Boycott Israel

Why I'm suing Maryland to protect my constitutional right to boycott Israel - Saqib Ali

Negating the rights of the Jewish nation in any part of the that territory, or calling for boycott of Israel is an actual infringement of both international law and US constitution (Supremacy Clause, Article VI, paragraph 2), stating that Treaties should be "the supreme law of the land".

Ask Hillary Clinton, she tried.


The freedom to contract has nothing to do with the government. Go fuck yourself.

As a private person.
Not while receiving state funds, or employed by the govt.

Then again, freedom to contract is not the same as infringing on the rights of others to contract freely.
Especially not when it simultaneously infringes upon both international law and the US Constitution.

You can starve to death, You can't run political campaigns calling everyone to starve - be Your own idiot.
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“An attempt to boycott academic institutions in Israel, or indeed in any other country, would contravene outright these principles, on which the proper functioning of institutes of higher learning is predicated,” maintained SAJBD. “For CT to do so under any circumstances, let alone at the behest of a narrow-interest lobby group, would be a tragic betrayal of the [university’s] fine record of upholding such values.”

(full article online)

Top Council at University of Cape Town Fails to Pass Israel Boycott, Sends Proposal to Senate for ‘Clarification’
Travel and tourism to Israel has dramatically changed. It’s not just synagogue sisterhoods and Jewish organizations. Swelling up from Israel’s “Startup Nation” is top chef culture and the hard-won penetration of markets beyond America and West Europe, coupled with its sophisticated travel industry, which combine to make Israel a destination for the entire world. Traditional Jewish-American travelers from Miami to Seattle must now compete with Silicon Valley techies, Chinese students, Indian tourists, East European Christian pilgrims and diverse businessmen and women from across the planet. The numbers are multiplying.

In 2016, 2.9 million total worldwide visitors visited Israel. By the close of 2018, that number had boomed to 4.1 million—and the totals keep climbing. Within the coming decade, Israel expects to employ 98,000 people in its tourism sector.

(full article online)

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