Boycott Israel

Indeed, from the ongoing Nakba.

The lesson of Arab imperialism?

Wanted domination over the entire M. East - lost to a bunch of former dhimmis.
Try to prevent non-Muslims from the Temple Mount - take apart a mosque for stones.

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RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Confusion
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Indeed, from the ongoing Nakba.
.At the turn of the century (1999-2000), there was a development in the relationship between guerrilla and terrorist groups operations.


The Counterinsurgency (COIN) should be assembling an every increasing clarity on the Guerrilla Activity (angular view). Similarly, the Counterterrorism (CT) resources attempt to develop and ever increasing focus on the activities and profile of terrorist groups.

Islamic groups (Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Popular ResistanceCommittees (PRC), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC), Harakat al-Sabireen (HaS), Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF), are stressing the recruitment skilled professionals. These professional recruitments are essential to the policy of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). These professional recruitments augment the several HoAP and they Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement.

Several of the HoAP Its goal are dedicated to confront the Israeli Occupation in the disputed territories that are under the . Its frame of reference is religious, which determines its principles, objectives and means. The Israeli Occupation and the need to meet The Hague Regulation, pertaining the requirement by restoring, and ensuring, public order and safety.
.The HoAP generally considered the Israeli Occupation over the territories in dispute as a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist in nature.

While the HoAP often claims that the ongoing conflict is NOT religious based, but that does not fit the ground truth. It is not uncommon to ranking members of one HoAP or another that there is an Islamic framework imbedded within the various programs.


Most Respectfully,
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RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Confusion
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

.At the turn of the century (1999-2000), there was a development in the relationship between guerrilla and terrorist groups operations.

The Counterinsurgency (COIN) should be assembling an every increasing clarity on the Guerrilla Activity (angular view). Similarly, the Counterterrorism (CT) resources attempt to develop and ever increasing focus on the activities and profile of terrorist groups.

Islamic groups (Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Popular ResistanceCommittees (PRC), Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC), Harakat al-Sabireen (HaS), Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF), are stressing the recruitment skilled professionals. These professional recruitments are essential to the policy of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). These professional recruitments augment the several HoAP and they Palestinian Islamic national liberation and resistance movement.

Several of the HoAP Its goal are dedicated to confront the Israeli Occupation in the disputed territories that are under the . Its frame of reference is religious, which determines its principles, objectives and means. The Israeli Occupation and the need to meet The Hague Regulation, pertaining the requirement by restoring, and ensuring, public order and safety.
.The HoAP generally considered the Israeli Occupation over the territories in dispute as a racist, aggressive, colonial and expansionist in nature.

While the HoAP often claims that the ongoing conflict is NOT religious based, but that does not fit the ground truth. It is not uncommon to ranking members of one HoAP or another that there is an Islamic framework imbedded within the various programs.


Most Respectfully,
Are you still pushing that terrorist hokum?

Fighting against criminal activity is not terrorism.
Are you still pushing that terrorist hokum?

Fighting against criminal activity is not terrorism.
As it is not Palestinian, Arab, or Muslim territory, what the Arab Muslims and others are engaging in is TERRORISM, in order to scare the indigenous people, the Jews, out of their Indigenous Ancient Homeland.

Hamas, the PA, Fatah, Al Husseini, ISIS, Hizbullah, etc, are all criminals, they are all terrorists.

Best lesson you will ever get.
RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Confusion
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Are you still pushing that terrorist hokum?

Fighting against criminal activity is not terrorism.
Oh you foolish man.

It is fighting against the Occupation Force that is prosecutable criminal activity. Intentional evil done by the Arab Palestinians against the Israelis IS PLAINLY a crime. Such action is NOT SANCTIONED by Customary or International Humanitarian Law.

You would by hard pressed to find a law that trumps the Geneva Convention. And to say that the Arab Palestinians have some special privilege to be exempt from Customary and International Humanitarian Law is tantamount to heresy of the highest order.

Please don't talk to us about intentionally harming the Israelis. Provoking the Israelis to take some action in response an Arab Palestinian intentional act to harm the Occupation Force IS WITHOUT QUESTION a criminal act. And THEN have the audacity to make a complaint because the Israel respond to an Arab Palestinian criminal act or assault is unreasonable by any standard (except that of the Arab Palestinians).

It is just that simple!


Most Respectfully,
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RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Confusion
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh you foolish man.

It is fighting against the Occupation Force that is prosecutable criminal activity. Intentional evil done by the Arab Palestinians against the Israelis IS PLAINLY a crime. Such action is NOT SANCTIONED by Customary or International Humanitarian Law.

You would by hard pressed to find a law that trumps the Geneva Convention. And to say that the Arab Palestinians have some special privilege to be exempt from Customary and International Humanitarian Law is tantamount to heresy of the highest order.

Please don't talk to us about intentionally harming the Israelis. Provoking the Israelis to take some action in response an Arab Palestinian intentional act to harm the Occupation Force IS WITHOUT QUESTION a criminal act. And THEN have the audacity to make a complaint because the Israel respond to an Arab Palestinian criminal act or assault is unreasonable by any standard (except that of the Arab Palestinians).

It is just that simple!


Most Respectfully,
I believe that you are incorrect. Article 68 can not run cover for criminal activity.
RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Confusion
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I believe that you are incorrect. Article 68 can not run cover for criminal activity.

Exactly what particular code or binding law makes the Occupation of formerly Jordanian sovereign territory Illegal?

Are you really going to tell us that this most recent felonious actions by the Arab Palestinians are "legal" and not included in Article 68? Where in Article 68 is the exception for the Arab Palestinians?

Are you really going to support the ideal that Article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not cover the incitement to violence and official stipends for murderous activity?

This is just something that the Arab Palestinians attempt to capitalize upon as a means of justifying intentional acts to harm the Israeli. This is an indication of the corrupt moral culture on which the Arab Palestinians have used.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Confusion
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


Exactly what particular code or binding law makes the Occupation of formerly Jordanian sovereign territory Illegal?

Are you really going to tell us that this most recent felonious actions by the Arab Palestinians are "legal" and not included in Article 68? Where in Article 68 is the exception for the Arab Palestinians?

Are you really going to support the ideal that Article 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not cover the incitement to violence and official stipends for murderous activity?

This is just something that the Arab Palestinians attempt to capitalize upon as a means of justifying intentional acts to harm the Israeli. This is an indication of the corrupt moral culture on which the Arab Palestinians have used.


Most Respectfully,
Why do you view everything through Israel's lens? Self defense changes the equation. If a cop violates the law, he forfeits his legal protections.
Why do you view everything through Israel's lens? Self defense changes the equation. If a cop violates the law, he forfeits his legal protections.

Maybe Arab supremacists got so confused in their own lies,
that they want to deny facts as an Israeli "narrative"....

Self defense against a coffee shop?

This is a ridiculously false argument against the rule of law itself.
Law doesn't forfeit legal protections of cops, or anyone to criminals.
Arab supremacists framing ethnicity as violation of law is evidently criminal.
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Is BDS Antisemitic?

Many of the founding goals of the BDS movement, including denying the Jewish people the universal right of self-determination – along with many of the strategies employed in BDS campaigns are anti-Semitic. Many individuals involved in BDS campaigns are driven by opposition to Israel’s very existence as a Jewish state. Often time, BDS campaigns give rise to tensions in communities – particularly on college campuses – that can result in harassment or intimidation of Jews and Israel supporters, including overt antisemitic expression and acts. This dynamic can create an environment in which antisemitism can be expressed more freely.

And, all too often, BDS advocates employ antisemitic rhetoric and narratives to isolate and demonize Israel.

Key Points to Make Against BDS Campaigns

  • Promote reconciliation between Israel and the Palestinians through constructive measures. BDS campaigns represent a hostile delegitimization tactic that rests on a fundamental rejection of Israel’s right to exist or defend itself. BDS does nothing to promote peace. A more constructive approach would be to promote initiatives that build bridges, promote interaction, and help prepare both societies for peace.

  • Israelis want to make peace with the Palestinians. The harsh rhetoric of proponents ignores the support of the Israeli public for a two-state solution and Israeli government efforts to promote negotiations and improve the situation on the ground for Palestinians, and overlooks Palestinian intransigence and violence. Efforts to delegitimize, punish or isolate Israel undermine this commitment.

  • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex. Holding Israel alone accountable for the conflict is inaccurate and unhelpful. The conflict over land and security can only be resolved at the negotiating table and through a two-state solution and both sides will be required to make difficult decisions and concessions.

  • Israel is a proud democracy. Israel is the leading stable democracy in the Middle East, with all of the institutions – a free press, a multitude of political parties, an independent judiciary and religious freedom — that are at the heart of true liberal democracies. The Middle East, and indeed the world, has many states that do not come close to living up to Israel's standards. Criticism of Israel, like criticism of any other sovereign country in the world, can be reasonable and legitimate. But BDS campaigns, which single out Israel for pariah status, are unfair and disproportionate.

(full article online)

WRONG as they had no farms being itinerant squatters, barely 1% of the Palestinians worked the land as it was too costly for them to do so.
Most of them are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave after the destruction of the temple. They stayed, farmed, tended the Roman terraces, aqueducts and olive trees.

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