Boycott Israel

RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I think that maybe you are missing some critical information.

It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
You are uninformed/misinformed. I haven't compiled a complete list. These are a few things off the top of my head.
Rachel Corrie. I need not explain.
Fucen (SP?). US citizen killed execution style on the Flotilla.
Nothing from our government.
The child from Florida (Whose cousin was the one burned in a forest) was badly beaten by the IDF.
One US citizen was shot in the eye by the IDF.
Cynthia McKinney was kidnapped off a boat in international waters and charged with "entering Israel" illegally when she never went there.
There are many more who have been kidnapped, roughed up, had their property stolen or destroyed.
Nothing from our government.
That's some list you have there.
Aside from your fumbling with names, dates, specifics you can't recall or address, one can only guess why you bothered.
American man executed by Israel with 4 bullets in his head was the youngest of the humanitarians
American Artist loses her eye after face was deliberately targeted by Israeli forces
Cynthia McKinney Back in U.S. After Israeli Detainment
Your cutting and pasting from PressTV is a hoot.
American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead

A U.S. citizen who lived in Turkey is among the nine people killed when Israeli commandos stormed a Turkish aid ship heading for the Gaza Strip, officials said today.

The victim was identified as Furkan Dogan, 19, a Turkish-American. A forensic report said he was shot at close range, with four bullets in his head and one in his chest, according to the Anatolian news agency.
American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead
Typical propaganda ploy. Slime the messenger.

I'm not sure about the unpublished Forensic Report or the Pathologist, but I am very skeptical as to the uncorroborated findings on a dubious chain of evidence.

The various News Outlets were very quick to publish the anti-Israeli version of the deadly events as they occurred on board the MV Mavi Marmara (under the Comoros flag). The lack of a thorough investigation and the anti-semitism heralded by the Middle East Media and tainting the truth.

BUT! For those that are interested in the truth, not contaminated by Hostile pro-Arab Palestinians, they might take notice of an interesting fact:

Report on inner-workings of the anti-Semitic group reveals that Greta Berlin belatedly acknowledged
‘crazy’ Ken O’Keefe seized IDF commando’s gun,
sparking fight in which 10 Turks died.

[quote"News Story • Times of Israel • By Robert Philpot • 13 March 2018"]In newly revealed posts from a secret British Facebook group, Greta Berlin, the co-founder and spokesperson of the Free Gaza Movement, states that the Israeli troops did not open fire until after Ken O’Keefe, a former US marine aboard the Mavi Marmara, had seized a gun from one of them.
LINK TO SOURCE: Time of Israel[/quote]​

It is important to remember how these anti-Israeli news agencies spin and craft a story ⇒ purposely away from the truth.

Most Respectfully,
Remember that one of the primary goals of BDS is to get their message that Israel is an Apartheid state, alone in the world at deserving economic punishment, to come out of the mouth of a well-known and respected organization. And, if they can’t accomplish that by actually convincing a college or other institution to divest (which they never have), at least they can brag that hostile accusations against the Jewish state are now part of the fabric of campus life.

Under this formulation, almost anything can be used as a hook to hang a controversy that will immediately divide an institution into armed camps, a dynamic that only serves to heighten tensions still further and make the Arab-Israeli conflict the Alpha and Omega of political/human-rights debate within a community.
Now BDS advocates will claim that a school’s ownership of this share of Caterpillar, for example, or that share of Motorola means they are currently “taking sides” in the conflict, and thus BDS is a proper response to an institution that is already making a political statement by holding such equities in their portfolio. But couldn’t that same argument be made to turn any investing organization of any size into a warzone?

After all, for every dollar these institutions invest in companies that in some way benefit the Jewish state, they invariably invest ten, twenty or even a hundred dollars in energy stocks such as Exxon that (by BDS logic) could be construed as a school or other organization “investing” in the Arab side of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

So why are protests not breaking out on campus to get schools to “divest from Saudi/Arab/Islamic Apartheid,” with posters littering the campus of Islamic slave traders in Sudan buying and selling black Africans, women being stoned to death in Iran or homosexuals being hung in Egypt? Simply because those of us who stand against BDS refuse to ruin the communities to which we belong just so we can score points against our political foes.

(full article online)

Manufacturing Dissent (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Remember that one of the primary goals of BDS is to get their message that Israel is an Apartheid state, alone in the world at deserving economic punishment, to come out of the mouth of a well-known and respected organization. And, if they can’t accomplish that by actually convincing a college or other institution to divest (which they never have), at least they can brag that hostile accusations against the Jewish state are now part of the fabric of campus life.

Under this formulation, almost anything can be used as a hook to hang a controversy that will immediately divide an institution into armed camps, a dynamic that only serves to heighten tensions still further and make the Arab-Israeli conflict the Alpha and Omega of political/human-rights debate within a community.
Now BDS advocates will claim that a school’s ownership of this share of Caterpillar, for example, or that share of Motorola means they are currently “taking sides” in the conflict, and thus BDS is a proper response to an institution that is already making a political statement by holding such equities in their portfolio. But couldn’t that same argument be made to turn any investing organization of any size into a warzone?

After all, for every dollar these institutions invest in companies that in some way benefit the Jewish state, they invariably invest ten, twenty or even a hundred dollars in energy stocks such as Exxon that (by BDS logic) could be construed as a school or other organization “investing” in the Arab side of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

So why are protests not breaking out on campus to get schools to “divest from Saudi/Arab/Islamic Apartheid,” with posters littering the campus of Islamic slave traders in Sudan buying and selling black Africans, women being stoned to death in Iran or homosexuals being hung in Egypt? Simply because those of us who stand against BDS refuse to ruin the communities to which we belong just so we can score points against our political foes.

(full article online)

Manufacturing Dissent (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Nice deflection.
Remember that one of the primary goals of BDS is to get their message that Israel is an Apartheid state, alone in the world at deserving economic punishment, to come out of the mouth of a well-known and respected organization. And, if they can’t accomplish that by actually convincing a college or other institution to divest (which they never have), at least they can brag that hostile accusations against the Jewish state are now part of the fabric of campus life.

Under this formulation, almost anything can be used as a hook to hang a controversy that will immediately divide an institution into armed camps, a dynamic that only serves to heighten tensions still further and make the Arab-Israeli conflict the Alpha and Omega of political/human-rights debate within a community.
Now BDS advocates will claim that a school’s ownership of this share of Caterpillar, for example, or that share of Motorola means they are currently “taking sides” in the conflict, and thus BDS is a proper response to an institution that is already making a political statement by holding such equities in their portfolio. But couldn’t that same argument be made to turn any investing organization of any size into a warzone?

After all, for every dollar these institutions invest in companies that in some way benefit the Jewish state, they invariably invest ten, twenty or even a hundred dollars in energy stocks such as Exxon that (by BDS logic) could be construed as a school or other organization “investing” in the Arab side of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

So why are protests not breaking out on campus to get schools to “divest from Saudi/Arab/Islamic Apartheid,” with posters littering the campus of Islamic slave traders in Sudan buying and selling black Africans, women being stoned to death in Iran or homosexuals being hung in Egypt? Simply because those of us who stand against BDS refuse to ruin the communities to which we belong just so we can score points against our political foes.

(full article online)

Manufacturing Dissent (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Nice deflection.
Nice to see that you still do not understand the meaning of the word Deflection.
Remember that one of the primary goals of BDS is to get their message that Israel is an Apartheid state, alone in the world at deserving economic punishment, to come out of the mouth of a well-known and respected organization. And, if they can’t accomplish that by actually convincing a college or other institution to divest (which they never have), at least they can brag that hostile accusations against the Jewish state are now part of the fabric of campus life.

Under this formulation, almost anything can be used as a hook to hang a controversy that will immediately divide an institution into armed camps, a dynamic that only serves to heighten tensions still further and make the Arab-Israeli conflict the Alpha and Omega of political/human-rights debate within a community.
Now BDS advocates will claim that a school’s ownership of this share of Caterpillar, for example, or that share of Motorola means they are currently “taking sides” in the conflict, and thus BDS is a proper response to an institution that is already making a political statement by holding such equities in their portfolio. But couldn’t that same argument be made to turn any investing organization of any size into a warzone?

After all, for every dollar these institutions invest in companies that in some way benefit the Jewish state, they invariably invest ten, twenty or even a hundred dollars in energy stocks such as Exxon that (by BDS logic) could be construed as a school or other organization “investing” in the Arab side of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

So why are protests not breaking out on campus to get schools to “divest from Saudi/Arab/Islamic Apartheid,” with posters littering the campus of Islamic slave traders in Sudan buying and selling black Africans, women being stoned to death in Iran or homosexuals being hung in Egypt? Simply because those of us who stand against BDS refuse to ruin the communities to which we belong just so we can score points against our political foes.

(full article online)

Manufacturing Dissent (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Nice deflection.
Nice to see that you still do not understand the meaning of the word Deflection.
act of diverting attention:​
the act of directing people's attention or criticism away from something​

It is not that complicated.

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