Boycott Israel

For those wanting to boycott Israel, throw out your computing device right now!
Boycotting Israel is as absurd as boycotting the USA.
You can't do it.
Criticize Israeli government policies, sure, but this BDS movement is a total fail and always will be.
Supporter of UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Slams Antisemitism Whistleblowers as ‘Bunch of Wimps’ During BBC Interview.

Supporter of UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Slams Antisemitism Whistleblowers as ‘Bunch of Wimps’ During BBC Interview


His mean weasely face, he looks like an anti Semite.
^Sian Rider, who described herself as a Jeremy Corbyn supporter, told the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire program on Thursday morning that “last night’s [Panorama] program was a bunch of wimps, quite honestly.”

Rider continued: “I have been attacked in the street for carrying a Palestinian bag and I didn’t have a nervous breakdown, why did they?”

Idiot! Total!
Supporter of UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Slams Antisemitism Whistleblowers as ‘Bunch of Wimps’ During BBC Interview.

Supporter of UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Slams Antisemitism Whistleblowers as ‘Bunch of Wimps’ During BBC Interview

View attachment 268975

His mean weasely face, he looks like an anti Semite.
Jeremy Corbyn anti Semite? Nobody believes that shit. It is just a smear campaign by the usual bunch of clowns.

Well of course, you would say that, wouldn't you?
Supporter of UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Slams Antisemitism Whistleblowers as ‘Bunch of Wimps’ During BBC Interview.

Supporter of UK Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Slams Antisemitism Whistleblowers as ‘Bunch of Wimps’ During BBC Interview

View attachment 268975

His mean weasely face, he looks like an anti Semite.
Jeremy Corbyn anti Semite? Nobody believes that shit. It is just a smear campaign by the usual bunch of clowns.

By Pete Moore On July 11th, 2019 at 6:53 pm

The BBC’s Panorama programme last night exposed the shocking extent of antisemitism in the institutionally antisemitic Labour Party. We are all shocked to learn that these pro-terrorist antisemites are antisemitic.

Cue the press awaiting Jeremy Corbyn this morning at his gate. The door opens, someone’s coming, it’s .. it’s .. a women ranting away and waving her arms around. She’s clearly mad. More than that, is she raving in Spanish? The man’s a complete shambles.

Cannot breathe

Posted in ATW
This is typical BDS behavior: causing mayhem in one community after another and leaving it to others to clean up the mess. In theory, the student council could have changed the rules under which they operated in order to allow discrimination based on political opinion. Such a move would likely have faced procedural and administrative hurdles, and would have been widely controversial (and may have failed). But at least it would have represented an act of honesty on the part of student representatives who decided their real constituency was the BDS movement.
It is likely no accident that the whole matter was settled once summer began and the students who demanded the right to shred the rules they were elected to live by in order to discriminate against fellow students who did not share their political opinions were safely off campus.

As in many, many other situations where the BDSers ask an institution to do their dirty work, once consequences rain down on the institution that has done its bidding, the boycotters have already moved on to their next target, leaving it to others to deal with the wreckage.

(full article online)

BDSers who leave others holding the bag (Divest This!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

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