Boycott Israel

Paypal has stopped providing services to the UK Charity War on Want. This follows UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) pointing out to Paypal that War on Want appeared to have close links to a terrorist organisation, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

(full article online)

War on Want loses Paypal facility
All of the above have previously featured in numerous letters to The Guardian supporting BDS.

So how is it possible to be “committed to academic freedom” as stated in the most recent letter, yet support an academic boycott of Israel?

How is it possible to support Lara Alqasem’s right to study in a country that they believe has no rights?

Or is it simply gross hypocrisy?

(full article online)

Academics' Letter Exposes BDS Hypocrisy | HonestReporting
Accusing BDS of proving “time and time again that it strictly opposes” values including “critical thinking, open dialogue, and respect for each other’s humanity and right to existence,” Swarthmore Students for Israel pledged to stand in opposition to it.

“At this time we are unaware how SJP plans to initiate this campaign or how it will manifest, but our student and alumni community can rest assured that we will do our utmost to combat it in all forms as it reveals itself,” the group stated. “When the time comes, we hope our allies will reach out and help us defeat this.”

“The reality stands that pro-Israel and Jewish students are harassed and/or assaulted, both on the national level and within the Swarthmore community,” it continued. “It is unacceptable. The support is here. The community is here. We are here.”

(full article online)

Swarthmore College SJP Launches Anti-Israel Divestment Campaign, Drawing Opposition From Zionist Students
Top US Jewish groups have welcomed the Senate’s passage on Thursday of legislation designed to counter the use of human shields by two main anti-Israel terrorist organizations.

“We applaud the US Senate for unanimously passing the STOP (Sanction Terrorist Operations) Using Human Shields Act, co-authored by U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.),” Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CoP) Chairman Arthur Stark and Executive Vice Chairman and CEO Malcolm Hoenlein said in a statement. “This bill requires the president to identify and impose sanctions on each foreign person who is a member of or acting on behalf of Hezbollah and Hamas who knowingly orders, controls, or otherwise directs the use of civilians to shield military objectives from attack.”

(full article online)

Top US Jewish Groups Welcome Senate’s Approval of Human Shields Act Targeting Hamas and Hezbollah
Campus police at University of California, Irvine will in the near future refer anti-Israel disruptors of a May 3, 2018 pro-Israel event to Orange County prosecutors, according to a UCI spokesperson. Referral will occur, says the spokesperson, as soon as the campus police investigation concludes.

If so, UCI will be the second UC campus, after UCLA, to refer loud and raucous anti-Israel disruptors to prosecutors for violation of California’s statutes prohibiting disruption of public meetings, disturbing the peace, and conspiracy to do either one.

After the police referral, it will be up to District Attorney Tony Rackauckas to decide whether actual prosecution should ensue. Rackauckas previously made history with the 2011 prosecution and conviction of the famous “Irvine 11,” who disrupted Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren in 2010 when he spoke at UCI. Rackauckas is considered one the state’s most seasoned, no-nonsense DAs.

(full article online)

UCI Preparing to Refer Anti-Israel Disrupters to Prosecution
Paypal has stopped providing services to the UK Charity War on Want. This follows UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) pointing out to Paypal that War on Want appeared to have close links to a terrorist organisation, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

(full article online)

War on Want loses Paypal facility
So many monkey motions and guilt by association.

There are people who are members of different organization. This does not mean that the organizations are affiliated. That does not tie those organizations together. If a member of the mafia is also the member of a church, that does not make that church mafia. That does not create a link.

Khalida Jarrar has never as much as picked up a rock yet Israel has arrested her many times under its phony war on terror. It is just part of Israel's campaign to shut people up.

Paypal has stopped providing services to the UK Charity War on Want. This follows UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) pointing out to Paypal that War on Want appeared to have close links to a terrorist organisation, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

(full article online)

War on Want loses Paypal facility
So many monkey motions and guilt by association.

There are people who are members of different organization. This does not mean that the organizations are affiliated. That does not tie those organizations together. If a member of the mafia is also the member of a church, that does not make that church mafia. That does not create a link.

Khalida Jarrar has never as much as picked up a rock yet Israel has arrested her many times under its phony war on terror. It is just part of Israel's campaign to shut people up.

I thought it was hilarious that the politburo mouthpieces at the Islamic terrorist franchise this lady represents used every nonsensical cliche known to Islamic blowhards.

Have you considered that flailing your Pom Poms in support of Islamic terrorist franchises as a part of your cut and paste YouTube video gee-had is pretty silly?

PFLP: Extended detention of Khalida Jarrar will not deter her from struggle to free Palestine

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine emphasized that the renewal of the administrative detention of the leader Khalida Jarrar for four additional months will not deter Comrade Khalida Jarrar or the Front from its role in resisting the occupation and its followers.

The Front emphasized that the renewal of the administrative detention of the prominent national leader Khalida Jarrar is an attempt to suppress the revolutionary leaders who can affect the course of developments in occupied Palestine, especially in relation to the occupation attacks on the West Bank, the siege and the imposition of sanctions on the Gaza Strip and the attempts to impose the so-called “deal of the century.”

Funny stuff referring to Khalida Jarrar as a prominent leader. What does the Pal’istanian Legislative Council do these days except launder welfare dollars?
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Paypal has stopped providing services to the UK Charity War on Want. This follows UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) pointing out to Paypal that War on Want appeared to have close links to a terrorist organisation, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

(full article online)

War on Want loses Paypal facility
So many monkey motions and guilt by association.

There are people who are members of different organization. This does not mean that the organizations are affiliated. That does not tie those organizations together. If a member of the mafia is also the member of a church, that does not make that church mafia. That does not create a link.

Khalida Jarrar has never as much as picked up a rock yet Israel has arrested her many times under its phony war on terror. It is just part of Israel's campaign to shut people up.

I thought it was hilarious that the politburo mouthpieces at the Islamic terrorist franchise this lady represents used every nonsensical cliche known to Islamic blowhards.

Have you considered that flailing your Pom Poms in support of Islamic terrorist franchises as a part of your cut and paste YouTube video gee-had is pretty silly?

PFLP: Extended detention of Khalida Jarrar will not deter her from struggle to free Palestine

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine emphasized that the renewal of the administrative detention of the leader Khalida Jarrar for four additional months will not deter Comrade Khalida Jarrar or the Front from its role in resisting the occupation and its followers.

The Front emphasized that the renewal of the administrative detention of the prominent national leader Khalida Jarrar is an attempt to suppress the revolutionary leaders who can affect the course of developments in occupied Palestine, especially in relation to the occupation attacks on the West Bank, the siege and the imposition of sanctions on the Gaza Strip and the attempts to impose the so-called “deal of the century.”

Funny stuff referring to Khalida Jarrar as a prominent leader. What does the Pal’istanian Legislative Council do these days except launder welfare dollars?

"I thought it was hilarious [...] Have you considered that flailing your Pom Poms in support of Islamic terrorist franchises as a part of your cut and paste YouTube video gee-had is pretty silly?"

Gimme an N...

Gimme an O....

Goooooooooooooo Nomore !
Leading BDS Group Posted Tweet Mourning PFLP Terrorist
by John Rossomando • Aug 13, 2018 at 11:22 am


Leading BDS Group Posted Tweet Mourning PFLP Terrorist

Back in 2016, the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) posted a tweet mourning the death of a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist.

The PFLP is best known for pioneering airliner hijackings in the 1960s and 1970s. Its hijacking and subsequent blowing up of three airliners in Jordan in 1970 was the PFLP's most infamous terror attack. Forty hostages were taken off the planes before the PFLP destroyed them. More recently, PFLP terrorists carried out several suicide bombings during the Second Intifada. In 2017, the PFLP celebrated the 45thanniversary of its terrorist attack at Lod Airport that killed 26 Israelis.
Do these exceptions apply to Omar Barghouti, the founder of BDS?

Barghouti is not an Israeli citizen although he holds Israeli residency status and lives in Acre. He has a master's degree from Columbia University and appears to have been studying for his PhD in philosophy at Tel Aviv University since 2009. His Palestinian identity is no more relevant than that of Lara Alqasem.

Barghouti routinely travels around the world and gives lectures at universities worldwide. The idea that he is coerced into attending an Israeli university is simply not true - he has the ability and means to attend any university he wants, including in the West Bank but also in the US and Europe where he lectures on supposed Israeli crimes. Nowadays, he can almost certainly tailor a program where he can attend and check in with his thesis advisor online to any major university worldwide he desires. The fact that he has not yet apparently received his PhD after 9 years of study shows that he is not forced to attend classes in person; he could pursue a similar PhD program literally anywhere worldwide and visit his university when he goes on his regular speaking tours.

So if, according to PACBI and Electronic Intifada, there is no "coercive" relationship loophole for BDS' founder, he has violated and may still be violating his own standards on academic boycott of Israel.

This is what a hypocrite looks like.

All "international" students without my special "loophole" must "boycott" Israeli universities

(full article online)

Electronic Intifada proves that BDS founder violates BDS guidelines ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Two BDS activists disrupted the presentation of an Israeli Holocaust film in Berlin last week, prompting Israeli security officials to evict the protesters as the audience booed them.

The Jerusalem Post identified one of the BDS activists as Ronnie Barkan, an anti-Zionist from Israel, whose conduct Berlin’s intelligence agency classified in an August report as “anti-Semitic.”

Now, tell us again that BDS is not anti-Semitic.

(vide video online)

REVOLTING: BDS Activists Disrupt Holocaust Film in Germany

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