Boycott Israel

Insurer AXA helps Israel kill Palestinians and steal their land


Activists in Paris protest and deliver a petition at the April 2018 annual general meeting of AXA, urging the insurance giant to divest from Israeli companies involved in war crimes. (BDS France)

Insurer AXA helps Israel kill Palestinians and steal their land

Oh yay. Another article full of outright lies and half-truths in order to portray Israelis (Jews) as evil.
Ilhan Omar introduces resolution upholding right to boycott


Though Omar’s resolution does not mention Israel or the BDS campaign by name, the text of HR 496 references attacks on activists “by governmental and nongovernmental organizations alike to criminalize, stigmatize and delegitimize the use of boycotts in an attempt to stifle constitutionally protected political expression.”

It notes that in 1982, the US Supreme Court upheld that engaging in a “nonviolent, politically motivated boycott” is free speech protected by the First Amendment.

Ilhan Omar introduces resolution upholding right to boycott
Ilhan Omar introduces resolution upholding right to boycott


Though Omar’s resolution does not mention Israel or the BDS campaign by name, the text of HR 496 references attacks on activists “by governmental and nongovernmental organizations alike to criminalize, stigmatize and delegitimize the use of boycotts in an attempt to stifle constitutionally protected political expression.”

It notes that in 1982, the US Supreme Court upheld that engaging in a “nonviolent, politically motivated boycott” is free speech protected by the First Amendment.

Ilhan Omar introduces resolution upholding right to boycott

She should hold her breath until Israel gives up E. Jerusalem
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Hossfly, et al,

I agree. Israel is an easy target.

The Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) states is a localized political platform of Islamic Personalities to get their face in front of the media. Jerusalem is a common topic these days. Face-time in the media makes it look like the political entity is a real pro-International Law personality and that their country makes a difference. Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister Abdurrahman Mohammad Fachir wants to look good and Israel is an acceptable target.


I'm just wondering what specific agenda the lone media interview was to satisfy?

Most Respectfully,
The student parliament for the University of Münster in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia passed a resolution on Tuesday against the BDS campaign targeting Israel.

“We clearly position ourselves against any form of antisemitism and reject the boycott efforts against Israel,” read a Facebook post of the Green party group (CampusGrün Münster) at the university. “In particular, we are positioning ourselves against the BDS movement and oppose any cooperation with this.”

(full article online)

Students at University of Münster passed motion against antisemitic BDS

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