Boycott Israel

That means that North Korea, who starves its people; African countries, who ignore their people; Arab regimes, who execute their people – all fail to garner the kind of outrage reserved only for this tiny Jewish state.​

Israel's standard deflection bullshit.

US-Backed Bahraini Forces Deport 2 American Peace Activists Acting As Human Rights Observers

That means that North Korea, who starves its people; African countries, who ignore their people; Arab regimes, who execute their people – all fail to garner the kind of outrage reserved only for this tiny Jewish state.​

Israel's standard deflection bullshit.

US-Backed Bahraini Forces Deport 2 American Peace Activists Acting As Human Rights Observers

Where's the deflection?
Virtually in all cases Israel is blamed fiercely for what is considered normal conduct in most countries, including Yours.

A known and well documented irrational obsession.
Ali Abunimah - BDS Campaign - Freedom, Equality & Return

[ And they say that it is a Palestinian issue, and not a Muslim Arab issue. Yes, hearing it to believe it. And no one has yet figured out why it is called the Arab League ]

Ambassadors of 13 states warn Australia against recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, say move would hurt relations with Arab world.

(full article online)

Arab states warn Australia not to recognize Jerusalem
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I cannot image that Australia would capitulate in the face of Arab State intimidation and coercion. The Australians are not generally prone to accept this type of approach.

[ And they say that it is a Palestinian issue, and not a Muslim Arab issue. Yes, hearing it to believe it. And no one has yet figured out why it is called the Arab League ]

Ambassadors of 13 states warn Australia against recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, say move would hurt relations with Arab world.

(full article online)

Arab states warn Australia not to recognize Jerusalem

Whether or not Australia decides to recognize Jerusalem as it capital, will not be based on the Arab attempt at intervention.

Aurtz Sheva 7 said:
Diplomats from across the Arab world warned Australia on Tuesday that Canberra risked both its relations with Arab states as well as the viability of the peace process in the Middle East if it recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
SOURCE: 10/16/2018 Aurtz Sheva 7

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I cannot image that Australia would capitulate in the face of Arab State intimidation and coercion. The Australians are not generally prone to accept this type of approach.

[ And they say that it is a Palestinian issue, and not a Muslim Arab issue. Yes, hearing it to believe it. And no one has yet figured out why it is called the Arab League ]

Ambassadors of 13 states warn Australia against recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, say move would hurt relations with Arab world.

(full article online)

Arab states warn Australia not to recognize Jerusalem

Whether or not Australia decides to recognize Jerusalem as it capital, will not be based on the Arab attempt at intervention.

Aurtz Sheva 7 said:
Diplomats from across the Arab world warned Australia on Tuesday that Canberra risked both its relations with Arab states as well as the viability of the peace process in the Middle East if it recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
SOURCE: 10/16/2018 Aurtz Sheva 7

Most Respectfully,

I honestly don’t care. The important thing is that E. Jerusalem will never be in “ Palestine “
Joseph Haddad, Arab Israeli Christian 2nd Lebanon War Veteran

I cannot be silent, I must break my silence. I served in the IDF during the Second Intifada. It was a difficult time. I also stood at checkpoints, stood guard, arrested people and fought in the Second Lebanon War. As an Israeli Arab and IDF solider in the Golani Brigade, I served together with other Israelis: Jews of all backgrounds, Druze and Bedouin. We were all equal, we were all brothers fighting side by side and I can testify that I served in the most humane and moral army in the world, with the highest code of ethics and human values. The IDF is an army that faces complex challenges and dilemmas in an explosive region, but it is an army that is level headed and always keeps as its ultimate highest value human life. The IDF is an army that will bend over backwards to save lives and to ensure that innocent individuals are not harmed, even if it means complicating the military operation.

I will not let BTS spread untruths and lies against my country. Two days after BTS takes it stand at Harvard University, I will be there to speak to the students with Reservists on Duty. The truth will prevail.

The writer, age 33, is an Arab Israeli Christian. A resident of Nazareth, he was injured in the Second Lebanese War while serving as a soldier in the Israeli army. A social activist in the Arab community, he is the CEO of the nonprofit organization Togther – Vouch For Each Other, which builds bridges that bring together Arabs and Jews in meaningful social connections in Israeli society. He is also involved in public relations through the organization Reservists on Duty.

(full article online)

It’s time I break my silence
Irish Senate passes Israeli settlement boycott after exceptionally candid & courageous debate

Irish Senate passes Israeli settlement boycott after exceptionally candid & courageous debate

What a bunch of ignorant, malicious, brainwashed nobodies.

Boycott Israel, but put an end to the Palestinian leaders who bring the real misery to the Arabs, who by sheer lack of luck have found themselves migrating to that area a century ago.......????

Nothing, absolutely Nothing.

The usual Christian garbage against the Jews.
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a pretty unenlightened group of legislators.

They are unable to comprehend the nature of the conflict and what tools and weapons are being brought to bare on the landscape.

Irish Senate passes Israeli settlement boycott after exceptionally candid & courageous debate

Each conflict has a set of objectives. And to attain these objectives, the successful combatant MUST find the most effective means for the attainment of these political objectives. The Israelis are in a conflict the intensity of which is to compel the Arab Palestinians to fulfill decide to meet Israeli objectives.

In the case of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, there are three (3) things that must be addressed and neutralized:

• The Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric ...Fighters that collectively represent the Arab Palestinian military power.
The country must be brought under a noncombative state with law and order established.
The collective clarity of the people must be brought to the forefront focused on needs, goals, rights and ...responsonsibilities. The will to fight (continue the conflict) becomes less important than the development of the culture and society.​

The most important of the three is the will of the Arab Palestinian. They must come to realized that their collective human development is more important (nationalism and pride) than the perpetuation of the conflict. The peace is not won by a forced agenda. The Arab Palestinian, with generation and generations of hatred behind them, are not going to be subdued (hatred will smolder for many decades to come). BUT! They might be persuaded to join a national project that offers "real incentives" and that the "incentives" are direct payment (not passed through the Palestinian Authority). Certainly, the Israelis can come up with an outreach program (directly to the Arab Palestinian working class) that will kick-start the Arab Palestinians.

I should stop here.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a pretty unenlightened group of legislators.

They are unable to comprehend the nature of the conflict and what tools and weapons are being brought to bare on the landscape.

Irish Senate passes Israeli settlement boycott after exceptionally candid & courageous debate

Each conflict has a set of objectives. And to attain these objectives, the successful combatant MUST find the most effective means for the attainment of these political objectives. The Israelis are in a conflict the intensity of which is to compel the Arab Palestinians to fulfill decide to meet Israeli objectives.

In the case of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, there are three (3) things that must be addressed and neutralized:

• The Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric ...Fighters that collectively represent the Arab Palestinian military power.
The country must be brought under a noncombative state with law and order established.
The collective clarity of the people must be brought to the forefront focused on needs, goals, rights and ...responsonsibilities. The will to fight (continue the conflict) becomes less important than the development of the culture and society.​

The most important of the three is the will of the Arab Palestinian. They must come to realized that their collective human development is more important (nationalism and pride) than the perpetuation of the conflict. The peace is not won by a forced agenda. The Arab Palestinian, with generation and generations of hatred behind them, are not going to be subdued (hatred will smolder for many decades to come). BUT! They might be persuaded to join a national project that offers "real incentives" and that the "incentives" are direct payment (not passed through the Palestinian Authority). Certainly, the Israelis can come up with an outreach program (directly to the Arab Palestinian working class) that will kick-start the Arab Palestinians.

I should stop here.

Most Respectfully,
Each conflict has a set of objectives. And to attain these objectives, the successful combatant MUST find the most effective means for the attainment of these political objectives. The Israelis are in a conflict the intensity of which is to compel the Arab Palestinians to fulfill decide to meet Israeli objectives.
Israel's main objective is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. True a hundred years ago and still true today.

So, what are the Palestinian's options?
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Who are you kidding?

QUOTE="P F Tinmore, post: 21008135, member: 21837"]
Each conflict has a set of objectives. And to attain these objectives, the successful combatant MUST find the most effective means for the attainment of these political objectives. The Israelis are in a conflict the intensity of which is to compel the Arab Palestinians to fulfill decide to meet Israeli objectives.
Israel's main objective is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. True a hundred years ago and still true today.

So, what are the Palestinian's options?[/QUOTE]

I do not think that, in the 21st Century, you have heard anything like that from the Israeli Government as an official policy or objective.

You might be able to dig-up some fringe group of extremists, but not official policy.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycott Israel
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a pretty unenlightened group of legislators.

They are unable to comprehend the nature of the conflict and what tools and weapons are being brought to bare on the landscape.

Irish Senate passes Israeli settlement boycott after exceptionally candid & courageous debate

Each conflict has a set of objectives. And to attain these objectives, the successful combatant MUST find the most effective means for the attainment of these political objectives. The Israelis are in a conflict the intensity of which is to compel the Arab Palestinians to fulfill decide to meet Israeli objectives.

In the case of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, there are three (3) things that must be addressed and neutralized:

• The Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric ...Fighters that collectively represent the Arab Palestinian military power.
The country must be brought under a noncombative state with law and order established.
The collective clarity of the people must be brought to the forefront focused on needs, goals, rights and ...responsonsibilities. The will to fight (continue the conflict) becomes less important than the development of the culture and society.​

The most important of the three is the will of the Arab Palestinian. They must come to realized that their collective human development is more important (nationalism and pride) than the perpetuation of the conflict. The peace is not won by a forced agenda. The Arab Palestinian, with generation and generations of hatred behind them, are not going to be subdued (hatred will smolder for many decades to come). BUT! They might be persuaded to join a national project that offers "real incentives" and that the "incentives" are direct payment (not passed through the Palestinian Authority). Certainly, the Israelis can come up with an outreach program (directly to the Arab Palestinian working class) that will kick-start the Arab Palestinians.

I should stop here.

Most Respectfully,
Each conflict has a set of objectives. And to attain these objectives, the successful combatant MUST find the most effective means for the attainment of these political objectives. The Israelis are in a conflict the intensity of which is to compel the Arab Palestinians to fulfill decide to meet Israeli objectives.
Israel's main objective is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. True a hundred years ago and still true today.

So, what are the Palestinian's options?

If that was Israel's goal, they could meet it in a week. They could have met that goal a hundred times over in the past hundred years.

But, let's just assume that it is true, for the moment. Let's just assume that Israel ALSO sees this as a zero sum game. Let's say that Israel wants the whole territory and Arab Palestine wants the whole territory.

Given Israel's military and economic superiority -- what ARE Arab Palestinian's options? Continued low-level "resistance" hasn't given them even one tiny smidgen of territory where they exercise full sovereignty and have normalized relationships with the international community. In fact, as demonstrated in maps Team Palestine is wont to bring up from time to time, the Arab Palestinians have been steadily losing territory year by year.

How is that zero sum game working out so far? So here's a crazy idea -- how about if each people has sovereignty over part of the territory?
Irish Senate passes Israeli settlement boycott after exceptionally candid & courageous debate

The clips in the video show a SHOCKING lack of basic understanding about the conflict. And speaking of hypocrisy...when are those boycotts of Morocco, Turkey, China, Russia, UAE scheduled to begin?

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