Boycott Israel

RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The trick is understanding that the political aspects of a problem can also be harnessed as a positive influence. Of course, the Arab Palestinian would have to abandon all hostile activities; as well as launch an internal security program to reach out, track down and apprehend Hostile Arab Palestinians that fail to terminate violent activities.

There will always be those that think every possible alternative to violence is impossible.

You are missing the point. The problem is not technological. It is political.

There will always be those that cannot see beyond the mantra: "Armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine." Just like there will always be those that believe that Israel is the oppressor. But it is not true that "the spirit of Jihad" is at the center of the Arab Palestinian national pride. Violence is a placebo. It must be accepted that the 21st Century is the time for the Arab Palestinian to transform themselves from being the avatar for terrorism to a people that have turned their energies towards nation support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

The Arab Palestinian has to find a way to withdraw from extremists antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Most Respectfully,
Still missing the point.

Ma'an's headline also called it a "BDS victory" but Cole rewrote it - and he still considers this a "win" for BDS even though the BDS movement is explicitly against students coming to Israel to study.

(full article online)

Ninth-rate academic Juan Cole calls a student going to university in Israel a "BDS WIn" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Wasn't her whole case based on the claim the she has ceased to be a memeber of any BDS organization?

I guess the point is that it's her choice now if she becomes the next BDS star and gives the law which banned her in the first place, all the backup it needed.

Ma'an's headline also called it a "BDS victory" but Cole rewrote it - and he still considers this a "win" for BDS even though the BDS movement is explicitly against students coming to Israel to study.

(full article online)

Ninth-rate academic Juan Cole calls a student going to university in Israel a "BDS WIn" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Just laughable how BDS'ers aren't so BDS'able when it comes to a quality eduaction in the the Zionist Entity.

Hey, wasn't the Head BDS'er in Charge, Omar Barghouti, a Quatari, educated in the Zionist Entity?

Show of hands please, (cybernetically speaking). Who has not heard the expression "do as I say, not as I do"?
PA's Jerusalem district governor and regional intelligence services director arrested after American citizen with Israeli ID kidnapped.

(full article online )

Senior PA officials arrested in kidnapping of US citizen
State Department officials at the US Embassy in Jerusalem told Reuters they were aware of the kidnapping.

“We are aware of reports that a US citizen has been detained by the Palestinian Authority. When a U.S. citizen is incarcerated or detained overseas, the Department of State works to provide all appropriate consular assistance,” an embassy official said.​

Well that is a lie.
PA's Jerusalem district governor and regional intelligence services director arrested after American citizen with Israeli ID kidnapped.

(full article online )

Senior PA officials arrested in kidnapping of US citizen
State Department officials at the US Embassy in Jerusalem told Reuters they were aware of the kidnapping.

“We are aware of reports that a US citizen has been detained by the Palestinian Authority. When a U.S. citizen is incarcerated or detained overseas, the Department of State works to provide all appropriate consular assistance,” an embassy official said.​

Well that is a lie.

Another of your conspiracy theories.
PA's Jerusalem district governor and regional intelligence services director arrested after American citizen with Israeli ID kidnapped.

(full article online )

Senior PA officials arrested in kidnapping of US citizen
State Department officials at the US Embassy in Jerusalem told Reuters they were aware of the kidnapping.

“We are aware of reports that a US citizen has been detained by the Palestinian Authority. When a U.S. citizen is incarcerated or detained overseas, the Department of State works to provide all appropriate consular assistance,” an embassy official said.​

Well that is a lie.

Another of your conspiracy theories.
There is a list of US citizens who have been kidnapped, beaten, wounded, or killed without a peep from our government.
PA's Jerusalem district governor and regional intelligence services director arrested after American citizen with Israeli ID kidnapped.

(full article online )

Senior PA officials arrested in kidnapping of US citizen
State Department officials at the US Embassy in Jerusalem told Reuters they were aware of the kidnapping.

“We are aware of reports that a US citizen has been detained by the Palestinian Authority. When a U.S. citizen is incarcerated or detained overseas, the Department of State works to provide all appropriate consular assistance,” an embassy official said.​

Well that is a lie.

Another of your conspiracy theories.
There is a list of US citizens who have been kidnapped, beaten, wounded, or killed without a peep from our government.

Another of your flaming tirades?
PA's Jerusalem district governor and regional intelligence services director arrested after American citizen with Israeli ID kidnapped.

(full article online )

Senior PA officials arrested in kidnapping of US citizen
State Department officials at the US Embassy in Jerusalem told Reuters they were aware of the kidnapping.

“We are aware of reports that a US citizen has been detained by the Palestinian Authority. When a U.S. citizen is incarcerated or detained overseas, the Department of State works to provide all appropriate consular assistance,” an embassy official said.​

Well that is a lie.

Another of your conspiracy theories.
There is a list of US citizens who have been kidnapped, beaten, wounded, or killed without a peep from our government.

Another of your flaming tirades?
More of your uninformed babble.
PA's Jerusalem district governor and regional intelligence services director arrested after American citizen with Israeli ID kidnapped.

(full article online )

Senior PA officials arrested in kidnapping of US citizen
State Department officials at the US Embassy in Jerusalem told Reuters they were aware of the kidnapping.

“We are aware of reports that a US citizen has been detained by the Palestinian Authority. When a U.S. citizen is incarcerated or detained overseas, the Department of State works to provide all appropriate consular assistance,” an embassy official said.​

Well that is a lie.

Another of your conspiracy theories.
There is a list of US citizens who have been kidnapped, beaten, wounded, or killed without a peep from our government.

Another of your flaming tirades?
More of your uninformed babble.

It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
State Department officials at the US Embassy in Jerusalem told Reuters they were aware of the kidnapping.

“We are aware of reports that a US citizen has been detained by the Palestinian Authority. When a U.S. citizen is incarcerated or detained overseas, the Department of State works to provide all appropriate consular assistance,” an embassy official said.​

Well that is a lie.

Another of your conspiracy theories.
There is a list of US citizens who have been kidnapped, beaten, wounded, or killed without a peep from our government.

Another of your flaming tirades?
More of your uninformed babble.

It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
You are uninformed/misinformed. I haven't compiled a complete list. These are a few things off the top of my head.

Rachel Corrie. I need not explain.
Fucen (SP?). US citizen killed execution style on the Flotilla.
Nothing from our government.

The child from Florida (Whose cousin was the one burned in a forest) was badly beaten by the IDF.
One US citizen was shot in the eye by the IDF.
Cynthia McKinney was kidnapped off a boat in international waters and charged with "entering Israel" illegally( :confused-84::laugh::laugh::laugh:) when she never went there.
There are many more who have been kidnapped, roughed up, had their property stolen or destroyed.

Nothing from our government.
Another of your conspiracy theories.
There is a list of US citizens who have been kidnapped, beaten, wounded, or killed without a peep from our government.

Another of your flaming tirades?
More of your uninformed babble.

It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
You are uninformed/misinformed. I haven't compiled a complete list. These are a few things off the top of my head.

Rachel Corrie. I need not explain.
Fucen (SP?). US citizen killed execution style on the Flotilla.
Nothing from our government.

The child from Florida (Whose cousin was the one burned in a forest) was badly beaten by the IDF.
One US citizen was shot in the eye by the IDF.
Cynthia McKinney was kidnapped off a boat in international waters and charged with "entering Israel" illegally( :confused-84::laugh::laugh::laugh:) when she never went there.
There are many more who have been kidnapped, roughed up, had their property stolen or destroyed.

Nothing from our government.
That's some list you have there.

Aside from your fumbling with names, dates, specifics you can't recall or address, one can only guess why you bothered.
There is a list of US citizens who have been kidnapped, beaten, wounded, or killed without a peep from our government.

Another of your flaming tirades?
More of your uninformed babble.

It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
You are uninformed/misinformed. I haven't compiled a complete list. These are a few things off the top of my head.

Rachel Corrie. I need not explain.
Fucen (SP?). US citizen killed execution style on the Flotilla.
Nothing from our government.

The child from Florida (Whose cousin was the one burned in a forest) was badly beaten by the IDF.
One US citizen was shot in the eye by the IDF.
Cynthia McKinney was kidnapped off a boat in international waters and charged with "entering Israel" illegally( :confused-84::laugh::laugh::laugh:) when she never went there.
There are many more who have been kidnapped, roughed up, had their property stolen or destroyed.

Nothing from our government.
That's some list you have there.

Aside from your fumbling with names, dates, specifics you can't recall or address, one can only guess why you bothered.
American man executed by Israel with 4 bullets in his head was the youngest of the humanitarians

American Artist loses her eye after face was deliberately targeted by Israeli forces

Cynthia McKinney Back in U.S. After Israeli Detainment

Another of your flaming tirades?
More of your uninformed babble.

It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
You are uninformed/misinformed. I haven't compiled a complete list. These are a few things off the top of my head.

Rachel Corrie. I need not explain.
Fucen (SP?). US citizen killed execution style on the Flotilla.
Nothing from our government.

The child from Florida (Whose cousin was the one burned in a forest) was badly beaten by the IDF.
One US citizen was shot in the eye by the IDF.
Cynthia McKinney was kidnapped off a boat in international waters and charged with "entering Israel" illegally( :confused-84::laugh::laugh::laugh:) when she never went there.
There are many more who have been kidnapped, roughed up, had their property stolen or destroyed.

Nothing from our government.
That's some list you have there.

Aside from your fumbling with names, dates, specifics you can't recall or address, one can only guess why you bothered.
American man executed by Israel with 4 bullets in his head was the youngest of the humanitarians

American Artist loses her eye after face was deliberately targeted by Israeli forces

Cynthia McKinney Back in U.S. After Israeli Detainment

Your cutting and pasting from PressTV is a hoot.
More of your uninformed babble.

It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
You are uninformed/misinformed. I haven't compiled a complete list. These are a few things off the top of my head.

Rachel Corrie. I need not explain.
Fucen (SP?). US citizen killed execution style on the Flotilla.
Nothing from our government.

The child from Florida (Whose cousin was the one burned in a forest) was badly beaten by the IDF.
One US citizen was shot in the eye by the IDF.
Cynthia McKinney was kidnapped off a boat in international waters and charged with "entering Israel" illegally( :confused-84::laugh::laugh::laugh:) when she never went there.
There are many more who have been kidnapped, roughed up, had their property stolen or destroyed.

Nothing from our government.
That's some list you have there.

Aside from your fumbling with names, dates, specifics you can't recall or address, one can only guess why you bothered.
American man executed by Israel with 4 bullets in his head was the youngest of the humanitarians

American Artist loses her eye after face was deliberately targeted by Israeli forces

Cynthia McKinney Back in U.S. After Israeli Detainment

Your cutting and pasting from PressTV is a hoot.

American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead

A U.S. citizen who lived in Turkey is among the nine people killed when Israeli commandos stormed a Turkish aid ship heading for the Gaza Strip, officials said today.

The victim was identified as Furkan Dogan, 19, a Turkish-American. A forensic report said he was shot at close range, with four bullets in his head and one in his chest, according to the Anatolian news agency.

American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead

Typical propaganda ploy. Slime the messenger.
It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
You are uninformed/misinformed. I haven't compiled a complete list. These are a few things off the top of my head.

Rachel Corrie. I need not explain.
Fucen (SP?). US citizen killed execution style on the Flotilla.
Nothing from our government.

The child from Florida (Whose cousin was the one burned in a forest) was badly beaten by the IDF.
One US citizen was shot in the eye by the IDF.
Cynthia McKinney was kidnapped off a boat in international waters and charged with "entering Israel" illegally( :confused-84::laugh::laugh::laugh:) when she never went there.
There are many more who have been kidnapped, roughed up, had their property stolen or destroyed.

Nothing from our government.
That's some list you have there.

Aside from your fumbling with names, dates, specifics you can't recall or address, one can only guess why you bothered.
American man executed by Israel with 4 bullets in his head was the youngest of the humanitarians

American Artist loses her eye after face was deliberately targeted by Israeli forces

Cynthia McKinney Back in U.S. After Israeli Detainment

Your cutting and pasting from PressTV is a hoot.

American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead

A U.S. citizen who lived in Turkey is among the nine people killed when Israeli commandos stormed a Turkish aid ship heading for the Gaza Strip, officials said today.

The victim was identified as Furkan Dogan, 19, a Turkish-American. A forensic report said he was shot at close range, with four bullets in his head and one in his chest, according to the Anatolian news agency.

American, 19, Among Gaza Flotilla Dead

Typical propaganda ploy. Slime the messenger.

Your typical Pom Pom flailing for islamic terrorist apologists who make poor choices.
Another of your conspiracy theories.
There is a list of US citizens who have been kidnapped, beaten, wounded, or killed without a peep from our government.

Another of your flaming tirades?
More of your uninformed babble.

It was another of your unsubstantiated claims.
You are uninformed/misinformed. I haven't compiled a complete list. These are a few things off the top of my head.

Rachel Corrie. I need not explain.
Fucen (SP?). US citizen killed execution style on the Flotilla.
Nothing from our government.

The child from Florida (Whose cousin was the one burned in a forest) was badly beaten by the IDF.
One US citizen was shot in the eye by the IDF.
Cynthia McKinney was kidnapped off a boat in international waters and charged with "entering Israel" illegally( :confused-84::laugh::laugh::laugh:) when she never went there.
There are many more who have been kidnapped, roughed up, had their property stolen or destroyed.

Nothing from our government.

..... all your pictures of colorful boats and smiling, dancing, festival kids & people ! hamass + co... look at the kite festivals they hold ! ...they're all shrouded in terrorism, (unbeknownst to them -- your little girl friends ~~~> i guess they're too young to understand "hamass" ???? or do they...... understand them?

....but those "other kids" understand real good:

(they sure got the hang of terrorism) and committing heinous crimes, and lighting fires <~~~~ kids + lighting fires, heinous crimes = adult psychopath). no "pft"?

... those festival and theatre people.. and smiling kids in your pictures -- they're not involved in: tossing Molotov cocktails, making kite bombs or lighting fires at the "border?"

what's with them? no interest in being recruits for hamass??

aren't you a closet kite-flyer yourself ?

in one picture, you try to paint a normal smiling civilization "over there" -- on the other hand --- you don't seem to mind the kite-bombs. well, which is it that you prefer pft ? normal or ...a-hem, abnormal ....kites or no kites.....

rocco is right, you do want this [the conflict] too go on forever.....

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