Boycott Israel

Maryland’s anti-BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) law opposing discriminatory commercial boycotts against Israel is being challenged in court, with incorrect suggestions that it violates the First Amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech.

The pro-Israel community fully supports the First Amendment of the Constitution. Anti-BDS laws are narrowly tailored anti-discrimination laws similar to many other anti-discrimination laws that protect women, racial minorities and LGBTQ individuals, among other categories of people. All of these laws highlight the critical distinction between commercial activity and the exercise of free speech, which comes into sharp focus in the course of carrying out the government’s obligation to protect classes of people from discrimination.

In a January ruling, an Arkansas federal judge agreed with our analysis, dismissing with prejudice a challenge made to that state’s anti-BDS law.
There is a long history of laws in the U.S. prohibiting discriminatory commercial activity targeting Israel. More than 40 years ago, in response to the Arab League Boycott of Israel, amendments to the Export Administration Act and the Tax Reform Act of 1976 were implemented to prevent entities from imposing misguided foreign policy in the U.S. They apply to both individuals and companies and prohibit unauthorized commercial boycotts against foreign nations.
Furthermore a long line of Supreme Court cases support the fact that state anti-BDS laws do not infringe upon the First Amendment.

(full article online)

Md's BDS law prevents discrimination against Israel
Which leads us to the moral reasons why European social democrats should reject the politics of Corbynism.

Almost three years into Corbyn’s tenure as leader, the crisis of anti-Semitismwithin the party keeps getting worse. Just last week, it emerged that Corbyn once compared Israel’s actions in Gaza to those of Nazi Germany at Stalingrad, referredto Hamas terrorists as his “brothers,” ridiculed a Jewish colleague as "the honorable member for Tel Aviv" and questioned — on Iranian state television, no less — whether Israel had a role in a terrorist attack against Egypt.

Corbyn is a dogmatic leftist who understands racism purely through the prism of power — which, in his simplistic and vulgar Marxist worldview, Jews possess.

On Holocaust Memorial Day in 2011, Corbyn joined his future Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell in supporting a parliamentary resolution to rename the occasion "Genocide Memorial Day." More recently, Corbyn and his allies tried to alter the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of anti-Semitism so as to exclude examples pertaining to Israel. Invalidating such rhetoric (like comparing Israel to Nazi Germany or imputing dual loyalties to Jews) as anti-Semitic is a supremely cynical attempt by Corbyn and his acolytes to retroactively inoculate themselves from the charge of anti-Semitism after decades spreading it.

The inescapable conclusion is that Corbyn is an anti-Semite. Not in the crude way of people such as former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, British National Party stalwart Nick Griffin, and neo-Nazi blogger Daily Stormer (who, incidentally, support the Labour leader). Corbyn’s anti-Semitism is subtler and more nuanced, and is a function of his fervent anti-Zionism.

Corbyn is a dogmatic leftist who understands racism purely through the prism of power — which, in his simplistic and vulgar Marxist worldview, Jews possess. He is incapable of understanding how Jews can be victimized by left-wing anti-Semitism in addition to the traditional right-wing variant.

Corbyn’s agitation to rename Holocaust Memorial Day alone should be enough to disqualify him with the German left, which did the admirable work — over generations and against widespread societal indifference — of placing the Holocaust at the center of 20th-century European history.

Corbyn’s cheapening of the Holocaust by likening far lesser crimes to the systemic extermination of 6 million Jews — or the more blatantly anti-Semitic tactic of comparing Jews to Nazis — is rightly considered a taboo by anyone with an elementary education and a moral conscience.

Useful idiot
The idiosyncrasies of the Corbynite attitude to Jews, Israel and global politics more broadly relate to Britain’s unique World War II and imperial history — and are another indication of how it won't play in continental Europe.

Britain’s most dangerous export: Corbynism
Luciana Berger, a victim of Labour party antisemitism, has given birth to a son.

Spoiler alert: she did not name him Jeremy. :)


Berger has revealed the much-anticipated name of her newborn son.

Zion Benjamin Manny Goldsmith is the second child for Berger, 37, and her husband, Alistair, as well as a younger brother to their nearly 2-year-old daughter Amelie.
By a margin of 67-28, with eight abstentions, the College Council at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif., voted on Thursday to suspend the school’s study-abroad program at the University of Haifa in Israel; however, college president Melvin L. Oliver, said he would not implement the recommendation.

Introduced by anthropology and history Professor Daniel Segal, who had a pro-BDS record previously, accusing Israel in 2016 of “state-sponsored and university-supported abuse of the human rights of our Palestinian sisters and brothers,” the motion said that “Pitzer would suspend the study-abroad program in Haifa until (a) the Israeli state ends its restrictions on entry to Israel based on ancestry and/or political speech; and (b) the Israeli state adopts policies granting visas for exchanges to Palestinian universities on a fully equal basis as it does to Israeli universities.”

(full article online)

Pitzer College president vetoes move by university’s council to suspend study abroad in Israel
Beginning, sadly, with the Jews. In Ilhan Omar’s suggestion that none in Congress before her had been refugees, in Salazar and Ocasio-Cortez’s sudden and questionable claim of Jewish heritage, even in the rush of many on the far left to argue that Jews of color are the real Jews and that the rest of us are somehow complicit in Klan-like prejudice—in all these we see the old wheels of replacement theology turning. Judaism may have given us much understanding of justice, but if progressivism is to claim its modern-day mantle, Judaism has to be argued away, which begins by anointing the progressives the real new Jews.


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