Boycott Israel

After the Israeli PM visit to an Arab country, which had no formal relations with Israel:

The Fatah movement: Netanyahu's visit to Oman is a blow to the Arab peace initiative, based on the return of territories in return for comprehensive peace, and only after that the establishment of relations between the Arab states and Israel.

فلسطين الآن on Twitter

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While it is a bit of stating the obvious, there is no doubt that the disease of Islamism has infected the virulently Jew hating BDS syndicate.

BDS Umbrella Group Linked to Palestinian Terrorist Organizations

Over the past decade, as the prospects of peace between Israelis and Palestinians became ever slimmer, there has been a growing attention to—and, in some quarters, acceptance of—the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement targeting Israel, or BDS. Those drawn to the cause have likely come across the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a Virginia-based nonprofit organization that serves as the American umbrella group of the BDS movement and is arguably the most prominent promoter of BDS in the United States. The US Campaign, which is officially called Education for Just Peace in the Middle East, coordinates the efforts of 329 different pro-BDS organizations “working to advocate for Palestinian rights and a shift in US policy … bound by commonly shared principles on Palestine solidarity as well as our anti-racism principles,” according to the group’s website.

But as Tablet confirmed , the group also helps facilitate tax-exempt donations to a Palestinian coalition that includes Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other groups the U.S. State Department designates as terror organizations.
While it is a bit of stating the obvious, there is no doubt that the disease of Islamism has infected the virulently Jew hating BDS syndicate.

BDS Umbrella Group Linked to Palestinian Terrorist Organizations

Over the past decade, as the prospects of peace between Israelis and Palestinians became ever slimmer, there has been a growing attention to—and, in some quarters, acceptance of—the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement targeting Israel, or BDS. Those drawn to the cause have likely come across the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, a Virginia-based nonprofit organization that serves as the American umbrella group of the BDS movement and is arguably the most prominent promoter of BDS in the United States. The US Campaign, which is officially called Education for Just Peace in the Middle East, coordinates the efforts of 329 different pro-BDS organizations “working to advocate for Palestinian rights and a shift in US policy … bound by commonly shared principles on Palestine solidarity as well as our anti-racism principles,” according to the group’s website.

But as Tablet confirmed , the group also helps facilitate tax-exempt donations to a Palestinian coalition that includes Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other groups the U.S. State Department designates as terror organizations.
Big fat nothingburger.

Over the weekend, 3 Israelis won bronze medals at the Abu Dhabi Judo Grand Slam. This was the first time they were allowed to compete under their own flag in Abu Dhabi; the International Judo Federation had temporarily suspended the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam after it refused to acknowledge the nationality of the Israeli athletes last year.
This was picked up by Palestinian Arab media. Al Resalah was disgusted by the scene, saying that the Jews had brought alcohol into the Muslim country for "so-called 'Holy Saturday'":

In all probability, the kiddush was made over grape juice, not wine. (Muslims are divided as to whether grape juice that is older than three days old is allowed under sharia law, but if it isn't fermented, it should be allowed at least theoretically.)

[ Yes, if some Arabs do not bellyache about something about Jews, they will find something else to bellyache about.....and so it goes on.....with the religion of "Peace" (only if you convert to Islam...and then not even that ]

Israeli Judo team makes Friday night kiddush - in Abu Dhabi - before winning 3 medals. Arabs not happy. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
However, a report that appeared in the Jerusalem Post three days later suggests that the BBC’s Berlin correspondent seriously overlooked parts of the rally which were not quite so committed to tolerance and open-mindedness.

“Speakers urged the obliteration of the Jewish state and support for the BDS campaign against Israel.

The Jerusalem Post reviewed a video showing two speakers who called for the “liberation of all of Palestine 48” and “We must take a stand and boycott Israel. BDS.” The slogan to “liberate all of Palestine” refers to the founding of the Jewish state in 1948, and is widely considered a euphemism to cleanse Israel of Jews. […]

Demonstrators at the march hoisted symbols in support of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, according to observers and German media reports.

The European Union and the US have designated the PFLP a terrorist group.

The speakers who call for genocidal antisemitism against Israel and BDS delivered their talks under the banner of the pro-BDS and pro-PFLP organization International Alliance. […]

The Iranian-regime controlled Islamic Center of Hamburg was present at the march. The city-state of Hamburg’s intelligence agency monitors the Islamic Center of Hamburg because it is considered a threat to Hamburg’s democratic system. The Islamic Republic of Iran-dominated center in Hamburg plays a key role in the annual al-Quds Day rally in Berlin, calling for the elimination of Israel.

The Central Council of Muslims, which is an umbrella organization for groups with ties to the fascist Turkish Grey Wolves and anti-Western Islamic entities, participated in the march.

The prominent German-Turkish lawyer and liberal Muslim Seyran Ates told BILD, “It is a very naïve idea of tolerance when one demonstrates with people on the street who do not want tolerance.”

(full article online)

Looking beyond the BBC Berlin correspondent’s framing
So George Mason University’s student senate said that it would not tolerate “hatred and acts of malice” and called its Jewish community “a vital part of the Mason community” in a resolution last week, reported The Algemeiner. But what’s really interesting is what the GMU student senate speaker pro tempore McKenna Bates said on the subject.

Apparently, while she was holding a kiosk on media bias, McKenna “was told that Palestinian lives matter more than Jewish lives, and that the murder of Jews is justified because Palestinians are at the bottom of the oppression system and thus any expressions of resistance are ultimately justified.”

And see, this is the really dangerous thing about oppression olympics. Perceived victimhood becomes a kind of currency that justifies not just bigger platforms for certain people on critical issues, not just affirmative action that could make or break an academic or professional career, but yes, actual violence.

(full article online)

Student Gov Passes Anti-Semitism Resolution
[ What exactly Muslims have against Jews? Oh, Yes, they would not follow Allah as their god. But since they said No, thank you.....]

Some comments:

It is "a betrayal of Allah and his messenger."

It is "beyond normalization, which deserves condemnation."

"[Israelis] have protected their borders 70 years, may Allah take them out of their civilization...clear all the 'Zionists' and cleanse us of this abomination."

"Normalization: to recognize the thief who stole your brother's house and expelled him and his family to the street, and you then open your house to him so he can steal from you and you and your family later."

"Teach your children that even if a sheikh of religion came and justified the normalization with the Zionists, it is still a betrayal. Teach them thateven if their ruler offers normalization, they betrayed their knowledge that the Zionist entity is illegal and rapes a sacred land."

(full article online)

Arabs freak out over Hatikva in Abu Dhabi ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel’s culture and sports minister paid a state visit to the largest mosque in the United Arab Emirates on Monday, part of a historic trip that some have seen as signaling a slow rapprochement between Abu Dhabi and Jerusalem.

Miri Regev visited Abu Dhabi’s Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque accompanied by officials from the UAE, touring the the Muslim world’s third largest house of worship, after mosques in Mecca and Medina.

(full article online)

In first, Israeli minister makes state visit to Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi
Early Monday morning, a group of residents from the south together with activists from the Zionist organization Im Tirtzu blocked the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza.

“Enough is enough, we are sick and tired of this,” said Liana Peretz, one of the protest’s organizers who lives in Kibbutz Kerem Shalom.

“It is inconceivable that my kids need to wake up in the middle of the night and run to bomb shelters, or need to be afraid of balloons and kites. The time has come for the government to wake up and do something,” she said.

(full article online)

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