'Boycott CNN' Calls Grow as Viewers Fear Network Is Shifting to the Right

CNN is simply trying to save themselves. They've found out what happens when you disparage half the population, while trying to claim they are unbiased.

Now that is funny. When CNN first came on in the early 1980's it was not too bad, they had some semblance of balance between conservatives and liberals. but going into the mid 90's it became CNN....Clinton news network and has been going downhill since.
Yes, better to pander to aggrieved White men, crafting every narrative to make it look like they are under attack.

Because that's unbiased news reporting!

This is something totally unfamiliar with the left, it's called common sense.

Logic can't really be taught in colleges, in high school. Logic is either something you have or something you don't. This is a prime example.

"Let's see, nobody is watching our network and hasn't been for a good number of years. Fox on the other hand is the number one cable news network for decades, and now I need to make a business decision: Should we remain the last place news network on cable television or should we be more like the most popular news network?"

I know you can't understand this being a leftist with no common sense, but this is what's called a smart business decision that should have been made many years ago. It's likely that CNN will never come close to Fox, but all media makes their money off of advertising. The less viewers you have, the less you can charge your advertisers. If they double their viewership, they can double the price of advertisements on their network.

See how this all works now?
Funny you didn't mention how wacko the right wing media is.

I don't go to any of those sites but newsmax so I can only speak of newsmax and they are right almost all the time... So I'll be glad to compare their record to CNN and MSNBC any day....
You could use a dash of truth so why don't you start to view newsmax videos on youtube?.... it can't hurt you to learn the whole truth....
Next to no one watches CNN right now at home- 99% of their audience is in airport terminals and jiffy lube waiting rooms.

Unless they can get the owners of these facilities to switch stations on their TV's, a boycott of CNN is rather pointless.
Let`s see your peer reviewed study of who watches CNN.
Returning from the UK a woman on the plane was so happy to be back in Los Angeles. She said it was miserable in London. I asked her why? No CNN, I can't wait to get home!
Many will watch all of their commentators exterminated with their families.
I don't go to any of those sites but newsmax so I can only speak of newsmax and they are right almost all the time... So I'll be glad to compare their record to CNN and MSNBC any day....
You could use a dash of truth so why don't you start to view newsmax videos on youtube?.... it can't hurt you to learn the whole truth....
My usual 1st step is to read what is posted on USMB or what pops up on my news feed.
I'll read any link or watch YouTube based on the discussion and links posted here or from my news feeds.

2nd, If I want to research the info provided by pjmedia, TGP, etc..........
I will do a Google search for more information, DD.

I NEVER go straight to TGP, CNN, MSNBC, pjmedia, etc.......
looking for a story to post, no need to, you guys do that for me.

But I will go to the sites to read the link that made you so angry. LOOLLOOLLOOLLL.
Funny you didn't mention how wacko the right wing media is.

Every way of broadcasting needs to be purely equal. Even science like NASA. You get your rockets we get ours. Get it. Everything.
My usual 1st step is to read what is posted on USMB or what pops up on my news feed.
I'll read any link or watch YouTube based on the discussion and links posted here or from my news feeds.

2nd, If I want to research the info provided by pjmedia, TGP, etc..........
I will do a Google search for more information, DD.

I NEVER go straight to TGP, CNN, MSNBC, pjmedia, etc.......
looking for a story to post, no need to, you guys do that for me.

But I will go to the sites to read the link that made you so angry. LOOLLOOLLOOLLL.
I don't get angry... I get even....
Liberal Newsweek quotes liberal MSN claiming that CNN is too "rightwing"? You gotta be kidding.
Next to no one watches CNN right now at home- 99% of their audience is in airport terminals and jiffy lube waiting rooms.

Unless they can get the owners of these facilities to switch stations on their TV's, a boycott of CNN is rather pointless.
And even then my nose is in my phone reading this site.
Describe a way that you "Got Even"

kill someone?
slander them?
harassed them?

How do you go about getting even?
Out vote the opposition which we will do in two months and also in 2024... it will be an electoral blood bath and I will have gotten even for my vote being stolen....

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