Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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Doesn't matter...

The lingering aftereffects are modest, at best...

And, of course, Bolshevism was merely a proto-Soviet pseudo-philosophy whose successor system withered on the vine some 70 years later...

The flood of Holocaust refugees in the late 1940s pretty much leveled the playing field, in that respect...

They had no choice.. With the rise of Nazism Western European Jews needed a sanctuary. Pity they were not kinder to the locals.

A pity the locals weren't nicer to the Jews who were already living there.

In 1920 the first to organize and protest the influx of European Jews were Christian and Jewish Arabs. Hard fact that the newcomers were about free love and immodesty... Bolsheviks who offended every single aspect of the culture.

They weren't Zionists.. they were revolutionary Bolsheviks.

Time to own your history that came out of the progroms and ghettos of Eastern Europe and the Ukraine.

There were riots in the streets between various socialist groups.. expousing Lenin or Marx or Trotsky.. which the Arabs.. Christian, Muslim and Jew had NEVER heard of.
"You may hate Communists and all Socialists , but Jesus does not, He died for them too.

They are human beings created in the image of God."

And of course the very same is true of Zionists : ))
The ASA resolution passed no matter how much a Satan possessed Zionist like you hates that fact.

Some people have consciences and oppose and speak out against human rights abuses in Palestine and take actions to confront such Injustices in more creative ways .

BDS takes on the ivory tower |

The ASA resolution points out that scholars and students at Palestinian universities face restrictions on travel and research.

The ASA resolution points out scholars and students at Palestinian universities live under constant threat of violence.

In December 2008, and that was during Cast Lead, the Islamic University of Gaza was partly destroyed by Israeli bombs, the ASA resolution points out.

The ASA resolution also argues that the U.S. government "plays a significant role in enabling the Israeli Occupation of Palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the Wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against Palestinians."

So now you are using the godless communist hate sites to support your islamonazi POV, have you heard the expression "scraping the bottom of the barrel" before.

And then promptly confined to the waste basket by over 600,000 people from American universities who claimed it was illegal and racist . Guess the people are talking louder than the communists are, while ISLAMONAZI fifth columnists post their LIES on this message board.
1) Who is calling for the boycott?

This boycott is called for by Palestinian civil society, including academics. The boycott is part of a larger movement, BDS, which stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.*

In 2004, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion that the wall Israel built on Palestinian territory was illegal. In 2005, a majority of Palestinian civil society groups and organizations organized together in protest against Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights. These organizations have called for non-violent tactics of boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israeli academic and cultural institutions. As with South Africa, Israel’s system of racial discrimination, at all institutional levels, constitutes apartheid as recognized by international law under the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The American Studies Association is one of several academic associations that have been asked to participate in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The Association for Asian American Studies already voted in Spring 2013 to support this boycott.

What does the Academic Boycott mean for the ASA? | American Studies Association

Here is the actual resolution that is in the news and was recently passed by the American Studies Association, from their very own website.

"Whereas the American Studies Association is committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the struggle against all forms of racism, including anti-semitism, discrimination, and xenophobia, and to solidarity with aggrieved peoples in the United States and in the world;

Whereas the United States plays a significant role in enabling the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the Wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against Palestinians, which has had documented devastating impact on the overall well-being, the exercise of political and human rights, the freedom of movement, and the educational opportunities of Palestinians;

Whereas there is no effective or substantive academic freedom for Palestinian students and scholars under conditions of Israeli occupation, and Israeli institutions of higher learning are a party to Israeli state policies that violate human rights and negatively impact the working conditions of Palestinian scholars and students;

Whereas the American Studies Association is cognizant of Israeli scholars and students who are critical of Israeli state policies and who support the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement under conditions of isolation and threat of sanction;

Whereas the American Studies Association is dedicated to the right of students and scholars to pursue education and research without undue state interference, repression, and military violence, and in keeping with the spirit of its previous statements supports the right of students and scholars to intellectual freedom and to political dissent as citizens and scholars;

It is resolved that the American Studies Association (ASA) endorses and will honor the call of Palestinian civil society for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.* It is also resolved that the ASA supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about Israel-Palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement."

American Studies Association Resolution on Academic Boycott of Israel | American Studies Association ?


Have you considered any comprehensive reading from 1920.. All the immigrants to Palestine were Bolsheviks.

WHAT! including the arabs.........................:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
1920 Nebi Musa riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"On 1 March 1920, the death of Joseph Trumpeldor in the Battle of Tel Hai at the hands of a Shiite group from Southern Lebanon, caused deep concern among Jewish leaders, who made numerous requests to the OETA administration to address the Yishuv's security and forbid a pro-Syrian public rally..."

Sadly, this is eerily familiar.....
2) Why boycott Israeli academic institutions?

Israeli academic institutions function as a central part of a system that has denied Palestinians their basic rights.* Palestinian students face ongoing discrimination, including the suppression of Palestinian cultural events, and there is sanctioning and ongoing surveillance of Palestinian students and faculty who protest Israeli policies. Israeli universities have been a direct party to the annexation of Palestinian land. Armed soldiers patrol Israeli university campuses, and some have been trained at Israeli universities in techniques to suppress protestors.

What does the Academic Boycott mean for the ASA? | American Studies Association

1) Who is calling for the boycott?

This boycott is called for by Palestinian civil society, including academics. The boycott is part of a larger movement, BDS, which stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.*

In 2004, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion that the wall Israel built on Palestinian territory was illegal. In 2005, a majority of Palestinian civil society groups and organizations organized together in protest against Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights. These organizations have called for non-violent tactics of boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israeli academic and cultural institutions. As with South Africa, Israel’s system of racial discrimination, at all institutional levels, constitutes apartheid as recognized by international law under the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The American Studies Association is one of several academic associations that have been asked to participate in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The Association for Asian American Studies already voted in Spring 2013 to support this boycott.

What does the Academic Boycott mean for the ASA? | American Studies Association

Here is the actual resolution that is in the news and was recently passed by the American Studies Association, from their very own website.

"Whereas the American Studies Association is committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the struggle against all forms of racism, including anti-semitism, discrimination, and xenophobia, and to solidarity with aggrieved peoples in the United States and in the world;

Whereas the United States plays a significant role in enabling the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the Wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against Palestinians, which has had documented devastating impact on the overall well-being, the exercise of political and human rights, the freedom of movement, and the educational opportunities of Palestinians;

Whereas there is no effective or substantive academic freedom for Palestinian students and scholars under conditions of Israeli occupation, and Israeli institutions of higher learning are a party to Israeli state policies that violate human rights and negatively impact the working conditions of Palestinian scholars and students;

Whereas the American Studies Association is cognizant of Israeli scholars and students who are critical of Israeli state policies and who support the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement under conditions of isolation and threat of sanction;

Whereas the American Studies Association is dedicated to the right of students and scholars to pursue education and research without undue state interference, repression, and military violence, and in keeping with the spirit of its previous statements supports the right of students and scholars to intellectual freedom and to political dissent as citizens and scholars;

It is resolved that the American Studies Association (ASA) endorses and will honor the call of Palestinian civil society for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.* It is also resolved that the ASA supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about Israel-Palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement."

American Studies Association Resolution on Academic Boycott of Israel | American Studies Association
Jaffa riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is apparently what Shaarona was alluding to - but her account is much at odds with this and any other account I've had a chance to read so far......

In particular, I am NOT finding any suggestion that 'Christian and Jewish Palestinians' *together* organized to object to the Zionist immigrants. NONE.
here is the actual resolution that is in the news and was recently passed by the american studies association, from their very own website.

"whereas the american studies association is committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the struggle against all forms of racism, including anti-semitism, discrimination, and xenophobia, and to solidarity with aggrieved peoples in the united states and in the world;

whereas the united states plays a significant role in enabling the israeli occupation of palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against palestinians, which has had documented devastating impact on the overall well-being, the exercise of political and human rights, the freedom of movement, and the educational opportunities of palestinians;

whereas there is no effective or substantive academic freedom for palestinian students and scholars under conditions of israeli occupation, and israeli institutions of higher learning are a party to israeli state policies that violate human rights and negatively impact the working conditions of palestinian scholars and students;

whereas the american studies association is cognizant of israeli scholars and students who are critical of israeli state policies and who support the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (bds) movement under conditions of isolation and threat of sanction;

whereas the american studies association is dedicated to the right of students and scholars to pursue education and research without undue state interference, repression, and military violence, and in keeping with the spirit of its previous statements supports the right of students and scholars to intellectual freedom and to political dissent as citizens and scholars;

it is resolved that the american studies association (asa) endorses and will honor the call of palestinian civil society for a boycott of israeli academic institutions.* it is also resolved that the asa supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about israel-palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (bds) movement."

american studies association resolution on academic boycott of israel | american studies association

very two faced aren't they as they scream for free speech and intellectual freedom then attempt to block free speech and intellectual freedom when it originates in israel.

It is a neo marxist front funded by the communists that are using disinformation and racism to forment trouble
Have you considered any comprehensive reading from 1920.. All the immigrants to Palestine were Bolsheviks.
Doesn't matter...

The lingering aftereffects are modest, at best...

And, of course, Bolshevism was merely a proto-Soviet pseudo-philosophy whose successor system withered on the vine some 70 years later...

The flood of Holocaust refugees in the late 1940s pretty much leveled the playing field, in that respect...

They had no choice.. With the rise of Nazism Western European Jews needed a sanctuary. Pity they were not kinder to the locals.

And the islamonazi hostile arabs decided to finish the job of their messiah, a pity they failed isn't it sha as then the arabs would be fighting amongst themselves for the right to MASS MURDER itinerant muslim workers in Palestine.
3) Why is this issue relevant to the American Studies Association?**
"The ASA is an organization that supports the protected rights of students, scholars, and peoples everywhere to freedoms of expression, thought, and movement. The ASA has long played an important role in critiquing racial, sexual, and gender inequality in the United States. It condemned apartheid in South Africa and urged divestment from U.S. corporations with operations there. It has condemned anti-immigrant discrimination in Arizona and in other states. It has spoken out in support of the Occupy movement, and of the human dignity and rights of the economically disenfranchised."

The ASA further states that the US is the world’s strongest supporter of Israel, providing the majority of Israel’s military and foreign aid, and providing political support for Israel’s settlement expansion.

The ASA states that as a US based org., the ASA condemns the US significant role in aiding and abetting Israel’s violations of human rights against Palestinians and its Occupation of Palestinian lands through the US use of the veto in the UN Security Council.

The ASA states that by them responding to the call from Palestinian civil society for an academic boycott of Israeli institutions, the ASA recognizes that "1) there is no effective or substantive academic freedom afforded to Palestinians under the conditions of Israeli occupation; and that 2) Israeli institutions of higher learning are a party to Israeli state policies that violate human rights. The National Council’s decision to honor the call for the Academic Boycott of Israeli institutions is an ethical stance, a form of material and symbolic action. It represents a principle of solidarity with scholars and students deprived of their academic freedom and an aspiration to enlarge that freedom for all, including Palestinians."

What does the Academic Boycott mean for the ASA? | American Studies Association

2) Why boycott Israeli academic institutions?

Israeli academic institutions function as a central part of a system that has denied Palestinians their basic rights.* Palestinian students face ongoing discrimination, including the suppression of Palestinian cultural events, and there is sanctioning and ongoing surveillance of Palestinian students and faculty who protest Israeli policies. Israeli universities have been a direct party to the annexation of Palestinian land. Armed soldiers patrol Israeli university campuses, and some have been trained at Israeli universities in techniques to suppress protestors.

What does the Academic Boycott mean for the ASA? | American Studies Association

1) Who is calling for the boycott?

This boycott is called for by Palestinian civil society, including academics. The boycott is part of a larger movement, BDS, which stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.*

In 2004, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion that the wall Israel built on Palestinian territory was illegal. In 2005, a majority of Palestinian civil society groups and organizations organized together in protest against Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights. These organizations have called for non-violent tactics of boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israeli academic and cultural institutions. As with South Africa, Israel’s system of racial discrimination, at all institutional levels, constitutes apartheid as recognized by international law under the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The American Studies Association is one of several academic associations that have been asked to participate in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The Association for Asian American Studies already voted in Spring 2013 to support this boycott.

What does the Academic Boycott mean for the ASA? | American Studies Association

Here is the actual resolution that is in the news and was recently passed by the American Studies Association, from their very own website.

"Whereas the American Studies Association is committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the struggle against all forms of racism, including anti-semitism, discrimination, and xenophobia, and to solidarity with aggrieved peoples in the United States and in the world;

Whereas the United States plays a significant role in enabling the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the Wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against Palestinians, which has had documented devastating impact on the overall well-being, the exercise of political and human rights, the freedom of movement, and the educational opportunities of Palestinians;

Whereas there is no effective or substantive academic freedom for Palestinian students and scholars under conditions of Israeli occupation, and Israeli institutions of higher learning are a party to Israeli state policies that violate human rights and negatively impact the working conditions of Palestinian scholars and students;

Whereas the American Studies Association is cognizant of Israeli scholars and students who are critical of Israeli state policies and who support the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement under conditions of isolation and threat of sanction;

Whereas the American Studies Association is dedicated to the right of students and scholars to pursue education and research without undue state interference, repression, and military violence, and in keeping with the spirit of its previous statements supports the right of students and scholars to intellectual freedom and to political dissent as citizens and scholars;

It is resolved that the American Studies Association (ASA) endorses and will honor the call of Palestinian civil society for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.* It is also resolved that the ASA supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about Israel-Palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement."

American Studies Association Resolution on Academic Boycott of Israel | American Studies Association
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They had no choice.. With the rise of Nazism Western European Jews needed a sanctuary. Pity they were not kinder to the locals.

A pity the locals weren't nicer to the Jews who were already living there.

In 1920 the first to organize and protest the influx of European Jews were Christian and Jewish Arabs. Hard fact that the newcomers were about free love and immodesty... Bolsheviks who offended every single aspect of the culture.

They weren't Zionists.. they were revolutionary Bolsheviks.

Time to own your history that came out of the progroms and ghettos of Eastern Europe and the Ukraine.

There were riots in the streets between various socialist groups.. expousing Lenin or Marx or Trotsky.. which the Arabs.. Christian, Muslim and Jew had NEVER heard of.

You can of course provide a link that shows this to be a fact, from a reliable unbiased source that is not linked to islam or communism.
here is the actual resolution that is in the news and was recently passed by the american studies association, from their very own website.

"whereas the american studies association is committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the struggle against all forms of racism, including anti-semitism, discrimination, and xenophobia, and to solidarity with aggrieved peoples in the united states and in the world;

whereas the united states plays a significant role in enabling the israeli occupation of palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against palestinians, which has had documented devastating impact on the overall well-being, the exercise of political and human rights, the freedom of movement, and the educational opportunities of palestinians;

whereas there is no effective or substantive academic freedom for palestinian students and scholars under conditions of israeli occupation, and israeli institutions of higher learning are a party to israeli state policies that violate human rights and negatively impact the working conditions of palestinian scholars and students;

whereas the american studies association is cognizant of israeli scholars and students who are critical of israeli state policies and who support the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (bds) movement under conditions of isolation and threat of sanction;

whereas the american studies association is dedicated to the right of students and scholars to pursue education and research without undue state interference, repression, and military violence, and in keeping with the spirit of its previous statements supports the right of students and scholars to intellectual freedom and to political dissent as citizens and scholars;

it is resolved that the american studies association (asa) endorses and will honor the call of palestinian civil society for a boycott of israeli academic institutions.* it is also resolved that the asa supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about israel-palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (bds) movement."

american studies association resolution on academic boycott of israel | american studies association

very two faced aren't they as they scream for free speech and intellectual freedom then attempt to block free speech and intellectual freedom when it originates in israel.

It is a neo marxist front funded by the communists that are using disinformation and racism to forment trouble

You are mistaken.

They do not boycott Israel academics.
1) Who is calling for the boycott?

This boycott is called for by Palestinian civil society, including academics. The boycott is part of a larger movement, BDS, which stands for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.*

In 2004, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion that the wall Israel built on Palestinian territory was illegal. In 2005, a majority of Palestinian civil society groups and organizations organized together in protest against Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights. These organizations have called for non-violent tactics of boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israeli academic and cultural institutions. As with South Africa, Israel’s system of racial discrimination, at all institutional levels, constitutes apartheid as recognized by international law under the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The American Studies Association is one of several academic associations that have been asked to participate in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The Association for Asian American Studies already voted in Spring 2013 to support this boycott.

What does the Academic Boycott mean for the ASA? | American Studies Association

Here is the actual resolution that is in the news and was recently passed by the American Studies Association, from their very own website.

"Whereas the American Studies Association is committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the struggle against all forms of racism, including anti-semitism, discrimination, and xenophobia, and to solidarity with aggrieved peoples in the United States and in the world;

Whereas the United States plays a significant role in enabling the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the Wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against Palestinians, which has had documented devastating impact on the overall well-being, the exercise of political and human rights, the freedom of movement, and the educational opportunities of Palestinians;

Whereas there is no effective or substantive academic freedom for Palestinian students and scholars under conditions of Israeli occupation, and Israeli institutions of higher learning are a party to Israeli state policies that violate human rights and negatively impact the working conditions of Palestinian scholars and students;

Whereas the American Studies Association is cognizant of Israeli scholars and students who are critical of Israeli state policies and who support the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement under conditions of isolation and threat of sanction;

Whereas the American Studies Association is dedicated to the right of students and scholars to pursue education and research without undue state interference, repression, and military violence, and in keeping with the spirit of its previous statements supports the right of students and scholars to intellectual freedom and to political dissent as citizens and scholars;

It is resolved that the American Studies Association (ASA) endorses and will honor the call of Palestinian civil society for a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.* It is also resolved that the ASA supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about Israel-Palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement."

American Studies Association Resolution on Academic Boycott of Israel | American Studies Association

Which being racist and anti semitic is actually against International law and the Geneva conventions. So what do you have to say about your criminal behaviour in inciting racial hatred and religious intolerance. Don't ever come to the UK as you will be arrested on these charges, and the same goes for France.
The boycott is not racist or anti semitic.

It is a direct response to Israel's actions in Palestine that she carries out in her Occupation in Palestine
here is the actual resolution that is in the news and was recently passed by the american studies association, from their very own website.

"whereas the american studies association is committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the struggle against all forms of racism, including anti-semitism, discrimination, and xenophobia, and to solidarity with aggrieved peoples in the united states and in the world;

whereas the united states plays a significant role in enabling the israeli occupation of palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against palestinians, which has had documented devastating impact on the overall well-being, the exercise of political and human rights, the freedom of movement, and the educational opportunities of palestinians;

whereas there is no effective or substantive academic freedom for palestinian students and scholars under conditions of israeli occupation, and israeli institutions of higher learning are a party to israeli state policies that violate human rights and negatively impact the working conditions of palestinian scholars and students;

whereas the american studies association is cognizant of israeli scholars and students who are critical of israeli state policies and who support the international boycott, divestment, and sanctions (bds) movement under conditions of isolation and threat of sanction;

whereas the american studies association is dedicated to the right of students and scholars to pursue education and research without undue state interference, repression, and military violence, and in keeping with the spirit of its previous statements supports the right of students and scholars to intellectual freedom and to political dissent as citizens and scholars;

it is resolved that the american studies association (asa) endorses and will honor the call of palestinian civil society for a boycott of israeli academic institutions.* it is also resolved that the asa supports the protected rights of students and scholars everywhere to engage in research and public speaking about israel-palestine and in support of the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (bds) movement."

american studies association resolution on academic boycott of israel | american studies association

very two faced aren't they as they scream for free speech and intellectual freedom then attempt to block free speech and intellectual freedom when it originates in israel.

It is a neo marxist front funded by the communists that are using disinformation and racism to forment trouble

You are mistaken.

They do not boycott Israel academics.

YES THEY DO and it is against International law to do so. It is just that they are trying to do because the Jews are identifying new compounds and medical breakthroughs that will help the world. They are also heavily involved in new fuels that are not reliant on hydrocarbons.
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