Boycott Israel

#KhanAlAhmar: BDS is Our Most Powerful Tool For Accountability and Justice

Popular struggle and international solidarity have defended the Palestinian community of Khan al-Ahmar from expulsion, stopping bulldozers manufactured by international corporations from demolishing homes and a school. Effective BDS campaigning is critical as Israel's Supreme Court has approved the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar to make way for illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land. This includes naming and shaming corporations manufacturing bulldozers complicit in Israel’s demolitions: JCB (UK), Caterpillar (US), Volvo (Sweden), Hyundai (South Korea), Hitachi (Japan) and LiuGong (China).


(Palestinians block bulldozers Israel uses to demolish their homes in Khan al-Ahmar.)

September 10, 2018 —
Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing continues with the September 5 decision of the Israeli courts in favour of the imminent destruction of Khan al-Ahmar, the Palestinian Bedouin community located east of occupied Jerusalem. The steadfastness of the small community of 200 people in Khan al-Ahmar has become a symbol of our struggle against expulsion and dispossession.

#KhanAlAhmar: BDS is Our Most Powerful Tool For Accountability and Justice

Israel’s war of repression against the BDS movement

Having failed to stop the rise in worldwide support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian freedom, justice and equality, Israel is now launching a desperate and dangerous fight back. At Israel’s request, governments in the US, UK, France, Canada and elsewhere are introducing anti-democratic legislation and taking other repressive measures to undermine the BDS movement. In France, one activist was arrested simply for wearing a BDS t-shirt. Israel is using its security services to illegally spy on BDS activists across the world. In May 2016, Israel imposed an effective travel ban on BDS movement co-founder Omar Barghouti. Israel has confirmed that it is considering revoking Omar’s permanent residency status. Following threats against Omar by Israeli ministers, Amnesty International expressed concern “for the safety and liberty of Palestinian human rights defender Omar Barghouti”. Israel’s huge campaign of repression against human rights defenders and the BDS movement is designed to shield it from being held accountable for its violations of international law. More information about the #RightToBoycott is available in our Right to BDS factsheet and you can view more information by pressing "find out more"

Right To Boycott
BDS - when racist thugs call for extermination of Jews and openly laugh about it. But whine when being called upon their violent insanity.

Truly disturbing disease.

Desperate Lies from BDS Supporters in the United States

Desperate Lies from BDS Supporters in the United States
NGO Monitor

Supporters of BDS in the United States are panicking. Across the country, all the major presidential candidates have condemned the BDS movement and the delegitimization of Israel. Legislatures in seven states have passed bills imposing penalties on companies that support BDS and Congress has introduced similar anti-BDS legislation.

Unsurprisingly, the defensive responses from pro-BDS NGOs, such as Sabeel and Palestine Legal, are full of irony and distortions.

In an attempt to minimize the victories against BDS, Palestine Legal ironically notes that “non-binding resolutions cannot be enforced. They are merely symbolic statements of policy with no teeth.” Of course, every BDS “success” in American student government forums precisely fits this description. If, Palestine Legal can claim that non-binding divestment resolutions- such as those that passed at UCLA (“victory”), University Illinois at Chicago (“congrats”), and Toledo (“outstanding victory”)- are successes, surely they must admit that anti-BDS initiatives from the states and federal government are major losses.
Lev HaOlam organization founder Attorney Nati Rom, who fights the global boycott and BDS organizations, said: "The BDS organization appears to be boycotting itself, and their steps become more and more ridiculous, as they spread their frustration to giant corporations." Lev HaOlam sends thousands of product packages from Judea and Samaria to Israeli supporters all over the world and is in contact with thousands of foreign citizens.

"The Khan al-Ahmar case, once again shows the false narrative of these organizations," continues Rom. "An illegal settlement - which according to the law is to be destroyed - a settlement that did not exist until a few years ago - was established by the European Union to take over the land of the State of Israel, and the BDS organizations deliberately hide these facts to advance their own agenda."

(full article online)

BDS: Boycott's new target: Bulldozer companies
“The approachable nonviolent Palestinian?” The Palestinian Authority doesn’t name community centers and schools for heroes of nonviolence. It does name public places for terrorists who killed Israeli civilians. It pays the families of dead and imprisoned terrorists on a sliding scale that gives greater reward to more violent attacks. Hamas officials routinely make it clear that their goal is nothing short of Israel’s annihilation.

The USCPR conference featured no talk about peaceful negotiations to end the conflict. No talk about pressuring Hamas to renounce terror and devote its resources to improving the quality of life for Palestinians in Gaza. But it did feature praise for a Jew killer.

George Mason University assistant professor Noura Erakat helped open the conference by hailing Rasmieh Odeh, who helped blow up a Jerusalem grocery store in 1969, killing two Israeli college students. Odeh is not a terrorist, Erakat said, but “our dear sister [and] freedom fighter.”

(full article online)

Leading American BDS Group’s Conference Minimizes Nonviolence
As always, if you confront a BDSer with this seeming inconsistency/hypocrisy, they will simply ignore you in favor of continuing to spew their own propaganda messaging, regardless of what you have to say. But if they get backed into a corner, one of their most frequently used counter-moves is to attack their opponent for practicing “whataboutism” (also pronounced “whadaboudism” – preferably with a Sylvester Stalone accent).
Unlike “Pinkwashing” – a fake phenomenon the Israeli haters baked up in order to have something else to talk about whenever the gap between gay rights in Israel vs. the Arab world is pointed out – whataboutism is an actual argument, which means there is a surface logic to the BDSers using it to defend their own glaring inconsistency with regard to human rights concerns.
The term describes a fallacy which assumes if you support one cause then you are being inconsistent (or even hypocritical or neglectful) by not applying the reasoning behind that support to all similar (especially similar but far worse) cases with equal or greater verve. As an example, claiming that someone fighting for civil rights of African Americans is a hypocrite if they don’t put even more energy into fighting for black lives in Sudan’s Civil War is a clear example of “whataboutism.”

(full article online)

Whataboutism (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In a statement last month, the school noted that it “is bound by the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech for each of the more than 1,200 registered student organizations on campus, regardless of whether the ideas they express are controversial or offensive.”

“Use of campus space by a student organization such as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) does not mean that UCLA endorses the event or agrees with the views expressed by the event organizers,” the statement continued. “Especially in a university setting, controversial topics should be discussed thoughtfully and respectfully, free from demonization, insult or ethnic bias. UCLA holds participants at campus events organized by registered student groups to the standards of behavior set forth in the UCLA Student Code of Conduct and applicable laws, and is committed to ensuring the safety of all of our students.”
‘Stay on message – SJP is hate group!’ Leaked footage reveals US Israel lobby astroturfing event


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