Boycott Israel

This #video illustrating ties among #BDS and #Hamas groups, #AntiIsrael groups worldwide. Enlightening.

#BDS HATE NET EXPOSED: Minister of Strategic Affairs @GiladErdan1 revealed for the 1st time "The Hate Net”: A map showcases the network of ties between the most prominent BDS organizations― ten of which have ties with #Hamas and the #PFLP.

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The Egyptians have similar security measures to protect themselves from the Pally terrorists. Are these measures only apartheid™ if they’re implemented by Jews?

Aside from slogans you don’t understand and misuse, what is apartheid’ish™ about protecting oneself from Islamic terrorists?

A federal judge has dismissed a Jewish National Fund lawsuit that targeted the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights for alleged terror connections over its support for BDS.

“The smearing of human rights advocates as terrorists is a troublingly common and dangerous tactic. The JNF’s complaint perversely cites our clients’ human rights advocacy in an attempt to support their ultimately fruitless effort to hijack U.S. courts,” explained CCR staff attorney Diala Shamas in a statement, “We are glad the court did not let these meritless claims stand, and we hope this marks a turning point that discourages private actors seeking to weaponize terrorism laws to silence their critics.”

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