#BoycottStarbucks Trending on Twitter After Getting 2 Blacks Arrested for Using Bathroom

Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
Political Correctness. Starbucks promotes itself as a Progressive institution, politically. They cater to the left wingers.

Having a Manager invoke policies that exist in pretty much every restaurant I've ever seen... "Rest Rooms are for Paying Customers Only" and "No Loitering"... against minority customers doesn't fit that philosophy. So the Manager has to go, to protect the company's Progressive credentials.

Now now these two were entitled and every left loon on the planet will back them
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....
There was a white girl just on the news who claimed she was there for an hour before the incident arose and hadn't bought anything. :dunno:
A few years ago, Starbucks suggested that customers have a dialogue with one another about racial relations.

Customers, however, thought otherwise.

Starbucks quickly dropped the program.



1. Ordinary customers were more insightful than Starbucks's highly paid executives.

2. Ordinary customers realized two things:

a. Having a dialogue about race would be a waste of time.
b. Having a dialogue would only increase animosity and hurt feelings all around.

3. I feel that it is wiser to just let racial matters continue to be the Big American Elephant in the Room.

a. Sometimes silence is the best policy.
If you watched the tape of the incident, you would have seen that there were several empty tables in the Starbucks.

And, Starbucks fired the manager for this incident. If the manager wasn't in the wrong, why were they fired?
Because Starbucks is pandering to minority interests. From the manager's point of view, allowing these two ghetto rats to hang out will be inviting more of the same. Two will soon be four, four will be eight, and before long there won't be enough space to accommodate paying customers.

The manager's salary is affected by the weekly bottom-line, thus her concern with potential. But Starbucks is concerned with the publicity potential and is therefore comfortable with pandering to the race pimps by firing the manager.

What I hope happens now is Starbucks branches all over the U.S. become cozy, air-conditioned, rest-room and WI-FI equipped hangouts for broke-ass ghetto-rats, idle truants, and homeless African Americans who are "waiting for a friend."

Fuck Starbucks.
How long were the 2 gentlemen there?
Her sudden appearance makes one wonder, too. Or she was sitting with someone that did? That’s different from holding up a table by people that have not bought anything.
Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
Now now these two were entitled and every left loon on the planet will back them
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....
There was a white girl just on the news who claimed she was there for an hour before the incident arose and hadn't bought anything. :dunno:
Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
Now now these two were entitled and every left loon on the planet will back them
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....
There was a white girl just on the news who claimed she was there for an hour before the incident arose and hadn't bought anything. :dunno:
The one that is a hooker?
How long were the 2 gentlemen there?
Her sudden appearance makes one wonder, too. Or she was sitting with someone that did? That’s different from holding up a table by people that have not bought anything.
Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....
There was a white girl just on the news who claimed she was there for an hour before the incident arose and hadn't bought anything. :dunno:
That's what the :dunno: was for, I'm not into speculation.
This was more than a decade ago, but I worked as a tour guide in NYC for a while, on those double-decker buses.

When I had a passenger having an emergency, we were taught to use the nearest Starbucks. At that time, it was corporate policy for Starbucks to allow anyone to use their bathrooms, customers or not.
I was a waiter at a Denny's in 1981 and those folks sat there all night and didn't buy more than one cup of coffee and wanted it refilled all night...
I told them I worked on tips, no tips, no service...
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Said the 'manager' at Starbucks, "we can't have people using our facilities, pipes don't last forever they are only made of steel. Steel wears out people hello. What if we let everyone that wanted to use the bathroom use the bathroom? Then where would we be, a bunch of relieved comfortable people ready...to...buy...coffee, ok I see my error now."

The only thing worse and it is worse, is a gas station that won't let you use their bathroom when you pull in and your teeth are floating. Starbucks rates themselves on par with a gas station bathroom.

What a clusterf#$k.

Perhaps mock laptops for people to carry around. Walk into a place, open up your fake laptop made of fiberboard and it looks like you are a hip yuppie. And yes I know it isn't even hip to use the word yuppie anymore.
When I first heard this story the media made it sound as if they were paying customers and were kicked out because they were black....they were asked to leave because they were not paying customers....see how the fake news media operates?
If I had a restaurant and two people came in and sat down and didn't order anything I would ask them to leave too....nothing wrong with that at all...
Only in your fantasies of racism existing in everything.
Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
Well that's how the left feels about these turd-colored freaks: entitled to whatever free shit they want while being totally useless (at best) to society.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....

Sure, because calling someone “turd colored” is not racist.

Sometimes I’m amazed at how fucking stupid people are, or at what lengths they will go to defend racists.
Last I heard, Starbucks is a place of business, not a flophouse
Let's see here, two men in a place of business who were not being disruptive, a manager who acted badly...... Yeah, that's really good for business....... :eusa_whistle:
Not being disruptive -- but not buying anything, either.

Ever hear of "block-busting?" One becomes two. Two becomes four -- and on and on until 75% of your table space is inhabited by losers who are "waiting for a friend" and there is no room for paying customers.
Only in your fantasies of racism existing in everything.
Honey, it would be the same reaction had it been 2 whites. You don’t buy, are asked to leave if you won’t, you leave.
"turd-colored freaks"...Oh good....more reason for black voters to swing to the GOP.

And social cons have to ask why blacks don’t vote for the GOP....

Sure, because calling someone “turd colored” is not racist.

Sometimes I’m amazed at how fucking stupid people are, or at what lengths they will go to defend racists.

Are you saying the barista said that? If so, yeah. But anyone else says it, it isn’t pertinent to the situation.

And my record on here is I call out racism, if I see it. Think just about anyone around here for awhile has seen me do it.
Last I heard, Starbucks is a place of business, not a flophouse

Hey, I can tell you that there are a lot of recovering alcoholics that meet at Starbucks after going to AA meetings. And no, not all of them buy coffee while they are there.

The 2 men were simply sitting there waiting on a friend. Is that illegal?
Not illegal. But undesirable.
Starbucks has limited sitting, as well.
Last I heard, Starbucks is a place of business, not a flophouse
Let's see here, two men in a place of business who were not being disruptive, a manager who acted badly...... Yeah, that's really good for business....... :eusa_whistle:
Not being disruptive -- but not buying anything, either.

Ever hear of "block-busting?" One becomes two. Two becomes four -- and on and on until 75% of your table space is inhabited by losers who are "waiting for a friend" and there is no room for paying customers.
Gotta love it.... I hope they shut every Starbucks down from Texas to California... LOL.
Last I heard, Starbucks is a place of business, not a flophouse
Let's see here, two men in a place of business who were not being disruptive, a manager who acted badly...... Yeah, that's really good for business....... :eusa_whistle:
Not being disruptive -- but not buying anything, either.

Ever hear of "block-busting?" One becomes two. Two becomes four -- and on and on until 75% of your table space is inhabited by losers who are "waiting for a friend" and there is no room for paying customers.
So? Prove that was happening here........ I won't hold my breath.

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