Boycott Israel

The alarmist tone is characteristic of how many Israel supporters, including some of its leaders, view the international movement promoting a blanket boycott worldwide on all things Israeli. Beginning in 2005, the BDS movement has set out to isolate Israel the way apartheid South Africa was made a pariah in the 1980s.

But 15 years later, there is ample evidence to suggest that BDS not only has failed in delegitimizing Israel in any meaningful way, but is now struggling to defend its own legitimacy throughout Europe, the United States and beyond.

(full article online)

In Europe, the boycott Israel movement is weaker than you think
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yes, I think we talked about this before (Levant Basin Gas) and potential for undiscovered oil fields. Israel has been siphoning natural gas from its Tamar Platform from reserves estimated to be 10 Trillion cubic feet or more. It cost ≈ 3 Billion (NIS) for the Israeli Navy to patrol and protect the platforms of which all of the current Gas Production Rigs are outside territorial waters (12 Miles) but inside the Israeli EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone).


It appears now that the Oil Companies are (at least) entertaining the idea that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has a sufficient handle on the security situation as to risk exploration and development. Israel is surrounded by a multitude of threats for which it must effectively face hostile Arab threats.

Most Respectfully,
In a recent op-ed published in the Cornell Daily Sun, SJP presented the BDS movement as a peace-loving appeal to human rights and respect for international law. But a closer look at the histories of SJP and Cornell Collective for Justice in Palestine (CCJP) on campus shows a much different picture.

In 2013, Cornell SJP published a blog post in support of Rasmea Odeh, a member of the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). At the time, Odeh was facing deportation for falsely claiming that she had never been previously convicted of a crime or imprisoned.

In fact, Odeh was tried and convicted for her role in the 1969 bombing of a supermarket in Jerusalem, which killed two Hebrew University students. Her trial was attended by an observer from the International Red Cross, who deemed it fair. The SJP blog post makes no mention of the attack, claiming instead that the deportation proceedings were an “attempt to criminalize and dehumanize Odeh.”

As recently as this week, Cornell SJP hosted a teach-in entitled, “From Ferguson to Palestine: A Conversation Surrounding Struggle,” featuring an event flyer that appeared to depict a rifle, and explicitly mentions the PFLP, a US State Department-designated terrorist organization.

A member of SJP’s pro-BDS coalition, the CCJP’s online profile picture is a mural of Leila Khaled holding a rifle. Khaled, a member of the PFLP — euphemistically referred to as the first female hijacker — was responsible for the 1970 Dawson’s Field hijacking. Famously, Jewish passengers were separated from the rest of the passengers in that attack, and held hostage for an additional day before being rescued.

(full article online)

Palestinian Terror Group’s Propaganda Appears at Cornell and Binghamton
Bayefsky was the only speaker to be interrupted during the debate by the Human Rights Council President.

Bayefsky slammed Council President Seck for refusing to allow her to speak as he had allowed all other speakers.

"The contrast between the outside and the inside of the United Nations today was wild. At the UN “Human Rights” Council, I attempted to draw attention to the horrible murder of Ori Ansbacher because she was a Jew, and the absence of any mention of her by the UN’s Israel investigator who claimed he was reporting on the “current human rights situation. ” The Council President’s response? He cut my mic! He interrupted me twice, calling my remarks naming the Council “expert’s” analogies of Israelis to Nazis “insulting.” I “insulted” anti-Semites by attempting to draw attention to their anti-Semitism. As I would have ended my statement - if I had been allowed to speak - At this UN, anti-Semitism is not a problem. It’s a human right," she said.

The following are the full remarks Anne Bayefsky attempted to deliver at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva:

In another embarrassment to Canadians and the University of Western Ontario Law School, Professor Michael Lynk has produced a series of antisemitic lies:

Lie One: the Gaza so-called "demonstrations" have been "largely peaceful"

Lie Two: Palestinians may not have launched explosives and incendiary devices into Israel

Lie Three: the purpose of what are actually riots is the right to "return" con, not Hamas' stated goal to lay waste the Jewish state.

Modern anti-Semitism operates through the UN, this Council, and its newest echo chamber, Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives – this way:

First, demonize the Jewish state. Lynk's Nazi and antisemitic tropes include claims that the Jewish state has an "appetite for territory" and "acquisitive purposes."

Second, push a boycott of the demonized Jewish state. Lynk describes "calling for boycotting Israel" as "legitimate work."

Third, criminalize the self-defense of the Jewish state. Would-be Palestinian killers aren't sufficiently successful for Israel to satisfy Lynk's proportionality parody.

There is a real-life final step to this anti-Semitic UN formula. More Jews die. Early this year 19 -year-old Israeli Ori Ansbacher was raped and butchered by a Palestinian because she was a Jew. Her murderer is now entitled to a Palestinian reward.

Ori isn't mentioned in the Lynk report on the "current human rights situation." Nor is any Palestinian terror, or fiery devastation of forests and farms. Instead, Lynk brags his report only "focuses on violations committed by Israel."

At this UN, anti-Semitism is not a problem. It's a human right.

(full article online)

Pro-Israel voices silenced at the UN
Roger Waters calls for the boycott of the Eurovision Song Contest in Israel.


With all due respect, Roger Waters; go f*** yourself.
As Israel continues to roil from more terror attacks with murdered Jews, and braces itself for the UNHRC list of international businesses that do business in Judea & Samaria, to blacklist, a Jewish settlement leader and palestinian Arab leader joined forces to talk in Congress about economic cooperation and fighting the anti-Israel BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement.

(full article online)

Palestinian Arab Leader and Settler Leader Join Forces in Washington D.C.
But Israeli politician Naftali Bennett came back with the perfect response. The way he listed just a few of the many inventions that Israel has gifted the world with was too good. Everyone uses Israeli inventions and technology, and so many do not even realize. Those who support the BDS movement are probably using something Israel created every single day, but they pretend to boycott Israel anyway. Bennett’s ending words are strong: “What did you bring to the world beyond suicide terrorists? What’s your invention?” The Palestinian Arab activist had nothing left to say.

(full article and video online)

Naftali Bennett silences Palestinian Arab activist with one question

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