#BoycottStarbucks Trending on Twitter After Getting 2 Blacks Arrested for Using Bathroom

Unless it’s a latte

Obviously this guy is too stupid to have a job....Coffee is black...what a loser...

I can't argue with the guy. Coffee isn't blonde. :dunno:
They were completely assholes.
They were? Looks to me like the manager was the one being an asshole. I've gone into numerous businesses to use the restroom or wait for someone without buying anything and never ran into any situation like this.

Yes, they were. They were asked to leave and refused, even when the cops showed up.

MOst businesses have signs up saying the restrooms are for customers only. And downtown Philly?

It is going to SUCK for the employees and the customers, if they have to stop enforcing that.
As a businessman I would never ask anyone to leave who is not being disruptive even if they're not purchasing anything. Wouldn't want to alienate a potential future customer.

That would be your choice.

The fact remains, the manager of the store asked them to leave and they did not.

Not even when the cops showed up.

They were defiant trespassers. They should have been arrested. You will note that the cops are not in any trouble.

They are complete assholes. THey are making trouble, for no reason, at best.

At worse, this is a set up and they want to get paid off.

If everything is as bad as you are trying to say, then why were they released 8 hours later with no charges?

Because Philly is a democratic machine city and in places like that racial politics effect law enforcement.
Let's see here, two men in a place of business who were not being disruptive, a manager who acted badly...... Yeah, that's really good for business....... :eusa_whistle:

They were completely assholes.
They were? Looks to me like the manager was the one being an asshole. I've gone into numerous businesses to use the restroom or wait for someone without buying anything and never ran into any situation like this.

Yes, they were. They were asked to leave and refused, even when the cops showed up.

MOst businesses have signs up saying the restrooms are for customers only. And downtown Philly?

It is going to SUCK for the employees and the customers, if they have to stop enforcing that.
As a businessman I would never ask anyone to leave who is not being disruptive even if they're not purchasing anything. Wouldn't want to alienate a potential future customer.

That would be your choice.

The fact remains, the manager of the store asked them to leave and they did not.

Not even when the cops showed up.

They were defiant trespassers. They should have been arrested. You will note that the cops are not in any trouble.

They are complete assholes. THey are making trouble, for no reason, at best.

At worse, this is a set up and they want to get paid off.
They were assholes because the manager escalated a situation that didn't need to be escalated in the first place. Granted they should have left once the police arrived and instructed them to vacate the premises so them being cuffed and led out was appropriate but the whole situation would have never happened if the manager had left well enough alone.
The manager was upset that they were waiting for a friend, but didn't buy anything.

When one of them asked to use the restroom, the manager said no, they haven't bought anything, so the dude went back to his booth and sat down.

They weren't being rowdy or disturbing anyone, they were looking at their phones. Even other patrons said they weren't bothering anyone.

The manager though, decided that since they weren't paying customers, they had to leave.
Maybe the manager noticed they were taking a table away from paying customers....

If you watched the tape of the incident, you would have seen that there were several empty tables in the Starbucks.

And, Starbucks fired the manager for this incident. If the manager wasn't in the wrong, why were they fired?

Because Starbucks is run by cowardly and stupid people who think they can sate an angry mob.
And here we go........
Protesters gathered at a Philadelphia Starbucks on Sunday and planned to regroup again on Monday morning after two black men were arrested there last week when they allegedly refused to leave.
Demonstrators carried megaphones and signs that said phrases like, “Too Little Too Latte,” and confronted the employees behind the register, according to NBC Philadelphia.
The original incident occurred on Thursday, when a Starbucks employee called 911 because two black men were sitting inside the café. Soon after they arrived, police handcuffed the men and escorted them out of the shop.
Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross, who is black, said the men hadn't purchased anything and refused to leave, which led to the arrest.
A video of the arrest and ensuing confusion went viral on Twitter.
Michelle Saahene witnessed the entire event, as she’d been at the Starbucks for nearly an hour. She told NBC News on Sunday that, as a black woman, she was slightly nervous when the police officers entered the coffee shop, but she was then as shocked as the two men when they were approached by the members of law enforcement.
After the two men were refused the bathroom, they just sat at a table silently and played with their phones as they waited for a friend, Saahene told NBC News.
"The cops were asking them to leave because they weren’t purchasing anything," Saahene said. "[The two men] said they were confused. This is a Starbucks. Since when are people asked to leave a Starbucks who are just sitting there?"

Protests follow outrage after two black men arrested at Philly Starbucks
Slavery Saved Them From Savagery

The Africans have no respect for property rights. That's why they deserved to become property themselves.
sure don't understand why black voters don't all run to the GOP.
Seems they may have been using the WiFi, from what I heard, which is available to customers. Without buying anything, they were not customers. And they were asked to leave by the employee as well as police and refused. That is when they were arrested. There are always 2 sides to a story and then the truth.
Seems they may have been using the WiFi, from what I heard, which is available to customers. Without buying anything, they were not customers. And they were asked to leave by the employee as well as police and refused. That is when they were arrested. There are always 2 sides to a story and then the truth.

They were also released 8 hours later with no charges being pressed.
And, Starbucks fired the manager for this incident. If the manager wasn't in the wrong, why were they fired?

Political Correctness. Starbucks promotes itself as a Progressive institution, politically. They cater to the left wingers.

Having a Manager invoke policies that exist in pretty much every restaurant I've ever seen... "Rest Rooms are for Paying Customers Only" and "No Loitering"... against minority customers doesn't fit that philosophy. So the Manager has to go, to protect the company's Progressive credentials.

Now now these two were entitled and every left loon on the planet will back them
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.
I get not wanting people just hanging out not buying stuff. But at Starbucks, that is pretty common. People will bring laptops and spread out doing work. I've seen people spend the day in there.
Non paying people routinely coming in and shitting the toilet, working on the computer all day long? I find that hard to believe.
At Starbucks, it's almost a daily given.
If you watched the tape of the incident, you would have seen that there were several empty tables in the Starbucks.

And, Starbucks fired the manager for this incident. If the manager wasn't in the wrong, why were they fired?
That can't be a serious question....and I watched the video and there is no way to confirm how many if any seats were open at the time he asked the non paying loiterers to leave...any excuse to bitch and moan and litigate....
The manager was upset that they were waiting for a friend, but didn't buy anything.

When one of them asked to use the restroom, the manager said no, they haven't bought anything, so the dude went back to his booth and sat down.

They weren't being rowdy or disturbing anyone, they were looking at their phones. Even other patrons said they weren't bothering anyone.

The manager though, decided that since they weren't paying customers, they had to leave.
Maybe the manager noticed they were taking a table away from paying customers....

If you watched the tape of the incident, you would have seen that there were several empty tables in the Starbucks.

And, Starbucks fired the manager for this incident. If the manager wasn't in the wrong, why were they fired?

Because black people have a higher burden of proof to prove their innocence for some people....
And, Starbucks fired the manager for this incident. If the manager wasn't in the wrong, why were they fired?

Political Correctness. Starbucks promotes itself as a Progressive institution, politically. They cater to the left wingers.

Having a Manager invoke policies that exist in pretty much every restaurant I've ever seen... "Rest Rooms are for Paying Customers Only" and "No Loitering"... against minority customers doesn't fit that philosophy. So the Manager has to go, to protect the company's Progressive credentials.

Now now these two were entitled and every left loon on the planet will back them
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....
Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
And, Starbucks fired the manager for this incident. If the manager wasn't in the wrong, why were they fired?

Political Correctness. Starbucks promotes itself as a Progressive institution, politically. They cater to the left wingers.

Having a Manager invoke policies that exist in pretty much every restaurant I've ever seen... "Rest Rooms are for Paying Customers Only" and "No Loitering"... against minority customers doesn't fit that philosophy. So the Manager has to go, to protect the company's Progressive credentials.

Now now these two were entitled and every left loon on the planet will back them
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....
Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
Political Correctness. Starbucks promotes itself as a Progressive institution, politically. They cater to the left wingers.

Having a Manager invoke policies that exist in pretty much every restaurant I've ever seen... "Rest Rooms are for Paying Customers Only" and "No Loitering"... against minority customers doesn't fit that philosophy. So the Manager has to go, to protect the company's Progressive credentials.

Now now these two were entitled and every left loon on the planet will back them
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....
Only in your fantasies of racism existing in everything.
Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
Now now these two were entitled and every left loon on the planet will back them
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....

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