Boycott Israel

Ofri Dimentman, who is responsible for the date department of the Mehadrin export company told Yediot that medjool dates are exported to some 30 countries, most notably Turkey. Israeli dates are even sought in Arab countries, to which they are sold through a third-party broker.

(full article online)

'Israeli dates are sought even by Arab countries'
RE: Boycott Israel
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

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Now isn't this ironic. The Honorable Rashida Tlaib (D-MICH) is just charging too had against the Jewish Community (IMO). What purpose of does Congresswomen Tlaib hope to accomplish? (RHETORICAL) The more controversial her campaign becomes → the more she demonstrates her anti-Israel agenda.
In a statement, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) said it “finds it deeply disturbing that Rep. Rashida Tlaib would demonstrate disregard for freedom of speech by suggesting a boycott of Bill Maher’s HBO show after the popular television host denounced the anti-Semitic Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement seeking to delegitimize the Jewish state.”
I wonder:

◈ If the Congresswoman has a fixed hostile and prejudiced agenda against Jews?

◈ Or, are these recent anti-Israel activities spontanious events?

◈ Or, is this an example of a concerted effort to delegitimize the idea of Jewish self-determination?​

Most Respectfully,
◈ Or, is this an example of a concerted effort to delegitimize the idea of Jewish self-determination?
The Zionists called their project colonialism. Then when colonialism started to get a bad name, they changed it so self determination.

Like colonial settlers can claim self determination. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Those regions were geographically part of the area of 'historic Palestine' the League of nations awarded to the Jewish people to, among other purposes:

encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency. referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews, on the land, including State lands and waste landsFrom 1922 until 1967, no recognized country or state legally ruled those areas except the Mandate. In Hebrew, the Mandate was translated as "Land of Israel". Jordan was an illegal occupier.

All this leaves us with a simple solution for the requirement of the EU to note the origin of the product: the Land of Israel.

(full article online)

My Right Word: A Matter of Origin
Don’t buy Keter products. Made in Israel.
Thank you for the Thumbs UP !!!!!!

(And we thought that it was only "Palestinian Territory" products which were being boycotted. He, he, he , he

Products‎: ‎Outdoor and Indoor resin-based con...
Number of employees‎: ‎3,020 (2017)
Headquarters‎: ‎Herzliya, Israel

Keter manufactures a wide range of household and garden resin-based products, storage solutions[buzzword], and outdoor furniture: outdoor furniture, lifestyle and gardening, outdoor storage products, tool storage, kids, indoor storage, home organization and bath. It is one of Israel's largest manufacturers of resin-based outdoor and garden furniture.[7]

[ Lets buy Keter !!!!!]

[ Oh, wait, maybe it is the Israeli products that people in Gaza and "West Bank" love so much to buy which need to be boycotted?
Or the products from Gaza to "West Bank" ? ]

[ Maybe....just maybe.....Israel needs to stop ALL trucks in and out of Gaza until the Gaza government stops the rockets, incendiary and bomb balloons, plus all the infiltrations designed to KILL JEWS ]

[Time to stop the War by the Muslims against the Jews.]

[Who shall we boycott in order to make THAT happen?]
he level of Zionophobia fueled by BDS-inspired Jew hatred is not the same on every campus. Anti-Israel activities are concentrated in a small number of prestigious campuses popular with Jewish students; the larger the Jewish student population the more pervasive is the anti-Israel hostility. The worst anti-Israel schools tend to be prominent, prestigious universities that wield enormous influence and generate the largest amount of publicity. Averaging anti-Israel sentiment of Columbia University which had 108 incidents recorded by AMCHA or New York University which had 75 incidents with Appalachian State University which had 4 incidents or Bradley University which had 1 incident distorts the reality. It tempers what it feels like to be an isolated pro-Israel student on a campus with an active pro-BDS movement fueled by aggressive chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), IfNotNow and J Street U, where professors are anti-Israel propagandists, where Hillel eschews involvement beyond anodyne statements and serving Shabbat dinners to avoid antagonizing their liberal donors, and where the administrators—the supposed "adults in the room"—are intimidated by, if not openly complicit with, the students and faculty claiming for themselves the exclusive right to be the arbiters of human rights and social justice.

(full article online)

What's Wrong with Advice for Dealing with Zionophobia on Campus? Part 1 (Victor Muslin) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

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