Boycott Israel

It is too complicated for you.

If you could write meaningful sentences, that would be helpful. Can you cut and paste a YouTube video to better as'plain?

Are you suggesting that Islamic terrorist enforcers in Gaza enforcing sharia law have qualified immunity?
If you could write meaningful sentences, that would be helpful. Can you cut and paste a YouTube video to better as'plain?

Are you suggesting that Islamic terrorist enforcers in Gaza enforcing sharia law have qualified immunity?
Israel has sharia law. What is your point?
Jordan wanted to annex it. No one would allow them.

In 1925 the Hashemites took 78% of the Mandate for the Jewish homeland.

In 1948 the Hashemites took Judea and Samaria to add to the 78% of the Mandate.

In 1967 the Hashemites wanted more. Instead they lost what they took in 1948.

There is justice in this world.
RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Crime and Punishment
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I can hardly believe you said this. And as far as the "Ruby Ridge" incident is concerned, the comparison is simply wrong. There is simply no point of comparison between an 11-Day Standoff as a consequence of executing a Bench Warrant and the Arab Palestinian terrorism industry that has made so many Arab Palestinian leaders wealthy.

Interesting question. When a police officer, or other government official, violates a civilian's rights , he will lose his qualified immunity. IOW, violations of law under the color of law will cause him to lose his protected status.

Take Ruby Ridge, for example. A man, under attack by the government, shot and killed a federal agent. A jury ruled that killing self defense.

Each incident is judged on its merit; as it is in any crime.

In the case of "house demolitions, land theft, destroying businesses, destroying food and water sources. illegal detentions, shooting unarmed civilians, etc., etc., etc.....?" is based on a determination as to the reason the even was acted upon. (YOUR POSTING #9515).​
IF the action is taken under the authority of (Para 3, A/PV.2268. 14 October 1974), agree to ANNEX III Protocol Concerning Civil Affairs • ARTICLE IV Special Provisions concerning Area "C" • which assigned Israel full civil and security control over Area “C", THEN it is already under the Arab Palestinian approval.​
IF the destruction is pursuant to a means for suppressing material support to terrorists, THEN the destruction of such safe havens may be considered appropriate.​
Those involved in the​
Attacks on publicly or privately owned facility providing or distributing services "for the benefit of the public, such as water, sewage, energy, fuel or communications.​
The use of an explosive or incendiary weapon or device that is designed, or has the capability, to cause death, serious bodily injury, or substantial material damage;​
It makes little difference if the person or persons are principles in the hostile act or an accomplice.​

As for the accusation of "shooting unarmed civilians," a weapon is considered anything that has the capability, to cause death, serious bodily injury, or substantial material damage;

And it should be noted that it is the policy of the Arab Palestinians to engage in armed struggle" against the Israelis.

Whether it is a senior official in the Hostile Arab Palestinian ranks that Extols Martyrdom or pronounces the "Human Right" to kill Israelis, the intent to incite violence is there. This would include the Senior Fatah official supports Hamas rockets “that put Israel in bomb shelters.” That is considered terrorist intimidation. Intimidation and the incitement to violence through Hamas TV glorifies jihad, urges 'Death to Israel!' are just as much evidence of the lethal intent of the Arab Palestinian leadership.

In nearly every cases, if looked at individually, a reason for the Israeli response will present itself.

I have heard too many of the Arab Palestinian leadership making a mockery and shambles of the convention of civil and political rights.


Most Respectfully,
I can hardly believe you said this. And as far as the "Ruby Ridge" incident is concerned, the comparison is simply wrong. There is simply no point of comparison between an 11-Day Standoff as a consequence of executing a Bench Warrant and the Arab Palestinian terrorism industry that has made so many Arab Palestinian leaders wealthy.
The point was to show that killing a cop who is attacking you is self defense.

You seem to think that the IDF (Israeli doofus force) can do anything it wants and it and it is legal. Like house demolitions, land theft, destroying businesses, destroying food and water sources. illegal detentions, shooting unarmed civilians, etc., etc., etc.....?

BTW, no agreement between an occupying power and an occupied people, like Oslo, can legalize what is illegal.
IF the destruction is pursuant to a means for suppressing material support to terrorists, THEN the destruction of such safe havens may be considered appropriate.
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorist propaganda bullshit?
The point was to show that killing a cop who is attacking you is self defense.

You seem to think that the IDF (Israeli doofus force) can do anything it wants and it and it is legal. Like house demolitions, land theft, destroying businesses, destroying food and water sources. illegal detentions, shooting unarmed civilians, etc., etc., etc.....?

BTW, no agreement between an occupying power and an occupied people, like Oslo, can legalize what is illegal.
"BTW, no agreement between an occupying power and an occupied people, like Oslo, can legalize what is illegal."

Occupying power has been the Arabs in the 7th century and then the Ottoman Muslim Empire until 1917.

The OCCUPIED people during all of this time have been the Indigenous Jewish People as they are ON their Indigenous Homeland.

Oslo was just a way for the Muslims to move into the West Bank as a government and continue to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Take a vacation
"BTW, no agreement between an occupying power and an occupied people, like Oslo, can legalize what is illegal."

Occupying power has been the Arabs in the 7th century and then the Ottoman Muslim Empire until 1917.

The OCCUPIED people during all of this time have been the Indigenous Jewish People as they are ON their Indigenous Homeland.

Oslo was just a way for the Muslims to move into the West Bank as a government and continue to kill Jews and destroy Israel.

Take a vacation
You are a hoot. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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