Boycott Israel

Nathan Thrall has written a 11,000 word article in the New York Times magazine today that is essentially a huge rose bouquet to people who want to boycott the world's only Jewish state.

The article is filled with slanted and often wrong reporting.

Here's an example of an outright lie:

Last October, nearly a year after the University of Michigan’s divestment vote, there was an “apartheid-wall demonstration” co-sponsored by the campus Latinx group, La Casa. Pro-Palestinian students erected two cardboard walls, modeled after the 25-foot-high concrete slabs that intertwine with fences and barbed wire to encircle Palestinian communities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Really? The fence is meant to encircle (i.e., imprison) Palestinians?

The only communities in the territories that are encircled by fences are the Jewish villages and towns who are trying to avoid their residents being murdered by Thrall's wonderful Palestinian muses.

Palestinians claim that the barrier "encircles" Bethlehem or parts of Jerusalem, but it isn't true.

Here's an example of the more popular of Thrall's methods of bias - to say something that the BDSers claim which isn't true and pretend that there is no counterargument:

The B.D.S. movement casts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a struggle against apartheid, as defined by the International Criminal Court: “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” (The United Nations defines racial discrimination as directed at “race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin.”) B.D.S. leaders often cite South Africa’s sixth prime minister, Hendrik Verwoerd, who likened Israel to South Africa in 1961: The Jews “took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel like South Africa is an apartheid state.”But given that the definition of apartheid means domination of one racial group over another, and Israel doesn't discriminate against its Arab citizens, Israel cannot be an apartheid state. Every nation discriminates against non-citizens!

Thrall doesn't bother to point that out and the NYY editors didn't insist that he give another point of view that would demolish the argument.

Even more egregiously, Thrall uses the insane argument that BDSers like to use to support the idea that Israel loves white nationalist antisemites:

(full article online)

NYT claims separation barrier meant to imprison Palestinians, and other lies in Nathan Thrall's love letter to BDS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ One Palestinian Congresswoman is showing what she is actually for, unlike before she was voted into Congress. And BDS cannot get its way......REMOVE them !!!! ]

The Student Senate of California’s Pitzer College has drafted a resolution calling for the removal of College President Melvin Oliver, after he vetoed the recommendation of the Pitzer College Council to suspend the study abroad partnership with the University of Haifa, JTAreported Sunday.

The resolution calls for “enacting no confidence in the President of the College,” and “for his immediate resignation or removal from office,” said the student newspaper the Claremont Independent.

At the start of March, the college governing body passed the non-binding recommendation to suspend the study abroad program at Haifa University by a majority of 68 in favor and 25 opposing. Another eight voters abstained.

The anti-Israel proposal was backed by radical leftist groups and Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib.

Shortly afterwards, Oliver rejected the motion, stating that, “I am refusing to permit Pitzer College to take a position that I believe will only harm the College.”

“The recommendation puts in place a form of academic boycott of Israel and, in the process, sets us on a path away from the free exchange of ideas, a direction which ultimately destroys the academy’s ability to fulfill our educational mission,” Oliver wrote in a statement.

(full article online)

California college student senate calls for president’s removal

Gee, 3 hours and nobody mentioned home demolitions, destruction of businesses, theft of land... Peace talks go nowhere because Israel talks oranges and Palestine talks apples.

Yeah, nobody mentioned in those 3 hours the home demolitions, destruction of businesses, theft of land inflicted on the Jews from 1920 to 1948. Imagine that!!!!
And that is not counting all of the above happening to the Jews by the Arabs, before 1920.

Well, well, well....
Nathan Thrall has written a 11,000 word article in the New York Times magazine today that is essentially a huge rose bouquet to people who want to boycott the world's only Jewish state.

The article is filled with slanted and often wrong reporting.

Here's an example of an outright lie:

Last October, nearly a year after the University of Michigan’s divestment vote, there was an “apartheid-wall demonstration” co-sponsored by the campus Latinx group, La Casa. Pro-Palestinian students erected two cardboard walls, modeled after the 25-foot-high concrete slabs that intertwine with fences and barbed wire to encircle Palestinian communities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Really? The fence is meant to encircle (i.e., imprison) Palestinians?

The only communities in the territories that are encircled by fences are the Jewish villages and towns who are trying to avoid their residents being murdered by Thrall's wonderful Palestinian muses.

Palestinians claim that the barrier "encircles" Bethlehem or parts of Jerusalem, but it isn't true.

Here's an example of the more popular of Thrall's methods of bias - to say something that the BDSers claim which isn't true and pretend that there is no counterargument:

The B.D.S. movement casts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a struggle against apartheid, as defined by the International Criminal Court: “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” (The United Nations defines racial discrimination as directed at “race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin.”) B.D.S. leaders often cite South Africa’s sixth prime minister, Hendrik Verwoerd, who likened Israel to South Africa in 1961: The Jews “took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel like South Africa is an apartheid state.”But given that the definition of apartheid means domination of one racial group over another, and Israel doesn't discriminate against its Arab citizens, Israel cannot be an apartheid state. Every nation discriminates against non-citizens!

Thrall doesn't bother to point that out and the NYY editors didn't insist that he give another point of view that would demolish the argument.

Even more egregiously, Thrall uses the insane argument that BDSers like to use to support the idea that Israel loves white nationalist antisemites:

(full article online)

NYT claims separation barrier meant to imprison Palestinians, and other lies in Nathan Thrall's love letter to BDS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is the critique of apartheid. Of course you can post a counter narrative.

Nathan Thrall has written a 11,000 word article in the New York Times magazine today that is essentially a huge rose bouquet to people who want to boycott the world's only Jewish state.

The article is filled with slanted and often wrong reporting.

Here's an example of an outright lie:

Last October, nearly a year after the University of Michigan’s divestment vote, there was an “apartheid-wall demonstration” co-sponsored by the campus Latinx group, La Casa. Pro-Palestinian students erected two cardboard walls, modeled after the 25-foot-high concrete slabs that intertwine with fences and barbed wire to encircle Palestinian communities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Really? The fence is meant to encircle (i.e., imprison) Palestinians?

The only communities in the territories that are encircled by fences are the Jewish villages and towns who are trying to avoid their residents being murdered by Thrall's wonderful Palestinian muses.

Palestinians claim that the barrier "encircles" Bethlehem or parts of Jerusalem, but it isn't true.

Here's an example of the more popular of Thrall's methods of bias - to say something that the BDSers claim which isn't true and pretend that there is no counterargument:

The B.D.S. movement casts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a struggle against apartheid, as defined by the International Criminal Court: “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” (The United Nations defines racial discrimination as directed at “race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin.”) B.D.S. leaders often cite South Africa’s sixth prime minister, Hendrik Verwoerd, who likened Israel to South Africa in 1961: The Jews “took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel like South Africa is an apartheid state.”But given that the definition of apartheid means domination of one racial group over another, and Israel doesn't discriminate against its Arab citizens, Israel cannot be an apartheid state. Every nation discriminates against non-citizens!

Thrall doesn't bother to point that out and the NYY editors didn't insist that he give another point of view that would demolish the argument.

Even more egregiously, Thrall uses the insane argument that BDSers like to use to support the idea that Israel loves white nationalist antisemites:

(full article online)

NYT claims separation barrier meant to imprison Palestinians, and other lies in Nathan Thrall's love letter to BDS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is the critique of apartheid. Of course you can post a counter narrative.

Shouldn't the silly YouTube videos you cut and paste present a valid definition of apartheid?

Because you struggle without YouTube videos, South African apartheid was a function of inequalities imposed on the black population by white ruling class. The "apartheid" slogan you mindlessly toss about doesn't apply with regard to Israel and islamic terrorists.

However, why don't you make a case for your sloppy misuse of "apartheid" as you want to apply it to the Israeli / Arab-Moslem situation. Compare the status / living standards / opportunities of Arabs-Moslems in Israel with the status of Jews in Gaza and the statements of Abbas about no israelis in some future Arab-Moslem state.
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Nathan Thrall has written a 11,000 word article in the New York Times magazine today that is essentially a huge rose bouquet to people who want to boycott the world's only Jewish state.

The article is filled with slanted and often wrong reporting.

Here's an example of an outright lie:

Last October, nearly a year after the University of Michigan’s divestment vote, there was an “apartheid-wall demonstration” co-sponsored by the campus Latinx group, La Casa. Pro-Palestinian students erected two cardboard walls, modeled after the 25-foot-high concrete slabs that intertwine with fences and barbed wire to encircle Palestinian communities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Really? The fence is meant to encircle (i.e., imprison) Palestinians?

The only communities in the territories that are encircled by fences are the Jewish villages and towns who are trying to avoid their residents being murdered by Thrall's wonderful Palestinian muses.

Palestinians claim that the barrier "encircles" Bethlehem or parts of Jerusalem, but it isn't true.

Here's an example of the more popular of Thrall's methods of bias - to say something that the BDSers claim which isn't true and pretend that there is no counterargument:

The B.D.S. movement casts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a struggle against apartheid, as defined by the International Criminal Court: “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” (The United Nations defines racial discrimination as directed at “race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin.”) B.D.S. leaders often cite South Africa’s sixth prime minister, Hendrik Verwoerd, who likened Israel to South Africa in 1961: The Jews “took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel like South Africa is an apartheid state.”But given that the definition of apartheid means domination of one racial group over another, and Israel doesn't discriminate against its Arab citizens, Israel cannot be an apartheid state. Every nation discriminates against non-citizens!

Thrall doesn't bother to point that out and the NYY editors didn't insist that he give another point of view that would demolish the argument.

Even more egregiously, Thrall uses the insane argument that BDSers like to use to support the idea that Israel loves white nationalist antisemites:

(full article online)

NYT claims separation barrier meant to imprison Palestinians, and other lies in Nathan Thrall's love letter to BDS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is the critique of apartheid. Of course you can post a counter narrative.

This is nothing but racist blood libel and lies,
No law or legislation separates Jews and Arabs by skin color.

Stop projecting Your ugly racism on other people.
Nathan Thrall has written a 11,000 word article in the New York Times magazine today that is essentially a huge rose bouquet to people who want to boycott the world's only Jewish state.

The article is filled with slanted and often wrong reporting.

Here's an example of an outright lie:

Last October, nearly a year after the University of Michigan’s divestment vote, there was an “apartheid-wall demonstration” co-sponsored by the campus Latinx group, La Casa. Pro-Palestinian students erected two cardboard walls, modeled after the 25-foot-high concrete slabs that intertwine with fences and barbed wire to encircle Palestinian communities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Really? The fence is meant to encircle (i.e., imprison) Palestinians?

The only communities in the territories that are encircled by fences are the Jewish villages and towns who are trying to avoid their residents being murdered by Thrall's wonderful Palestinian muses.

Palestinians claim that the barrier "encircles" Bethlehem or parts of Jerusalem, but it isn't true.

Here's an example of the more popular of Thrall's methods of bias - to say something that the BDSers claim which isn't true and pretend that there is no counterargument:

The B.D.S. movement casts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a struggle against apartheid, as defined by the International Criminal Court: “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” (The United Nations defines racial discrimination as directed at “race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin.”) B.D.S. leaders often cite South Africa’s sixth prime minister, Hendrik Verwoerd, who likened Israel to South Africa in 1961: The Jews “took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel like South Africa is an apartheid state.”But given that the definition of apartheid means domination of one racial group over another, and Israel doesn't discriminate against its Arab citizens, Israel cannot be an apartheid state. Every nation discriminates against non-citizens!

Thrall doesn't bother to point that out and the NYY editors didn't insist that he give another point of view that would demolish the argument.

Even more egregiously, Thrall uses the insane argument that BDSers like to use to support the idea that Israel loves white nationalist antisemites:

(full article online)

NYT claims separation barrier meant to imprison Palestinians, and other lies in Nathan Thrall's love letter to BDS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is the critique of apartheid. Of course you can post a counter narrative.

Shouldn't the silly YouTube videos you cut and paste present a valid definition of apartheid?

Because you struggle without YouTube videos, South African apartheid was a function of inequalities imposed on the black population by white ruling class. The "apartheid" slogan you mindlessly toss about doesn't apply with regard to Israel and islamic terrorists.

However, why don't you make a case for your sloppy misuse of "apartheid" as you want to apply it to the Israeli / Arab-Moslem situation. Compare the status / living standards / opportunities of Arabs-Moslems in Israel with the status of Jews in Gaza and the statements of Abbas about no israelis in some future Arab-Moslem state.
All explained in the video.
The leader in question, Olivia Katbi-Smith, is co-head of the Portland, Oregon, chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America — the reformatted, millennial version of a once distinguished group whose Socialist roots extend back to Eugene V. Debs, five-time presidential candidate and one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

The membership of DSA has grown fourfold since Bernie Sanders’s presidential run in 2016. Likewise, its average age decreased from 68 to 33 between 2013 and now. After Sanders’s loss in the primary to Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump’s subsequent presidential win, on a national level the DSA’s new, young members marshaled their efforts to help elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Rashida Tlaib (MI), and Ilhan Omar (MN) to Congress on a progressive platform that promoted Medicare for all, quality housing, and free college tuition.

Since the election, the group has tipped further left and Katbi-Smith is part of a movement that is challenging traditional Democratic governance. But for supporters of Israel, there is a troubling side to her agenda: She helped lead the DSA to adopt a pro-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) plank in the group’s charter during its national convention on August 5, 2017, at the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago. When 90 percent of the 697 delegates voted in favor of the BDS resolution, Katbi-Smith was jubilant. She and the other attendees waved a Palestinian flag and chanted, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.”

Israel says it is no coincidence that activists support Khaled, the BDS movement she promotes, and other anti-Israel campaigns, because former terrorists are now changing clothes and parading as progressives in Europe and the US to attract gullible new supporters (and their money) to fight Israel through “war by other means.”

According to a new report from Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs titled “Terrorists in Suits,” terror groups are changing their strategies in light of the conclusion that “armed conflict is not achieving its objective and is perceived as illegitimate by the majority of Western society.”

Consequently, “Hamas and PFLP operatives have infiltrated and adopted seemingly benign NGOs in the Palestinian Authority, Europe, North America and South Africa, for the purpose of advancing their ideological goal: the elimination of the State of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.”

BDS is the latest iteration of the boycott strategy that has repeatedly been employed by Arab states, and their predecessors, against Jews in the Middle East since before the creation of the State of Israel.

BDS consciously models itself on the successful protests of the 1980s to bring down Apartheid in South Africa. In spite of the dissimilarities between the two cases, in an age of 140 character tweets, history counts less than memes, and today, NGOs run and operated by former members of terror groups are successfully exploiting “Western governmental funding, philanthropic foundations, financial platforms and civil society.”

It even appears that some PFLP members have not given up their terror activities. Khaled is accused by the Shin Bet of helping in 2011 to coordinate “between a PFLP command center in Syria and operatives in Jerusalem planning lethal attacks against Israelis.”

Yet, she is still making speeches in South Africa and Europe, appealing to the human rights impulses of her listeners while advocating hate.

(full article online)

From Gaza classrooms to the DNC, Palestinian female terrorists are all the rage
Nathan Thrall has written a 11,000 word article in the New York Times magazine today that is essentially a huge rose bouquet to people who want to boycott the world's only Jewish state.

The article is filled with slanted and often wrong reporting.

Here's an example of an outright lie:

Last October, nearly a year after the University of Michigan’s divestment vote, there was an “apartheid-wall demonstration” co-sponsored by the campus Latinx group, La Casa. Pro-Palestinian students erected two cardboard walls, modeled after the 25-foot-high concrete slabs that intertwine with fences and barbed wire to encircle Palestinian communities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Really? The fence is meant to encircle (i.e., imprison) Palestinians?

The only communities in the territories that are encircled by fences are the Jewish villages and towns who are trying to avoid their residents being murdered by Thrall's wonderful Palestinian muses.

Palestinians claim that the barrier "encircles" Bethlehem or parts of Jerusalem, but it isn't true.

Here's an example of the more popular of Thrall's methods of bias - to say something that the BDSers claim which isn't true and pretend that there is no counterargument:

The B.D.S. movement casts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a struggle against apartheid, as defined by the International Criminal Court: “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” (The United Nations defines racial discrimination as directed at “race, color, descent or national or ethnic origin.”) B.D.S. leaders often cite South Africa’s sixth prime minister, Hendrik Verwoerd, who likened Israel to South Africa in 1961: The Jews “took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. In that, I agree with them. Israel like South Africa is an apartheid state.”But given that the definition of apartheid means domination of one racial group over another, and Israel doesn't discriminate against its Arab citizens, Israel cannot be an apartheid state. Every nation discriminates against non-citizens!

Thrall doesn't bother to point that out and the NYY editors didn't insist that he give another point of view that would demolish the argument.

Even more egregiously, Thrall uses the insane argument that BDSers like to use to support the idea that Israel loves white nationalist antisemites:

(full article online)

NYT claims separation barrier meant to imprison Palestinians, and other lies in Nathan Thrall's love letter to BDS ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is the critique of apartheid. Of course you can post a counter narrative.

Shouldn't the silly YouTube videos you cut and paste present a valid definition of apartheid?

Because you struggle without YouTube videos, South African apartheid was a function of inequalities imposed on the black population by white ruling class. The "apartheid" slogan you mindlessly toss about doesn't apply with regard to Israel and islamic terrorists.

However, why don't you make a case for your sloppy misuse of "apartheid" as you want to apply it to the Israeli / Arab-Moslem situation. Compare the status / living standards / opportunities of Arabs-Moslems in Israel with the status of Jews in Gaza and the statements of Abbas about no israelis in some future Arab-Moslem state.
All explained in the video.

No, it’s actually not. You may be impressed by those who promote ignorance but your inability to address even the most basic falsehoods of the silly YouTube videos suggests a failure on your part.
Why I'm suing Maryland to protect my constitutional right to boycott Israel - Saqib Ali

Negating the rights of the Jewish nation in any part of the that territory, or calling for boycott of Israel is an actual infringement of both international law and US constitution (Supremacy Clause, Article VI, paragraph 2), stating that Treaties should be "the supreme law of the land".

Ask Hillary Clinton, she tried.


The freedom to contract has nothing to do with the government. Go fuck yourself.

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