Boycott Israel

RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

[ An Update ]

Dutch party which supports Israel uses bottles of Israeli wine to congratulate winners of local election - and defy calls for boycott.

Pro-Israel Dutch party sends election winners Israeli wine

"The Christian for Israel organization set up a Facebook page to counter future boycott attempts." Just when I was beginning to believe that most Europeans were brain-dead, they go and do something amazing.

Most Respectfully,
Malaysia’s Prime Minister Says “Israel Is A Criminal State" & 60 Human Rights Groups Seek Boycott

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Says “Israel Is A Criminal State" & 60 Human Rights Groups Seek Boycott

What in the world does the PM of Malaysia knows about Israel committing crimes? He has never been to Israel and could not care less to go there. He is a Muslim extremist and they can continue to boycott all they want.

The more they boycott the more Israel wins.

Thank you BDS !!!!
Malaysia’s Prime Minister Says “Israel Is A Criminal State" & 60 Human Rights Groups Seek Boycott

What in the world does the PM of Malaysia knows about Israel committing crimes? He has never been to Israel and could not care less to go there. He is a Muslim extremist and they can continue to boycott all they want.

The more they boycott the more Israel wins.

Thank you BDS !!!!

What else would one expect from an Islamic Country? They should look at their own History regarding their “ religion “
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More of Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign.

Is juvenile name calling all you got?

How does that refute my post?
Israeli talking point
You missed my point
Its true. Look it up.
You played the terrorist card again.


Don't forget the meme of the Dancing Men! He doesn't understand that ppl aren't trying to dance around his points. Most of the time, they don't understand what his unclear points are. So while Tinmore thinks ppl are trying to evade or skirt his questions, in reality there is an Abbott and Costello skit taking place with 2 posters talking about 2 different things. It's funny to observe this.

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