's network just didn't like her as much as Samantha's does. Perhaps she shouldn't have been such a c*nt.
They didn't go after her for what she tweeted. They went after her because she supports Trump. THAT is the truth of the whole matter.

They went after her because she's crazy. Supporting Trump is just a symptom of that.

Trumpism needs to be wiped out and boxed in. It is a huge mistake that will hurt America's place in the world for decades to come.
What is wrong with wanting fair and equal trade. You tariff us we tariff you the same amount. That's all he's doing.
Your bias is blinding you to reality.

At the first sign of controversy, ABC axed Pro-Trump 'Roseanne' after a series of tweets.

We all know that if she was a liberal, she'd be still on the air. Sadly, since she is a Trump supporter, she got booted within hours.

Sign the petition to DEMAND that Roseanne be put on another network!
SIGN THE PETITION: Put Roseanne On A Different Network!

I'm sick and tired of the Liberals boycotting everyone to force them into compliance with Liberal philosophy lets do it back to them.

Consider it signed. They have already passed the 100,000 mark required. Funny thing is that I just started checking out 'Roseanne' a few months ago because I like Big Bang and I was just curious what John Galecki was like on the old show. And I never watch ABC anyway. There's nothing on it! I HAD been checking out the new Roseanne shows and kinda liking it but after 2 months, zip! If TBS fires Samantha Bee, then I consider the matter settled.

100,000 mark required for what? Is there some obscure constitutional clause that requires media outlets to respond to petitions signed by 100,000 people? Threads like this make me proud to be unassociated with the Republican Party.

Funny, peer pressure (loss of viewers, loss of advertisers) is EXACTLY the method long always used by the Left, and David Hogg! Now that people are pressuring networks to pick up and save Roseanne (I really don't want it to stay on ABC, fuck them), now it is suddenly a bad thing? I really don't care what Roseanne said. A few words. A bad joke actually slightly based in anthropological fact. Get a life. 10 million times worse is said about Trump and his family EVERY WEEK by network celebrities (read: Samantha Bee) and no one even gets a second look. Cancelling the show and hurting all those people that were on it plus the fans who liked it is just proof again that not only is there a horrible double standard but Americans have become total cream-puff tweeting pussies who think an insult on social media is national news. Why I bet they are reading about this now in Turkmenistan. If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.

Sorry, but I care more about all those Carrier workers who lost their jobs after Trump promised to save them than I do about the jobs of some people on TV.

Attacking the orange clown on jobs or unemployment is like attacking Roseanne for not being obnoxious enough. We have the lowest unemployment rate in like 30 years. BO would have killed for Trump’s jobs numbers.

At the first sign of controversy, ABC axed Pro-Trump 'Roseanne' after a series of tweets.

We all know that if she was a liberal, she'd be still on the air. Sadly, since she is a Trump supporter, she got booted within hours.

Sign the petition to DEMAND that Roseanne be put on another network!
SIGN THE PETITION: Put Roseanne On A Different Network!

I'm sick and tired of the Liberals boycotting everyone to force them into compliance with Liberal philosophy lets do it back to them.

Consider it signed. They have already passed the 100,000 mark required. Funny thing is that I just started checking out 'Roseanne' a few months ago because I like Big Bang and I was just curious what John Galecki was like on the old show. And I never watch ABC anyway. There's nothing on it! I HAD been checking out the new Roseanne shows and kinda liking it but after 2 months, zip! If TBS fires Samantha Bee, then I consider the matter settled.

100,000 mark required for what? Is there some obscure constitutional clause that requires media outlets to respond to petitions signed by 100,000 people? Threads like this make me proud to be unassociated with the Republican Party.

Funny, peer pressure (loss of viewers, loss of advertisers) is EXACTLY the method long always used by the Left, and David Hogg! Now that people are pressuring networks to pick up and save Roseanne (I really don't want it to stay on ABC, fuck them), now it is suddenly a bad thing? I really don't care what Roseanne said. A few words. A bad joke actually slightly based in anthropological fact. Get a life. 10 million times worse is said about Trump and his family EVERY WEEK by network celebrities (read: Samantha Bee) and no one even gets a second look. Cancelling the show and hurting all those people that were on it plus the fans who liked it is just proof again that not only is there a horrible double standard but Americans have become total cream-puff tweeting pussies who think an insult on social media is national news. Why I bet they are reading about this now in Turkmenistan. If Sarah Gilbert or Michael Fishman think Rosie's tweet was "abhorrent," then those snowflakes don't know what a real fucking problem is.

Sorry, but I care more about all those Carrier workers who lost their jobs after Trump promised to save them than I do about the jobs of some people on TV.

Attacking the orange clown on jobs or unemployment is like attacking Roseanne for not being obnoxious enough. We have the lowest unemployment rate in like 30 years. BO would have killed for Trump’s jobs numbers.
How much has the unemployment rate been reduced since trump took over? Didn't he inherit a steady downward trend? Near as I can see he gets credit for keeping up with the downward trend and maintaining the momentum her inherited.
I wonder how many people signed the petition as "Mike Hunt"? :lol:
I already have no reason to watch ABC thanks to their getting rid of the Last Man Standing show.

God bless you and everyone from both shows always!!!

I already have no reason to watch ABC thanks to their getting rid of the Last Man Standing show.

God bless you and everyone from both shows always!!!


That's right! ABC is two for two. Another reason why I hope Roseanne is picked up by another network like Fox to go on to be a roaring success.

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