Boycott Israel

From i24News:

Tel Aviv University on Tuesday announced a new academic collaboration with three Turkish institutions amid warming diplomatic ties between Jerusalem and Ankara.

The academic initiative is with Koç, Özyeğin and Sabancı.

"Every year TAU welcomes thousands of Muslim and Christian students from Israel and around the world, and we will be delighted to extend this collaboration to leading universities in Turkey as well. Academia is a bridge between nations, and a key to economic and social growth everywhere."

According to the statement, the academic heads said that without the breakthrough in diplomatic relations, the academic partnership would not have been possible.

It doesn't look like the BDSers have noticed this, or perhaps they are trying hard to ignore it. Because when Turkish universities say drop dead to BDS, that is a pretty serious blow to the Israel haters.

For the first time, the Judo Masters tournament will be held in Israel, scheduled to take place in December this year.

It is one of the most significant judo competitions in the world after the Olympic Games and World Championships. Hundreds of participants are expected to join the competition, including 36 of the best international judokas, Israel Hayom reported.

(full article online)

Using Abby Martin for any type of Foreign and Military policy analysis is not doing you any good. Even without hearing a word she says, the ties with the Russian Federation makes it dubious at best. Blah, blah, blah...
First off, nobody tells Abby Martin what to say or what not to say. Her reporting is usually spot on. She also worked for Tele SUR. Are you going to slime them too.

What did she say that was not true?

BTW, she won her case.
Don't these morons calling for the boycott of Israel understand that they are the ones causing the problems for the filastins. The filastins work on the farms producing the crops that are sold all over the world, and a boycott of Israel will cause them to be made unemployed and destitute
Since there is no such thing as Palestine ,the point is moot.
At a multi-religious conference in Lebanon last week backed by the Christian Maronite patriarch, speakers pushed for the country to adopt a neutral foreign policy — and even broached the taboo subject of normalization with Israel.

The conference, titled “On Reclaiming Neutrality in Lebanon,” was held on Saturday in the central Lebanese town of Harissa under the auspices of Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Ra’i. The top cleric’s representative, like other participants, urged the country to leave the Iran-dominated regional axis and assume a more neutral foreign policy stance, which they insisted was essential to Lebanese identity.

“What is required now is not to introduce the idea of neutrality into the Lebanese system, but to restore the neutrality that the Lebanese have lost due to their increasing foreign affiliations,” said Samir Mazloum, the patriarch’s representative at the gathering.

(full article online)

OK, so that means that they call for everyone to boycott all products, but they only publicize a small percentage of them.

But do they actually call to boycott them, as they claim?

They might call for it, but they sure don't do it themselves!

Here's a partial list of companies that have R&D or other ties to Israel, from Deloitte and Touche:

Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft,Visa, PayPal, Snapchat, eBay, Samsung, Lenovo, GE - you know that not one of the BDSers telling you to boycott all these companies are doing it themselves! None of them choose their airlines, their cellphones, their social media, their email service or their credit cards based on whether those companies do business in Israel.

The BDS "Call" is not to boycott companies doing business in Israel, but to boycott companies that they determine that they can successfully bully!

That doesn't sound like such a principled position anymore, does it?

So, is The Crimson calling to boycott all Israeli companies or only the ones that some self-proclaimed leaders of BDS they think they can threaten? Because either they support targeted intimidation and threats - or they are hypocrites.

Pick one, oh moral giants of Harvard!

(full article online )

At a multi-religious conference in Lebanon last week backed by the Christian Maronite patriarch, speakers pushed for the country to adopt a neutral foreign policy — and even broached the taboo subject of normalization with Israel.

The conference, titled “On Reclaiming Neutrality in Lebanon,” was held on Saturday in the central Lebanese town of Harissa under the auspices of Maronite Patriarch Bechara Al-Ra’i. The top cleric’s representative, like other participants, urged the country to leave the Iran-dominated regional axis and assume a more neutral foreign policy stance, which they insisted was essential to Lebanese identity.

“What is required now is not to introduce the idea of neutrality into the Lebanese system, but to restore the neutrality that the Lebanese have lost due to their increasing foreign affiliations,” said Samir Mazloum, the patriarch’s representative at the gathering.

(full article online)

There is a Lebanon with Syrians running the govt?
There is a Lebanon with Syrians running the govt?
Hezbollah is helping in the Syrian war:

"Maronite Christian politicians, such as President Michel Aoun, have maintained alliances with Hezbollah. But Maronite Patriarch Al-Ra’i has pursued a different vision in recent years, criticizing the terror group for its involvement in the Syrian Civil War."
First off, nobody tells Abby Martin what to say or what not to say. Her reporting is usually spot on. She also worked for Tele SUR. Are you going to slime them too.

What did she say that was not true?

BTW, she won her case.

How do you know, or is it what you choose to want to believe?
That a journalist employed by Russian state broadcaster
is not told what to say and not?

The difference between real dissidents, and trend followers
from an isolated continent, is that they weren't free thinkers,
because of following the populist logic of radical default opposition,
rather they were real individuals, masters of arts and outstanding minds.

Know how I know? Best of them and their descendants live in our great country.

Then come wanna be American bourguise "dissidents" tellig us how Abby Martin,
is none other but the mother of truth, and the accuracy of her reporting,
from the comform of drinking Vodka in the 'great satan'.

Won't find the next Tolstoy on RussianTV,
in Israel know..."Evening bells"...

Last edited:
In a joint statement issued on Friday, the Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS) and Melbourne University Jewish Students Society (MUJSS) said they are “most disgusted” by the motion’s attempt to define Judaism’s relationship to Zionism, which it called “blatantly antisemitic.”

“The UMSU has no mandate to speak for the Jewish community or what constitutes Judaism,” the groups said. “The movers of the motion did not reach out [to] MUJSS or consult the Jewish community about the views and beliefs of the large Jewish student population at the University of Melbourne.”

Also responding to the news, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) on Sunday urged universities in Australia to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Antisemitism.

“The fact that the Students Union at the University of Melbourne is captive to the predilections of a small coteries of far-Left ideologues reflects very poorly on students and the university,” ECAJ said.

(full article online)

[ Jew haters are masters at lying ]

On April 6, Jewish Voice for Peace sent out a letter asking students to "boycott" Google and Amazon for working on a cloud project for the Israeli government.

But asking students to actually boycott Google and Amazon is crazy talk, so instead, they asked students to refuse to take internships or jobs with those companies "until they drop Project Nimbus."

You already see the issue. Google and Amazon are giant, but they have far more applicants than they have jobs. College students pledging to not apply for jobs would literally not be noticed by these tech giants. And no student is going to apply to a job or internship only to refuse it afterwards.

It is a totally meaningless gesture. But it is a gesture that JVP assumed would attract thousands of students, especially non-tech students, because they figured they would want to virtue signal not to accept jobs that they wouldn't be qualified for and would never apply to anyway.

Sure enough, a few days after this email, the articles started coming about how "hundreds" of students - 550, to be exact - had signed this meaningless pledge. And it was painted as a great victory.

On Monday, a month later, JVP sent out an identical letter. And according to the website that they send people to, the number of signers has reached only 730 (as of this writing.)

Over four weeks, they barely added anyone to the signatories.

Now let's look at the numbers. There are 20 million undergraduate college students in the US. You could get far more than 700 to sign a petition to draft Scooby-Doo to be President than to commit to not work for Google and Amazon. 700 students represent 0.004% of the students in the country. There are 1000 times more people of college age who believe that the Earth is flat than who say they want to boycott jobs from Google and Amazon.

When Project Nimbus was first in the news, the BDSers made a huge deal that 1000 employees of Amazon and Google wrote a letter opposing it. That was equally unimpressive - one tenth of one percent of all 1.2 million employees, which tech people would call "line noise." Yet the BDSers took those thousand and parlayed it into op-eds in major media.

We see this all the time. Anti-Israel demonstrations that attract tiny crowds are trumpeted as major accomplishments.

(full article online)


Court overturns French ban on Palestine solidarity groups​


Emmanuel Macron’s war against campaigners for Palestinian rights suffered another big setback on Friday.

The Conseil d’Etat, which acts as France’s supreme court ruling on government actions, suspended the president’s order banning two Palestine solidarity groups.

The court upheld the right to call for a boycott of Israeli goods and found the government’s accusations of “anti-Semitism” against the two groups to be unfounded.

“Milestone” judgment in Germany​

And in Germany last week, a court sided with the local Palestine solidarity committee against city authorities in Stuttgart.

The European Legal Support Center (ELSC), a group that defends free speech about Palestine, hailed the decision as a “milestone judgment” that “reaffirms the right to boycott.”

Following a smear campaign in Israeli media, Stuttgart authorities began denying the solidarity group access to city premises and refused to advertise its events on the city’s website.

The municipality cited the 2019 resolution passed by the Bundestag, Germany’s lower house of parliament, smearing the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement as “anti-Semitic.”

The German court affirmed that the Bundestag resolution is nonbinding, and that the Palestine solidarity group’s activities are constitutionally protected free speech.

ELSC noted that this recent decision is “consistent with a growing trend in German case law, which upholds the right of activists to use public facilities for BDS-related events.”


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