Boycott Israel

LIVE: Fordham Students for Justice in Palestine and Palestine Legal are discussing their great legal victory over Fordham University. The University has been blocking them from forming an SJP chapter on campus, but yesterday a NY court decided against the University so now SJP Fordham has an official space on campus to join with other students on campus to support the struggle for the human rights of Palestinians.

J.Lo, and her almost equally well-known and similarly nicknamed beau, future baseball hall of famer Alex Rodriguez (A-Rod) made the most of their few days in Israel last week.

(full article online)

Thank you
An ethnic studies curriculum proposed by the California Department of Education is “inaccurate and misleading” and reflects an “anti-Jewish bias,” Jewish members of the state’s legislature wrote to the head of the committee writing the curriculum.

The California Legislative Jewish Caucus says that the curriculum “effectively erases the American Jewish experience,” “omits anti-Semitism,” “denigrates Jews” and “singles Israel out for condemnation.”

The 16 state legislators, all Democrats, are “strongly opposed” to the current draft of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum “moving forward without significant revisions.”

(full article online)

‘Anti-Jewish bias’ in proposed California school curriculum, legislators charge
Success: UIC Reverses Ban on Palestine Event


A community group in Rockford, Ill., that had been blocked from renting space for an event featuring Israeli-American activist and author Miko Peled successfully held their event on Saturday after Palestine Legal intervened.

Palestine Legal explained to the administrator that because the campus had opened up the space to off-campus groups for a diverse range of events, it could not refuse to rent space to the Truth Squad of Rockford simply because of the viewpoint the event was expressing. The First Amendment prohibits public entities like the University of Illinois from engaging in viewpoint or content-based discrimination.

The university counsel agreed and allowed the event to move forward. Peled spoke on August 3rd to an audience of approximately 125 people, describing the realities of racial segregation in Israel and Palestine.
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You're not using your little gray cells!


What makes you think it is some sort of "win?"

From a business perspective, whether you label it "Israel" or the "West Bank" makes no difference to the taste of the wine. And people that like wine are not thinking with a political pallet. They buy wine based on the taste. If the ground and grower produce good wine, it will sell.

From a political standpoint, it is just another reason for the more aggressive members of the Knesset to push for the annexation of additional territory for economic development.

Most Respectfully,
An original analysis of the global distribution of BDS Internet searches revealed disproportionate interest in countries such as New Zealand, Ireland, and Sweden, as well as in coastal US states with large academic institutions. In the former regions there are few Jews and little contact with Israel, while in the latter, there are many Jews but proportionately fewer Christian supporters of Israel. A simple explanation for these patterns is that BDS interest correlates with post-Christian contexts in which Jews are relatively absent, or with “white” class anxiety emanating from academia. In the US, growing negativity about Israel in liberal Western communities is likely a class-based transfer of anxiety regarding ”white privilege” onto Israel and Jews.

(full article online)

The Social Geography of the BDS Movement and Antisemitism
A European mental health association said it will rethink a decision to cancel a planned conference in Israel following widespread objections by academics worldwide.

The European Network for Mental Health Service Evaluation, or Enmesh, had decided to scrap the gathering out of concern that it would cause pushback from pro-BDS groups. Instead it led to vocal protests from academics in the United States, Canada and Europe, Haaretz reported Wednesday.

(full article online)

European mental health group rethinks nixing Israel meeting after backlash
Proof of that comes from California where, as a JNS feature pointed out, an anti-Israel and antisemitic ethnic studies curriculum being promulgated by the state of California has illustrated just where complacency about BDS can lead us.

The ethnic-studies model that has been proposed and is currently under review by the California Department of Education remains a watershed moment for the BDS movement. On the one hand, the proposal completely ignores the history and contributions of Jews as an ethnic and religious group in the United States. On the other, it fully embraces a course of study about Arabs that views the Palestinian war on Israel solely from the point of view of those who wish to destroy the Jewish state..

Should this proposal be accepted by California and become part of a course to offer every high school student in the nation’s most populous state, it would mean that Jews would be erased as a group from America’s mosaic of immigrant groups while playing the role of bloodthirsty villains victimizing Palestinians.

Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of this curriculum is that it makes no effort to conceal or soft-pedal its bias against Jews. Israel is depicted as a colonial settler state whose creation was a “disaster” (the nakba), and those who fight against it, including figures who are open about their antisemitism such as Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), activist Linda Sarsour, and the late academic Edward Said are heroes and role models to be emulated.

(full article online)

California Curriculum Shows the Price of Complacency About BDS

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