Boycott goes prime-time in Israel

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There are no disputed territories in Palestine, Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

That's why we have BDS, so people with a conscience have a method to protest these crimes against humanity of Occupation, through responses designed to pressure Israel to end her unlawful Occupation in Palestine.
So, show us who preached the Gospel.of the Kingdom in The Old Testament.

Jesus never preached The Old Testament, Matthew 4 says He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom.

As for the Law, I don't know that He did follow it, He did things like heal on the Sabbath. But if He did, the reason is because the Law was not fulfilled until His work was done, not until He was killed by the Jews and arose three days later and ascended to Heaven to sit by the right hand of God..

Any reply Sherri? Educate the masses.
Gospel of the Kingdom had to be the local name for the Old Testament. There weren't any other gospels. They didn't even have a New Testament or Quran.
Evidently Mrs. Sherri thinks the Palestinians are just angels along with her friends who are busy murdering people all across the Muslim world because of their religious beliefs.
Has anyone ever seen Mrs. Sherri take a deep breath, step away from her castigating Israel all the time, and condemning what is going on in the rest of the Middle East. After al. this is the Middle East Forum, not specifically an Israel/Palestine Forum which Mrs. Sherri is trying to make it be. One would think that since Mrs. Sherri is all over the Internet castigating Israel on different sites that she could take a moment to realize what is going on in other Middle East countries.

I don't think Sherriah is aware of anything going on outside of Israel and the Disputed Territories. Absolutely clueless.

You are probably right. Perhaps she doesn't even know what is going on in her own little town since it appears that she never leaves the house because she is too busy posting all over the Internet castigating Israel.
Didn't even have time to go to church yesterday. The Deacon will be upset with her. Unless she has a thing going with him. Otherwise Deacons can be about as mean as nuns in a Catholic school.
So, show us who preached the Gospel.of the Kingdom in The Old Testament.

Jesus never preached The Old Testament, Matthew 4 says He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom.

As for the Law, I don't know that He did follow it, He did things like heal on the Sabbath. But if He did, the reason is because the Law was not fulfilled until His work was done, not until He was killed by the Jews and arose three days later and ascended to Heaven to sit by the right hand of God..
Gospel of the Kingdom had to be the local name for the Old Testament. There weren't any other gospels. They didn't even have a New Testament or Quran.
Why, Rabbi Jesus taught the Gospel to Jews in the Synagogues. There weren't any mosques around there.
There are no disputed territories in Palestine, Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

That's why we have BDS, so people with a conscience have a method to protest these crimes against humanity of Occupation, through responses designed to pressure Israel to end her unlawful Occupation in Palestine.

People with a conscience would be yelling about all the innocent people being killed in the Middle East countries because of their religious beliefs. Evidently you have no conscience because here you are a Christian woman who closes her eyes to what is happening to Christians in the Middle East. You would much rather, because of your hatred of the Jews, spend your entire life castigating Israel not matter how many Christians you friends kill.
Focus if its possible for you, this thread is addressing Palestine and a response to the crimes of Occupation that have been non stop for over 45 years now

BDS is a very appropriate and a moral response to this type of long standing Injustice and crimes of this nature.

There are no disputed territories in Palestine, Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

That's why we have BDS, so people with a conscience have a method to protest these crimes against humanity of Occupation, through responses designed to pressure Israel to end her unlawful Occupation in Palestine.

People with a conscience would be yelling about all the innocent people being killed in the Middle East countries because of their religious beliefs. Evidently you have no conscience because here you are a Christian woman who closes her eyes to what is happening to Christians in the Middle East. You would much rather, because of your hatred of the Jews, spend your entire life castigating Israel not matter how many Christians you friends kill.
NY is ending funding of school involved in boycotting.

blah blah blah blah blah
Sherri puts on many hats. Maaaaaan maaaaan maaaaaaan.

Focus if its possible for you, this thread is addressing Palestine and a response to the crimes of Occupation that have been non stop for over 45 years now

BDS is a very appropriate and a moral response to this type of long standing Injustice and crimes of this nature.

There are no disputed territories in Palestine, Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

That's why we have BDS, so people with a conscience have a method to protest these crimes against humanity of Occupation, through responses designed to pressure Israel to end her unlawful Occupation in Palestine.

People with a conscience would be yelling about all the innocent people being killed in the Middle East countries because of their religious beliefs. Evidently you have no conscience because here you are a Christian woman who closes her eyes to what is happening to Christians in the Middle East. You would much rather, because of your hatred of the Jews, spend your entire life castigating Israel not matter how many Christians you friends kill.
BDS is so influential and important, it can't even make the Palestinians themselves from signing a contract with the Israelis to purchase gas from them.

Focus if its possible for you, this thread is addressing Palestine and a response to the crimes of Occupation that have been non stop for over 45 years now

BDS is a very appropriate and a moral response to this type of long standing Injustice and crimes of this nature.

There are no disputed territories in Palestine, Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

That's why we have BDS, so people with a conscience have a method to protest these crimes against humanity of Occupation, through responses designed to pressure Israel to end her unlawful Occupation in Palestine.

People with a conscience would be yelling about all the innocent people being killed in the Middle East countries because of their religious beliefs. Evidently you have no conscience because here you are a Christian woman who closes her eyes to what is happening to Christians in the Middle East. You would much rather, because of your hatred of the Jews, spend your entire life castigating Israel not matter how many Christians you friends kill.

Focus, Mrs. Sherri, your friends have no religious tolerance for the beliefs of others, so why shouldn't we boycott the goods coming from their countries? Unless of course you have no problem with your friends murdering others, even when they murder Christians. When we see what is going on in other countries, the Palestinians haven't really had it bad for 45 years. In fact, there are probably so many people in this world who have it so much worse than you think the Palestinians do that they would be happy to trade placers with a Palestinian.
Jesus never preached The Old Testament, Matthew 4 says He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom.

As for the Law, I don't know that He did follow it, He did things like heal on the Sabbath. But if He did, the reason is because the Law was not fulfilled until His work was done, not until He was killed by the Jews and arose three days later and ascended to Heaven to sit by the right hand of God..

Sounds as though you believe that camel crap.
BTW, why did Jesus celebrate Passover and teach the Old Testament in Synagogues to Jews? Any idea?
Any reply Sherri? Educate the masses.
Dipshit, if Jesus didn't preach the OT then why did his followers call him "rabbi"?
Jesus never preached The Old Testament, Matthew 4 says He preached the Gospel of the Kingdom.

As for the Law, I don't know that He did follow it, He did things like heal on the Sabbath. But if He did, the reason is because the Law was not fulfilled until His work was done, not until He was killed by the Jews and arose three days later and ascended to Heaven to sit by the right hand of God..

Any reply Sherri? Educate the masses.
Dipshit, if Jesus didn't preach the OT then why did his followers call him "rabbi"?
She will say, "Out with the old, in with the new. They call them 'Preacher' now. Rabbi is Old Testament".
Thanks to the BDS schools and organizations are running away from the BDS like its an incurable disease. Thank you God, to You all is owed:

N.Y. State Bill Would End Funding to Schools With BDS Ties

“Colleges should not use funds to support boycotts, resolutions or any similar actions that are discriminatory and limit academic opportunities,” he said in the statement.

Read more: N.Y. State Bill Would End Funding to Schools With BDS Ties ?
BDS is actually going backward! Blacklisted in almost all the major universities!

The ASA’s New Image
The ASA Was the Biggest Loser

In the end, the ASA is the biggest loser, and this outcome will not be lost on other associations. For its efforts, the ASA is now publicly mocked, ridiculed and condemned, even by some of its own members and past presidents, as well as by major scholars and numerous university presidents. Even those who do not discern anti-Semitism in the ASA resolution nevertheless perceive a violation of academic freedom. The American Association of University Professors announced that the boycott would violate the academic freedom “not only of Israeli scholars but also of American scholars who might be pressured to comply with it.” More importantly, perhaps, the ASA has now lost any scholarly reputation that it might previously have had and is now seen as a largely political institution.

Four universities have already terminated their institutional memberships in the ASA. Penn State Harrisburg was the first to cut its formal ties, followed by Brandeis University, Indiana University at Bloomington, and Kenyon College. These four institutions should be honored for their leadership.

In short order, over sixty universities have issued strong statements rejecting the ASA’s actions. Professor William A. Jacobson compiled this list of institutions that have denounced the ASA boycott:
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RECENT VICTORIES in the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli Apartheid have opened up new possibilities for the movement.

The American Studies Association (ASA), with more than 4,000 members worldwide, and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA) voted to join the boycott of Israeli universities.

Then, the 27,000-member Modern Language Association (MLA) passed by a narrow margin a resolution criticizing Israel for restricting the right of U.S. scholars to enter the West Bank to work at Palestinian universities. E

Earlier last year, the Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS) passed its own boycott resolution.

Predictably, this wave of anti-apartheid activism has predictably been met with an apartheid wall of opposition.

Yes, there was opposition .

Yet, the impact of the courageous stance taken by these academic associations is nevertheless unmistakable.

Israeli apartheid is on the defensive, and the global BDS movement has inched closer to what*co-founder Omar Barghouti has called*a "tipping point."

BDS takes on the ivory tower |
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And I read in the article I discussed in my last post that presently students and Palestinian solidarity activists around the country are strategizing on how to build on these BDS victories.

Public discussion of U.S. imperialism in the Middle East and U.S. support for Israel has now broken into the MSM (mainstream media).
The ASA resolution passed by a 2-to-1 margin.

The ASA resolution targeted the complicity of Israeli universities in Israel's illegal occupation and other violations of international law.

There are several Israeli universities, one example is Tel Aviv University, which are built on stolen Palestinian land.

The Israel Institute of Technology/Technion, develops weapons that have been used against Palestinian civilian populations in violation of international law.
A whole 4,000 members?

Golly-gosh gee-willickers, Emmy Lou...

Silly, simpering, limp-wristed academics...

Struggling for relevancy in the international political sphere...

And failing...

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BDS takes on the ivory tower |

The ASA resolution points out that scholars and students at Palestinian universities face restrictions on travel and research.

The ASA resolution points out scholars and students at Palestinian universities live under constant threat of violence.

In December 2008, and that was during Cast Lead, the Islamic University of Gaza was partly destroyed by Israeli bombs, the ASA resolution points out.

The ASA resolution also argues that the U.S. government "plays a significant role in enabling the Israeli Occupation of Palestine and the expansion of illegal settlements and the Wall in violation of international law, as well as in supporting the systematic discrimination against Palestinians."
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