Boycott Israel

In the light of recent attacks on Gaza, ...

Yeah. Because Israel and Israelis are gathering in tens of thousands at the border trying to break it down, cut if open and go through. Because Israelis are calling for a March on Gaza City and ripping the hearts out of Arabs. Because Israelis are sending firebombs on kites into Gaza.

How can rational people even believe this crap?
In advance of the Eurovision Song Contest to be held in Tel Aviv in May, the arguments over boycotting the event are being played out in the Irish media.

Writing in the Irish edition of The Sunday Times (paywall), Justine McCarthy makes it quite clear that, while she is no fan of Israel, she opposes a Eurovision boycott by the Irish national broadcaster RTE, referring to a suggestion that:

(full article online)

Eurovision: Israel Accused of 'Heavily Restricting' Foreign Press Access
[ Communism......that explains the anti Israel boycotts in South Africa. As usual, some of those who come to protest, have no idea what the protest is all about ]

On Friday morning, the Council of South African Trade Unions picketed the Cape Town offices of the Jewish Board of Deputies as part of the country’s annual Israel Apartheid Week festivities. Why target the board, whose mission is to “promote the safety and welfare of South African Jewry” and “build bridges of friendship and understanding between Jews and the broader South African population?” Malvern De Bruyn , a COSATU activist, touched on that question during a brief address to the 30 or so activists on hand, most of whom wore shirts or hats representing COSATU, the ruling African National Congress, and the South African Communist Party: “There’s no embassy in Cape Town. That’s why we came to the board of deputies.” In the absence of an Israeli target, the provincial chapter of COSATU chose the most visible and convenient Jewish one.

For COSATU, this was all normative politics: The street drama, the callback to the organization’s roots in the liberation struggle, the ultimatum thinly masked as an honest plea for dialogue. A Jewish target could be seamlessly transformed into a proxy for the government of Israel and just as easily slotted into the kind of political performance that COSATU has repeated on countless other issues, on countless other occasions. In the course of business as usual, COSATU had stumbled into an obscenity without seeming to realize or even intend it.

Before the protest began I spoke to a man from COSATU security who introduced himself as Elton and kindly offered me a Coke. “I don’t know what this protest is about,” he told me at the advertised start time of 10 a.m., at which point almost no one had shown up yet, aside from a local television crew. “We’re expecting 500 people.” In fact, he then realized, the protest was about “jobs in South Africa, about the poverty, about people not getting basics, about economic difficulties in the country, how fucked up the political system is, everything!” They were demonstrating here, he said, “because it’s close to Parliament.” In South Africa, where the distance between the opulence of central Cape Town and the squalor of a teeming squatters camp is always far shorter than it might seem, the choice of things to protest is virtually limitless and the targets are seldom that far away or hard to identify. And yet here we were.
[ Please notice that the one who says he supports Hamas is not an African, but seems to be an Arab, or somewhere else in the Middle East ]

This past Monday, saw Israel Apartheid Week Hit Campuses in South Africa.
In one encounter between a member of South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) and a BDS-supporter, the student said: “I support Hamas, I support the Islamic Resistance” - BDS

This is the reality of what Jewish students face on a regular basis in South Africa.

The WJC is proud to support the SAUJS and their campaign to say there is #NoPlaceForHate in South Africa or anywhere.

The reality is not easy for both sides. On the Israeli side, we live in fear of rocket attacks, suicide bombers and stabbing attacks. On the Palestinian side, the civilians are living under Hamas rule dealing with poverty and population density while the Palestinians in the West Bank are living with the presence of the Israel Defense Forces. Their society is plagued by a corrupt Palestinian government and relentless terrorist groups. This is not the life either side should be living, and will not be if a two-state solution is achieved. This has led to some parts of the radical left to embrace the BDS effort, an effort to delegitimize and strong-arm Israel into losing its identity as a Jewish state.

Here at Cornell, the voices supporting BDS are getting more extreme. A letter full of inflammatory rhetoricwas sent to President Pollack, while an aggressive campaign launched to pass a divestment resolution in the Student Assembly. This campaign is making Jewish students here on campus feel unsafe and unwelcome. It also contained crucial historical inaccuracies, like the statement in SJP’s teach-in that the Arabs accepted the 1947 UN partition plan supporting two states.

As an Israeli citizen who has paid the price of violence, and as a Cornell student cognizant of the civil and human rights of the Palestinians, I plead you: Stop this extreme, one-sided and violent attempt at delegitimizing me and my country. Promote genuine dialogue that will lead to a real improvement in the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians. Don’t fall for the shallow rhetoric of the BDS movement, which takes one of the most complex geopolitical mazes in history and forces it into the unfitting settler-colonial narrative. Because down the line, this effort will only serve to demonize, harass and bully my friends and me. It will not get the Palestinians an inch closer to a life with dignity, simply because it does not support the one crucial ingredient in any future solution: dialogue.

(full article online)

GUEST ROOM | A Rocket Hit My House. Now BDS Wants Me Out.
Indeed, we Jewish educators are guilty of not sharing the full story. This is why I decided to launch the #WeNeverToldYou campaign, for Jewish educators and professionals, to help alleviate this crisis.

#WeNeverToldYou that in 1948 just three years after the end of the Holocaust, Palestinians joined a proud campaign that openly declared it wanted a second Holocaust, to annihilate all the Jews between the river and the sea.

#WeNeverToldYou, to this day Palestinians hold a policy of ethnic cleansing and Judenrein territories, with not one Jews living in Gaza, not one Jews in Nablus, not one Jew in Jenin. We never told you that even very pro-Palestinian Jews who came to Gaza to provide humanitarian aid were attacked. #WeNeverToldYou

#WeNeverToldYou that as the brutality and dominion of ISIS were at their peak, a Haaretz poll found 24% of Palestinians support ISIS. #WeNeverToldYou

(full article online)

#YouNeverToldMe is our fault. #WeNeverToldYou
How the fuck am I supposed to boycott Israel? Do they produce something that I use?
The chip that powers your computer you use and your cell phone. If you want to boycott Israel for real, you would. be using an abacus and two tin cans and a string

I understand. I not only don’t want to boycott Israel, I am actively supporting them.
About 50 students and community members ultimately protested a panel organized on campus to discuss, in part, “the differences between anti-zionism and anti-semitism,” which they claimed deliberately excluded voices representative of the Jewish community.

“[Only] those espousing the Palestinian point of view were given the opportunity to speak,” Molly Sugarman, WFU Hillel president, told The Algemeiner of the panel, after expressing disappointment at seeing “such a blatant display of antisemitism” throughout the week. “Members of Hillel and the mainstream Jewish community who tried to voice a different perspective were ignored or dismissed. Our hopes for a balanced and inclusive approach were dashed and instead replaced by a largely prejudicial view about Jews and about Israel.”

Jewish, Zionist Students Speak Out Over Divisive ‘Apartheid Week’ Campaign Targeting Israel
A guest speaker for the South African Union of Jewish Students (SAUJS) at the Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) was escorted off the Wits University campus on Thursday, April 4, after it was found that she is a soldier.

Ashager Araro, a well-known Israeli-Ethiopian Zionist and reserve soldier of the Israeli Defence Forces left the campus surrounded by private security after supporters of the Palestinian Solidarity Committee (PSC) confronted her about her military role.

PSC and SAUJS supporters found themselves in a heated and tense exchange over Araro as both groups of students converged on the piazza in front of the Chamber of Mines building.

“You guys are letting soldiers on to our campus now, we’ll note this,” said a Palestinian supporter to Jabu Mashinini, senior programme adviser for student governance, in reference to Araro.
Apparently, both the Jewish/Zionist students and the Israel haters had informally agreed that no military personnel would be allowed to participate.

But explicitly supporting terrorist is perfectly fine.

In this video you can see a prominent member of the #BDS movement yelling that he "supports #Hamas"

Tell me one more time how #BDS promotes peace #noplaceforhate

Ashager Araro (@AshagerAraro) | Twitter

Look how upset these people are at a proud, black Jewish Zionist woman. This anger in the video has nothing to do with "justice" or supporting Palestinians - it is pure hate that someone who passes all the intersectionality victimhood rules disagrees with them.

Previous years of IAW and Wits had actual violence and antisemitism against the Jewish and pro-Israel students, with no consequences. Showing the flag of Hezbollah, a terror group whose logo features a gun, is perfectly fine.

(full article online)

"Israel Apartheid Week" at Wits University can have antisemitism and support for terrorists - but a female Ethiopian Israeli reservist is not acceptable ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
About 50 students and community members ultimately protested a panel organized on campus to discuss, in part, “the differences between anti-zionism and anti-semitism,” which they claimed deliberately excluded voices representative of the Jewish community.

“[Only] those espousing the Palestinian point of view were given the opportunity to speak,” Molly Sugarman, WFU Hillel president, told The Algemeiner of the panel, after expressing disappointment at seeing “such a blatant display of antisemitism” throughout the week. “Members of Hillel and the mainstream Jewish community who tried to voice a different perspective were ignored or dismissed. Our hopes for a balanced and inclusive approach were dashed and instead replaced by a largely prejudicial view about Jews and about Israel.”

Jewish, Zionist Students Speak Out Over Divisive ‘Apartheid Week’ Campaign Targeting Israel
WOW, so many anti Semite cards.

Like they are trying to sell something. And play a few terrorist cards to fill in the propaganda.

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