Boycott Israel

In a UNHRC interactive dialogue today with UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet, UN Watch’s Hillel Neuer asked her to comment on the appointment of Navi Pillay, who has repeatedly lobbied governments against Israel, as Chair of the new commission of inquiry on Israel. In her reply, delivered after statements by some 40 speakers, Bachelet failed to respond to Neuer’s questions or to defend the appointment of Pillay. See full text below.

(full article online)

I was curious to see exactly what made Haifa University an "apartheid institution" according to the BDS movement. Here is their evidence: "Haifa University discriminates against Palestinian citizens of Israel through exclusionary practices."

Really? Because fully 41% of students at Haifa University are Arab - double the percentage of Arab citizens in Israel as a whole! Haifa University is twice as welcoming of Arab students than they are of Jewish students on a per capita basis!

Haifa University is far more liberal and far more progressive than Karen Froud Ph.D. is.

Leisman wrote an excellent and detailed response to Froud as well, including these points:

It is quite audacious of you to claim that you support academic freedom by requesting others to shut down academic freedom. Before I begin, may I call your attention to the UN Declaration of Human Rights (1949) Article 19, which you obviously have not read, that states, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." (So much for your understanding of Human Rights and Academic Freedom).
What you want is not a boycott but rather political pressure on second parties to pressure third parties to affect policy-change by that third party (i.e. the government the State of Israel). That is not even a secondary boycott but rather just simply bullying. So much for academic discourse on your part on an issue that has nothing to do with the project in Neuroeducation. What makes your opinions valid and those of others not? Some website? Do you base your actions on an order on a website? Your actions are inconsistent with the notion of Academic Freedom, but rather with an opinionated individual ramming his/her political agenda down the throats of academics on a mailing list.

Froud receives a lot of very bad ratings in RateMyProfessors, as she appears to pre-record her lectures and gives students the link on YouTube. She also apparently publicly humiliates students she doesn't like.

It is not surprising that self-righteous BDS bullies are also bullies in real life.

(full article online)

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The email from Owens read: “On January 20, the board of directors received an email from a Jewish American activist urging us to cancel our upcoming trips to Israel (scheduled for March 15 and 29, 2022 and March 2023), saying that we are greenwashing the conflict there and providing legitimacy to the Israeli state, which is engaged in apartheid against the Palestinian people.”

The board notified Owens and the National Outings team, which “sent our standard response which states that we don’t restrict our trips due to regional conflicts or politics,” Owens wrote. “The activist was not satisfied and said he planned to get additional activist groups involved.

“On February 22, the board received an email from a coalition of activist organizations … threatening that if we did not cancel the upcoming trips within a week, they would go public that the organization was violating the organizational values it recently rolled out.”

Acting executive director Dan Chu, the email said, “appointed a group to handle the response” and notified Israel trip leaders.

The special group appointed by Chu met with the progressive activists, the email said, “who insisted that there was no room for compromise and reiterated their demand that we cancel the trips by March 7.”

The group “spent the next few days reviewing the pros and cons of each outcome,” Owens wrote, adding: “the National Outings team did not want to cancel the trips.”

In the end, two members of the group appointed by Chu recommended that he cancel the trips, “and he agreed,” Owens wrote.

The Sierra Club is freely admitting that it caved to threats from BDSers. There was no decision based on Israel's supposed policies: it was to stop the haters from blackmailing them with threats of making a big publicity stink.

This is hardly a moral response by the Sierra Club. It is pure cowardice. It caved to haters and violated its own policies not to let politics enter into these kinds of decisions.

And it deserves to receive at least as much criticism for being so spineless to professional antisemites as it would have gotten from the haters.

(full article online)

Today, Palestinian prime minister met with what Palestinian media called 300 Harvard University students to spout anti-Israel propaganda.

"The biggest challenge [for Palestinians] is national unity and ending division, and we will work to achieve it by all means. The second challenge is the Judaization of Jerusalem as the capital," Shtayyeh said.

The trip was part of Harvard Israel Trek, an annual subsidized trip to Israel and the territories during spring break.

Despite the students being exposed to unfettered Palestinian propaganda, BDSers on campus try to dissuade students from going:

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine hung flyers across campus last week (February 25) urging undergraduates to boycott Harvard Israel Trek, an annual subsidized spring break trip to Israel and the West Bank.

Organizers for HOOP — a student group spearheaded by the Palestine Solidarity Committee that calls on Harvard to divest holdings linked to Israel’s presence in Palestine — posted flyers with QR codes linked to a document that alleges trip-goers are “complicit in apartheid and settler colonialism.”

In 2019, the PSC distributed a petition urging undergraduates to boycott Israel Trek, which was ultimately canceled due to Covid-19.

Applications for this year’s trip closed last October. According to Israel Trek student leader Ty L. Geri ’23, more than 450 students applied for just 100 spots.

The trip includes a visit of the West Bank and discussions with high-ranking Israeli and Palestinian officials. In emails about the trip sent last semester, organizers say the trip provides participants an opportunity to explore “unique and nuanced realities at the core of Israel’s geopolitical landscape.”

HOOP organizer Christian B. Tabash ’21-’22 said he rejects the idea that the trip can provide a balanced perspective on the conflict between Israel and Palestine despite including the West Bank on its itinerary.

“It doesn’t matter if you spend a few hours in the West Bank, a day in the West Bank, a few days in the West Bank, or if you talk to a Palestinian,” Tabash said. “That is irrelevant, because power is unequal and Palestinians exist as the colonized.”

HOOP's problem isn't with "balance." It is that they do not want any student to ever hear what any Zionist ever has to say. They want their propaganda to be the only thing Harvard students ever hear about the region.

Tufts University's Students for Justice in Palestine wrote a "BDS Pledge."

It includes these solemn promises:

- I pledge to stand in solidarity with Palestinians in their struggle against displacement, colonization, military occupation, and apartheid by following the call for BDS.
- I pledge to boycott Sabra Hummus and Pillsbury.
- I pledge to refuse to be involved with Friends of Israel, J Street U Tufts, Tisch Summer Fellowship with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Tufts Birthright Israel, TAMID, Study abroad programs in Israel.
- Boycott targets of BDS globally including HP, Israeli fruits and vegetables, Puma, AXA, SodaStream, and Ahava.
- Commit to BDS until Palestine is free.

We've seen these sorts of things before - after all, the BDS movement itself is based on "pledging" to boycott Israeli products and institutions and more - but did you ever think about the concept of a pledge?

Does Birthright or Hillel demand that people must "pledge" to a certain way of thinking or acting in order to join?

The very concept of a "BDS pledge" is really an attempt to ensure that people are not exposed to opinions that BDS leaders find objectionable.

J Street U is a great gateway drug to becoming an unthinking anti-Israel drone, but it doesn't agree with today's antisemites that Zionism is a white supremacist ideology, so it is verboten to associate with them.

The most glaring distinction between liberal Zionist and "progressive" anti-Zionist groups is the willingness to discuss things with the other side. This refusal by BDSers to even talk with anyone who disagrees with their extremist positions isn't a sign of strength, but of weakness. It shows that they have no confidence that their propaganda can survive when confronted with other ideas.

This pledge proves that BDS isn't a movement or a philosophy. BDS is a cult.

The best part of this pledge is that it lists lots of student groups on campus who support Israel as a Jewish state. They clearly dwarf the BDSers on campus. And the very existence of this pledge, and similar ones on other campuses, is all the proof you need that BDS makes a lot of noise but it knows that it must use brainwashing methods to keep its core

(full article online)

In response to the EAPPI’s return, Im Tirtzu has resumed filming EAPPI’s activities and put up large banners in Hebron informing IDF soldiers about the illegal presence of the accompaniers, urging soldiers to report them to the authorities.

Im Tirtzu banners alerting Israelis in Hebron, March 2022. / Im Tirtzu

These accompaniers enter the country predominately using tourist visas and then proceed to operate in Judea, Samaria, or Jerusalem for three months. Upon their return home, they share their experiences with their churches and communities.

EAPPI has come under fire from an array of pro-Israel groups that have shed light on its anti-Israel activities, noting that the accompaniers violate the conditions of their tourist visas by harassing IDF soldiers and residents, and upon their return home engage in anti-Israel advocacy including promoting BDS and smearing Israel as an apartheid state.

(full article online)

It was a clever ruse because it rendered the verity of the most outrageous allegations as beyond dispute. Iman Abid-Thompson lamented the “silencing, ostracizing, complete pushing out and rejection of what Palestinians are experiencing.” She cast her defamatory slurs of the Jewish state as the “truths that people don’t want you to hear, people don’t want you to know!” Her message came across loud and clear: Anyone daring to challenge her tales of Israeli abuse is a part of the racist power structure, guilty of trying to silence the “reality”of oppressed and marginalized communities.

Thus, secure her charges would not be challenged, Iman-Thompson put forth her horror fantasy of an Israeli settler-colonialist state where Palestinian children are seized from their mothers and taken from their homes in order to make way for Jewish settlers. According to this nightmarish tale, anyone caught speaking up about the alleged atrocities, including journalists reporting critically about Israel, “are not just silenced, not just detained, they are actually being killed.”

Needless to say, Israelis do not kidnap children to take over their parents’ homes. Nor are journalists and others murdered either for reporting the truth or for spreading lies about Israel. Yet despite the ludicrous and obviously false nature of Abid-Thompson’s charges, they were allowed to stand without challenge.

It would not have been difficult for NPR staff to ascertain before inviting her as the main speaker that Iman Abid-Thompson was far from a reliable witness, that she was a radical extremist with a propensity to go overboard. After all, the same NPR station had reported just a year earlier that Abid-Thompson had been investigated and condemned by the New York Civil Liberties Union when she served as director of its Genesee Valley chapter. She had gotten carried away at a protest outside the office of the county’s district attorney, invoking charges of “white supremacy,” and hurling obscenity-laced threats not only against the elected officials but against their children, as well:

“I don’t know who the f*** Sandra Doorley thinks she is, but she made this . . . courtyard a trespassing zone? Is she out of her f***ing mind?” You’re lucky that I work for the f***ng ACLU ‘cause litigation is about to pop off. This is white supremacy at its best, when people think that the law is within their side that they can do whatever the f*** they want. We’ve been watching them, we’ve been reading their damn policies, we know your names we know where your children go to school don’t you f*** worry”.
Yet, despite her disturbing history, Abid-Thompson in her new role as a BDS director, was invited to promote her defamatory fabrications, with her falsehoods featured as the linchpin of the discussion.

(full article online)

RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Acquisition
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

Wow, you need to be able to identify what actually happens in the real-world and the idealism on paper.


Just because you believe there is an international that was violated, does not mean it was universally accepted n that same manner, purpose and intent. When you say that the territory occupied by the Jordanians was actually occupied, what sovereign government hold title to that territory. It could not be any legitimate territory exercising authority over the West Bank. No Arab Palestinian Government existed.


Oh come-on now. If you are trying to make an Article 2 argument, you are going to have trouble. The West Bank was NOT a state. Article 2(4) says in art: "use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations." Article 1 defines the purposes:

◈ "maintain international peace and security" (CHECK the Box)​
◈ "develop friendly relations among nations" (CHECK the Box)​
◈ "self-determination of peoples" (CHECK the Box)​
◈ "achieve international co-operation in solving international problems" (CHECK the Box)​

The Recommendation from the UN was to create an Arab and Jewish State. Well, after the Annexation by the representative of the Arab Palestinian people, the territory was "Arab" and the peoples representatives voted for Annexation. That is called "self-determination by the people."


Sixties Fan is on target. You are trying to use the Treaty of Lausanne argument. And again, Article 30 does not create a state.


You are trying to twist the events as they happened. The residents lost citizenship in August of 1988. The Jordanians withdrew all ties. Up to that point, the West Bank was sovereign territory of Jordan which was Occupied by the Israelis. When, "on July 31 King Hussein announced the severance of all administrative and legal ties with the occupied West Bank" there was no government - least of all an Arab Palestinian Government, able to assume the Rights and Duties of States over the territory.

terra nullius ‘The expression “ terra nullius ” was a legal term of art employed in connection with “occupation” as one of the accepted legal methods of acquiring sovereignty over territory. “Occupation” being legally an original means of peacefully acquiring sovereignty over territory otherwise than by cession or succession, it was a cardinal condition of a valid “occupation” that the territory should be terra nullius— a territory belonging to no-one—at the time of the act alleged to constitute the “occupation” . . .’: Western Sahara Case 1975 I.C.J. Rep. 6 at 39. Cf . Eastern Greenland, Legal Status of, Case ( 1933 ) P.C.I.J., Ser. A/B, No. 53 at 44 and 63. In the words of 1 Oppenheim 687 , ‘The only territory which can be the object of occupation is that which does not already belong to another state, whether it is uninhabited, or inhabited by persons whose community is not considered to be a state; for individuals may live on as territory without forming themselves into a state proper exercising sovereignty over such territory’. See also Clipperton Island Case ( 1931 ) 2 R.I.A.A. 1105 ; Island of Palmas Case ( 1928 ) 2 R.I.A.A. 829 ; Minquiers and Ecrehos Case 1953 I.C.J. Rep. 47 ; Rann of Kutch Case ( 1968 ) 17 R.I.A.A. 1 ; Western Sahara Case 1975 I.C.J. Rep. 12 . And see Crawford , The Creation of States in International Law (2nd ed.), 265–268. The process whereby territory already subject to the sovereignty of another State may be acquired—and by very much the same method as for occupation —is referred to as prescription ( see prescription, acquisitive ).​
I urge you to read the extracted part provided, supra, very carefully. Pay close attention to the part I marked n "red."
SOURCE: Parry & Grant Encyclopaedic Dictionary of International Law / John P. Grant and J. Craig Barker. 3rd ed.
Copyright © ˝ 2009 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 pg 596


Most Respectfully,
For most of it's history Israel and Judah were ruled by Egypt, Babylon, Persians, Syrians, Greeks, Romans and Turks. The Arabs were there since Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria around 700 BC. Sargon himself was an Arkkadian from the Arabian peninsula. In any case the people who lived in Palestine were always there. They didn't leave after the fall of the temple and they didn't immigrate from Europe or Russia.
It was a clever ruse because it rendered the verity of the most outrageous allegations as beyond dispute. Iman Abid-Thompson lamented the “silencing, ostracizing, complete pushing out and rejection of what Palestinians are experiencing.” She cast her defamatory slurs of the Jewish state as the “truths that people don’t want you to hear, people don’t want you to know!” Her message came across loud and clear: Anyone daring to challenge her tales of Israeli abuse is a part of the racist power structure, guilty of trying to silence the “reality”of oppressed and marginalized communities.

Thus, secure her charges would not be challenged, Iman-Thompson put forth her horror fantasy of an Israeli settler-colonialist state where Palestinian children are seized from their mothers and taken from their homes in order to make way for Jewish settlers. According to this nightmarish tale, anyone caught speaking up about the alleged atrocities, including journalists reporting critically about Israel, “are not just silenced, not just detained, they are actually being killed.”

Needless to say, Israelis do not kidnap children to take over their parents’ homes. Nor are journalists and others murdered either for reporting the truth or for spreading lies about Israel. Yet despite the ludicrous and obviously false nature of Abid-Thompson’s charges, they were allowed to stand without challenge.

It would not have been difficult for NPR staff to ascertain before inviting her as the main speaker that Iman Abid-Thompson was far from a reliable witness, that she was a radical extremist with a propensity to go overboard. After all, the same NPR station had reported just a year earlier that Abid-Thompson had been investigated and condemned by the New York Civil Liberties Union when she served as director of its Genesee Valley chapter. She had gotten carried away at a protest outside the office of the county’s district attorney, invoking charges of “white supremacy,” and hurling obscenity-laced threats not only against the elected officials but against their children, as well:

Yet, despite her disturbing history, Abid-Thompson in her new role as a BDS director, was invited to promote her defamatory fabrications, with her falsehoods featured as the linchpin of the discussion.

(full article online)

Naturally you are the victim.

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