Boycott Israel

Don't these morons calling for the boycott of Israel understand that they are the ones causing the problems for the filastins. The filastins work on the farms producing the crops that are sold all over the world, and a boycott of Israel will cause them to be made unemployed and destitute

Just like boycotting, sanctioning or putting tariffs on trade with China would (and did) cause some increases in prices here...however, considering the alternative of eventually being China's permanent bitch...(?)

There's a price to pay for having those cheap (Chinese) Walmart prices. It's quite the paradox. Freedom isn't free. Neither is maintaining autonomy in the face of encroaching globalism. Americans are too used to NOT paying the price. Now the idea of paying a little more for something made in America is sacrilegious and nearly impossible anyway. The globalists want to make every nation codependent with the rest to the point that none has any degree of self sufficiency and the World Bank controls it all.
Just like boycotting, sanctioning or putting tariffs on trade with China would (and did) cause some increases in prices here...however, considering the alternative of eventually being China's permanent bitch...(?)

There's a price to pay for having those cheap (Chinese) Walmart prices. It's quite the paradox. Freedom isn't free. Neither is maintaining autonomy in the face of encroaching globalism. Americans are too used to NOT paying the price. Now the idea of paying a little more for something made in America is sacrilegious and nearly impossible anyway. The globalists want to make every nation codependent with the rest to the point that none has any degree of self sufficiency and the World Bank controls it all.
Good points.
Control oil and you can control nations. Control food and you can control people. ~ Henry Kissinger
The first thing colonial powers do is grab land. The locals who lived off that land cannot do that anymore. The only way to survive is to work for the colonial power's farms and factories built on stolen land. The people become slaves to that system in their own country.

The only road to freedom is to break that system.

Palestinians commemorate Land Day, decry Israeli land grabs​

RE: Boycot Israel
SUBTOPIC: Colonialism
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Colonialism has three foundational concerns – violence, territory, and population control –
all of which rest on racialist discourse and practice. Placing the Zionist project in
Israel/Palestine within the context of settler colonialism reveals strategies and goals
behind the region’s rules of governance that have included violence, repressive
state laws, and racialized forms of surveillance.
...........................................................................................................................Elia Zureik
.......................................................................Head, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
.................................................................................Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar
.I have to concur with PF Tinmore, in that from the perspective of the Middle East North African (MENA) Arab, this is the prevailing view. The Arabs of MENA have maintained this view all throughout the contemporary period (20th Century) in the history of the region. It was not unique to the Arab/Israeli Conflict but was applicable to those holdings during the supremacy of the Ottomans, Persians, French, and British Empires (to name just a few of the last thousand years).

MENA Region.png

Courtesy of Wikipedia

Focusing on the conflict today, the territorial control by the Israelis/Zionists did NOT come into control of the (so-called) occupied Palestinian territory through the aegis of either imperialism or colonialism. There was no colonial or imperialist power that sent the Jewish people into that very small sliver of territory to establish the Jewish National Home. The Israelis (Jews post 1948) did not deny the Arabs of Palestine their Right to Self-Determination at any time; but, Self-Determination is not the same as a guarantee of an independent state. Since the adoption of the UN Special Commission on Palestine's Recommentations (1947), the Arabs of Palestine exercised their Right to Self-Determination twice (1948 and 1950). Nor did the Arabs of Palestine lose control over any territorial integrity in which they had "
the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies." And the Arabs of Palestine have never demonstrated a time in which they have ever exercised full rights and powers over any territory.

The first thing colonial powers do is grab land. The locals who lived off that land cannot do that anymore. The only way to survive is to work for the colonial power's farms and factories built on stolen land. The people become slaves to that system in their own country.

The only road to freedom is to break that system.

Palestinians commemorate Land Day, decry Israeli land grabs

Q: Where is this true? "The only way to survive is to work for the colonial power's farms and factories built on stolen land." What Israeli-owned farm are the Arabs of Palestine forced to work on?

Yes, there is the Question of the Beduin in the Negev. BUT, that is purely a domestic issue. And while the end-game pertaining to the Beduins may not be quite understood, it is outside the UN Charter [
Article 2(7)].

Q: Where is the statement of facts that "require" UN intervention?

Most Respectfully,
In the story of Naboth, King Ahab had Naboth executed on false pretenses, just so he could take his vineyard. As punishment, Ahab’s house was destroyed during his son’s reign. Clearly, Zogby is somehow suggesting we stole the land upon which the Psagot vineyards are located. Yet by invoking the Book of Kings – which deal with the Jewish kings, well before Muslims were even a thing, let alone set foot in the land – he is inadvertently acknowledging that these lands were ours before they fell in to the hands of the Arabs.

For the record, I highly recommend Psagot wine, it is truly delicious.
Almost as delicious to me as the sight of these haters getting their panties into a knot.

Update: Obama might just be saved by the camera angle here:

.I have to concur with PF Tinmore, in that from the perspective of the Middle East North African (MENA) Arab, this is the prevailing view.
Indeed, it is hard to argue facts on the ground.

Remember, conquest, colonization, and occupation are acts of aggression. You can't do that and claim the right to defend yourself.
Like inventing an "Arab quarter" to frame Jews living there
as "dogs" in a "Jewish only settlement"?

Arab supremacists merely use
the same racist tropes as the KKK.

It's been the Arab quarter for more than a thousand years. The Arabs didn't immigrate from Europe and Russia. Why hasn't Israel been involved with the 40,000 Ukrainian Jews or offered them sanctuary?
In the story of Naboth, King Ahab had Naboth executed on false pretenses, just so he could take his vineyard. As punishment, Ahab’s house was destroyed during his son’s reign. Clearly, Zogby is somehow suggesting we stole the land upon which the Psagot vineyards are located. Yet by invoking the Book of Kings – which deal with the Jewish kings, well before Muslims were even a thing, let alone set foot in the land – he is inadvertently acknowledging that these lands were ours before they fell in to the hands of the Arabs.

For the record, I highly recommend Psagot wine, it is truly delicious.
Almost as delicious to me as the sight of these haters getting their panties into a knot.

Update: Obama might just be saved by the camera angle here:

Arabs have been in Palestine since Abraham... long before islam. 4 Arab tribes were settled in Samaria around 600 BC by Sargon 2.
Indeed, it is hard to argue facts on the ground.

Remember, conquest, colonization, and occupation are acts of aggression. You can't do that and claim the right to defend yourself.
The Arabs and Muslims invade, conquer, colonize, and occupy in an act of aggression but it is actually called an act of being indigenous of the places they invaded and conquered.


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