Boycott Israel

Germans get it.
Why Don’t Pro-BDS Democrats?

On May 17, the German Parliament passed a resolution that designates the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel as antisemitic, and said that the government would not fund any organizations that question Israel’s right to exist, call for a boycott of Israel, or actively support BDS.

Meanwhile, in the US House of Representatives, Democrats do not even want to vote on legislation passed by the Senate that would make it illegal under Federal law to boycott Israel, and grant Federal protection to state and local governments that refuse to invest in or contract with companies that boycott Israel.

“The pattern of argument and methods of the BDS movement are antisemitic,” the Bundestag resolution stated flatly. The Germans know antisemitism when they see it, likening the BDS campaign to the Nazis’ call to boycott Jewish businesses and stores.

House Democrats prefer a milquetoast resolution, as opposed to legislation, which would condemn the BDS movement without acknowledging it is antisemitic, all while throwing in a totally unrelated commitment to a two-state solution. The Democrats’ squeamishness is not surprising after their failure to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her antisemitic remarks, and their continued defense of her and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), both of whom are BDS supporters.

Germans Get It, Why Don’t Pro-BDS Democrats?
Ridiculous the boycott is against activity not identity.
Is that why they don't except the mere existence of a Jewish state?
The problem is that Israel is in Palestine.

The Palestinians are not happy about that.

And St.Petersburg is in Leningrad :dunno:
Is it mere concept of self determination for minorities the problem?
Germans get it.
Why Don’t Pro-BDS Democrats?

On May 17, the German Parliament passed a resolution that designates the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel as antisemitic, and said that the government would not fund any organizations that question Israel’s right to exist, call for a boycott of Israel, or actively support BDS.

Meanwhile, in the US House of Representatives, Democrats do not even want to vote on legislation passed by the Senate that would make it illegal under Federal law to boycott Israel, and grant Federal protection to state and local governments that refuse to invest in or contract with companies that boycott Israel.

“The pattern of argument and methods of the BDS movement are antisemitic,” the Bundestag resolution stated flatly. The Germans know antisemitism when they see it, likening the BDS campaign to the Nazis’ call to boycott Jewish businesses and stores.

House Democrats prefer a milquetoast resolution, as opposed to legislation, which would condemn the BDS movement without acknowledging it is antisemitic, all while throwing in a totally unrelated commitment to a two-state solution. The Democrats’ squeamishness is not surprising after their failure to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her antisemitic remarks, and their continued defense of her and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), both of whom are BDS supporters.

Germans Get It, Why Don’t Pro-BDS Democrats?
Ridiculous the boycott is against activity not identity.
Is that why they don't except the mere existence of a Jewish state?
The problem is that Israel is in Palestine.

The Palestinians are not happy about that.

So the mere definition as a Jewish state is problem,
or the mere concept of self determination for minorities?

He'll twist that one back to his warped world view.
Germans get it.
Why Don’t Pro-BDS Democrats?

On May 17, the German Parliament passed a resolution that designates the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel as antisemitic, and said that the government would not fund any organizations that question Israel’s right to exist, call for a boycott of Israel, or actively support BDS.

Meanwhile, in the US House of Representatives, Democrats do not even want to vote on legislation passed by the Senate that would make it illegal under Federal law to boycott Israel, and grant Federal protection to state and local governments that refuse to invest in or contract with companies that boycott Israel.

“The pattern of argument and methods of the BDS movement are antisemitic,” the Bundestag resolution stated flatly. The Germans know antisemitism when they see it, likening the BDS campaign to the Nazis’ call to boycott Jewish businesses and stores.

House Democrats prefer a milquetoast resolution, as opposed to legislation, which would condemn the BDS movement without acknowledging it is antisemitic, all while throwing in a totally unrelated commitment to a two-state solution. The Democrats’ squeamishness is not surprising after their failure to condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her antisemitic remarks, and their continued defense of her and Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), both of whom are BDS supporters.

Germans Get It, Why Don’t Pro-BDS Democrats?
Ridiculous the boycott is against activity not identity.
Is that why they don't except the mere existence of a Jewish state?
The problem is that Israel is in Palestine.

The Palestinians are not happy about that.

So the mere definition as a Jewish state is problem,
or the mere concept of self determination for minorities?

He'll twist that one back to his warped world view.


wash rinse repeat
Fiercely anti-Zionist students have become a fixture on American college campuses. They depend on professors for their doctrine, and the professors are spreading disinformation, as Cary Nelson, president of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) between 2006 and 2012, shows in his valuable new book, Israel Denial: Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism, and the Faculty Campaign Against the Jewish State.

Nelson’s argument is simple: If you want to single out Israel as uniquely worthy of condemnation among the nations of the earth, you have to sign on to a series of lies. BDS’ chief campus influencers, including Judith Butler, Steven Salaita, Saree Makdisi, and Jasbir Puar, traffic in hyperbolic calumnies about the Jewish state that are easy to refute—if, that is, one is interested in facts rather than blatant prejudice.

Even more lurid in his hatred than Puar is Steven Salaita, who absurdly states that any Arab entering Israel can expect a vaginal or anal search. Salaita is a self-confessed despiser of Israel who unleashed a storm of vulgar hate-filled tweets before and after the last Gaza War in 2014, and was then denied a campus appointment at the University of Illinois—a decision Nelson endorses, since Salaita in his books as well as his social media posts is a proud hatemonger who disdains the academic virtues of civil debate and free exchange of ideas. Like Nazis banning Jews from the professions, Salaita wants to ban Zionists from the left. Should a university hire someone like Salaita, Nelson asks, who would proudly promote discrimination on campus?

More banal than Puar and Salaita, but just as insidious, is Saree Makdisi, professor of English at UCLA and celebrated BDS advocate. Makdisi proclaims in his books that Israel has no Basic Law guaranteeing equality of citizenship and no Supreme Court decisions referencing equality. He is, of course, stating the opposite of the truth, as he must know. Israel’s Basic Law gives equal rights to all citizens and this principle has often been cited by the country’s Supreme Court.

BDS: The Big Lie
Israel and the West: ‘Shared values’ of racism and settler-colonialism

Over the last two decades, the boycott of Israel has become a significant part of the resistance of the Palestinian people and their international supporters to Israeli racism, settler-colonialism and military occupation.

The Palestinian boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement seeks to achieve several strategic goals: ending Israel’s occupation and colonization of Palestinian lands, ending Israel’s institutionalized racism, and ensuring the return of Palestinian refugees.

The BDS movement has garnered global support, including from academics, artists, athletes, churches, unions, human rights groups and businesses.

Israel and the West: ‘Shared values’ of racism and settler-colonialism
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center
Israel and the West: ‘Shared values’ of racism and settler-colonialism

Over the last two decades, the boycott of Israel has become a significant part of the resistance of the Palestinian people and their international supporters to Israeli racism, settler-colonialism and military occupation.

The Palestinian boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement seeks to achieve several strategic goals: ending Israel’s occupation and colonization of Palestinian lands, ending Israel’s institutionalized racism, and ensuring the return of Palestinian refugees.

The BDS movement has garnered global support, including from academics, artists, athletes, churches, unions, human rights groups and businesses.

Israel and the West: ‘Shared values’ of racism and settler-colonialism
@Copyright The Palestinian Information Center

That’s actually funny considering the current and historical ties of Islamist ideology to racism and settler colonialism.
Q.Why is it so hard to accept the concept of self determination for minorities?
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