#BoycottStarbucks Trending on Twitter After Getting 2 Blacks Arrested for Using Bathroom

Starbucks has limited sitting, as well.
Last I heard, Starbucks is a place of business, not a flophouse
Let's see here, two men in a place of business who were not being disruptive, a manager who acted badly...... Yeah, that's really good for business....... :eusa_whistle:
Not being disruptive -- but not buying anything, either.

Ever hear of "block-busting?" One becomes two. Two becomes four -- and on and on until 75% of your table space is inhabited by losers who are "waiting for a friend" and there is no room for paying customers.
It's also being reported that the Starbucks was only half full at the time. Again, since I wasn't there: :dunno:
As I stated, there are 3 sides to every story.
While my son was in college his girlfriend worked at the campus Starbucks. They totally frowned upon non paying customers, as when class let out it would be full. And we do know for certain the guys refused to leave even when the police asked them.
Starbucks has limited sitting, as well.
Last I heard, Starbucks is a place of business, not a flophouse
Let's see here, two men in a place of business who were not being disruptive, a manager who acted badly...... Yeah, that's really good for business....... :eusa_whistle:
Not being disruptive -- but not buying anything, either.

Ever hear of "block-busting?" One becomes two. Two becomes four -- and on and on until 75% of your table space is inhabited by losers who are "waiting for a friend" and there is no room for paying customers.
It's also being reported that the Starbucks was only half full at the time. Again, since I wasn't there: :dunno:
As I stated, there are 3 sides to every story.
While my son was in college his girlfriend worked at the campus Starbucks. They totally frowned upon non paying customers, as when class let out it would be full. And we do know for certain the guys refused to leave even when the police asked them.
Starbucks has limited sitting, as well.
Last I heard, Starbucks is a place of business, not a flophouse
Let's see here, two men in a place of business who were not being disruptive, a manager who acted badly...... Yeah, that's really good for business....... :eusa_whistle:
Not being disruptive -- but not buying anything, either.

Ever hear of "block-busting?" One becomes two. Two becomes four -- and on and on until 75% of your table space is inhabited by losers who are "waiting for a friend" and there is no room for paying customers.
It's also being reported that the Starbucks was only half full at the time. Again, since I wasn't there: :dunno:
I understand that but in this specific instance it appears that the manager was wrong but once events had been set in motion the two men were wrong when they refused to follow police instructions.
We’ll have to see if she sues them for her loss of job.
Nothing is concrete, yet.
As I stated, there are 3 sides to every story.
While my son was in college his girlfriend worked at the campus Starbucks. They totally frowned upon non paying customers, as when class let out it would be full. And we do know for certain the guys refused to leave even when the police asked them.
Starbucks has limited sitting, as well.
Let's see here, two men in a place of business who were not being disruptive, a manager who acted badly...... Yeah, that's really good for business....... :eusa_whistle:
Not being disruptive -- but not buying anything, either.

Ever hear of "block-busting?" One becomes two. Two becomes four -- and on and on until 75% of your table space is inhabited by losers who are "waiting for a friend" and there is no room for paying customers.
It's also being reported that the Starbucks was only half full at the time. Again, since I wasn't there: :dunno:
I understand that but in this specific instance it appears that the manager was wrong but once events had been set in motion the two men were wrong when they refused to follow police instructions.
Did she ask them to leave? Did they refuse to leave when asked?
They were asked to order something or leave by staff and tne police. The two believed that black privilege entitled them to tresspass.

Handcuffing of 2 black men in a Starbucks called 'reprehensible outcome' by CEO
The company was founded on the premise that Starbucks would be a comfortable third place for people to work and socialize; the first two places being home and office. Come in anytime and stay as long as you want with no pressure to buy anything. This was part of the Starbucks culture which created millions of devoted customers. However as Starbucks expanded into very high traffic locations, the big overstuffed chairs, and fireplaces became small tables and stand up bars. Every inch of space was used. I have no doubt that customers that sit for expended periods without ordering would be asked to leave.

Maybe they might want to make an announcement then? Change their corporate motto? I'm fine with Caribou, they are our 'home grown' go to for coffee. But Starbucks still needs to be honest with where they are now if they don't want this snowball to avalanche.

You know how ill-mannered we snowflakes are.
Most Starbuck stores are located in shopping centers and near major shopping and restaurant areas. In these stores, the atmosphere is usually very casual and laid back. My experience has been you can sit in one of these stores for hours and no one is going to suggest you leave. I was in a Starbucks in New York last year and believe me, no one would want to sit in one these places for long. It was crowded and noisy, the kind of place you grab a cup of coffee on the way to work.

Starbucks policies are all about social responsibility, business code of conduct, human rights, equal opportunity, healthcare, and all the things that drives conservatives nuts. This of course is the primary reason why this story is relished so by conservatives; the most liberal and pc oriented major business ejects two black men presenting an opportunity to build a case of discrimination.

Policies | Starbucks Coffee Company

Starbucks can be considered a model, as you describe it,for what liberals want of our society.

Yet we can see that, even when liberals get what they want, it does not lead to racial harmony.

At least one lib was talking ominously of how Starbucks needs to do this or that, before this "avalanches".

This bodes ill for the future, if demographic shift gives liberals the power to remake society as they see fit.
An organization can provide leadership but not all members will follow. In the case of Starbucks, there're over 250,000 employees. Being a liberal is not a requirement to work at Starbucks.
Personally, I couldn't give a fuck about Starbucks, their burnt coffee, or the two dudes who were escorted out.

It's another tempest in a teapot for the perpetually outraged!
A few years ago, Starbucks suggested that customers have a dialogue with one another about racial relations.

Customers, however, thought otherwise.

Starbucks quickly dropped the program.



1. Ordinary customers were more insightful than Starbucks's highly paid executives.

2. Ordinary customers realized two things:

a. Having a dialogue about race would be a waste of time.
b. Having a dialogue would only increase animosity and hurt feelings all around.

3. I feel that it is wiser to just let racial matters continue to be the Big American Elephant in the Room.

a. Sometimes silence is the best policy.

There is no such thing as a dialogue about race with black people. What it means is that white people should sit down shut up and get another lecture.
A few years ago, Starbucks suggested that customers have a dialogue with one another about racial relations.

Customers, however, thought otherwise.

Starbucks quickly dropped the program.



1. Ordinary customers were more insightful than Starbucks's highly paid executives.

2. Ordinary customers realized two things:

a. Having a dialogue about race would be a waste of time.
b. Having a dialogue would only increase animosity and hurt feelings all around.

3. I feel that it is wiser to just let racial matters continue to be the Big American Elephant in the Room.

a. Sometimes silence is the best policy.
Silence is certainly not the answer to race relations. As long as dialog is positive, empathetic, and constructive great things can accomplished. However, there are some people who should never discuss race because they are too hostile and their desire is not to form better relations but to argue and establish blame which only leads to more hostility.
They were completely assholes.
They were? Looks to me like the manager was the one being an asshole. I've gone into numerous businesses to use the restroom or wait for someone without buying anything and never ran into any situation like this.

Yes, they were. They were asked to leave and refused, even when the cops showed up.

MOst businesses have signs up saying the restrooms are for customers only. And downtown Philly?

It is going to SUCK for the employees and the customers, if they have to stop enforcing that.
As a businessman I would never ask anyone to leave who is not being disruptive even if they're not purchasing anything. Wouldn't want to alienate a potential future customer.

That would be your choice.

The fact remains, the manager of the store asked them to leave and they did not.

Not even when the cops showed up.

They were defiant trespassers. They should have been arrested. You will note that the cops are not in any trouble.

They are complete assholes. THey are making trouble, for no reason, at best.

At worse, this is a set up and they want to get paid off.
They were assholes because the manager escalated a situation that didn't need to be escalated in the first place. Granted they should have left once the police arrived and instructed them to vacate the premises so them being cuffed and led out was appropriate but the whole situation would have never happened if the manager had left well enough alone.

The manager was being completely reasonable in asking non costumers to leave.
The manager was upset that they were waiting for a friend, but didn't buy anything.

When one of them asked to use the restroom, the manager said no, they haven't bought anything, so the dude went back to his booth and sat down.

They weren't being rowdy or disturbing anyone, they were looking at their phones. Even other patrons said they weren't bothering anyone.

The manager though, decided that since they weren't paying customers, they had to leave.
Maybe the manager noticed they were taking a table away from paying customers....

If you watched the tape of the incident, you would have seen that there were several empty tables in the Starbucks.

And, Starbucks fired the manager for this incident. If the manager wasn't in the wrong, why were they fired?

Because Starbucks is run by cowardly and stupid people who think they can sate an angry mob.
And here we go........

Says the liberal that can't refute what I said in any meaningful way, yet feels compelled to express disagreement.

Disagreement that he cannot defend.
They were? Looks to me like the manager was the one being an asshole. I've gone into numerous businesses to use the restroom or wait for someone without buying anything and never ran into any situation like this.

Yes, they were. They were asked to leave and refused, even when the cops showed up.

MOst businesses have signs up saying the restrooms are for customers only. And downtown Philly?

It is going to SUCK for the employees and the customers, if they have to stop enforcing that.
As a businessman I would never ask anyone to leave who is not being disruptive even if they're not purchasing anything. Wouldn't want to alienate a potential future customer.

That would be your choice.

The fact remains, the manager of the store asked them to leave and they did not.

Not even when the cops showed up.

They were defiant trespassers. They should have been arrested. You will note that the cops are not in any trouble.

They are complete assholes. THey are making trouble, for no reason, at best.

At worse, this is a set up and they want to get paid off.
They were assholes because the manager escalated a situation that didn't need to be escalated in the first place. Granted they should have left once the police arrived and instructed them to vacate the premises so them being cuffed and led out was appropriate but the whole situation would have never happened if the manager had left well enough alone.

The manager was being completely reasonable in asking non costumers to leave.
Again, as a business owner if one of my managers had acted in such a manner as to alienate potential customers who (at the time) were not causing any disruptions that manager would be looking for employment elsewhere.
I was a waiter at a Denny's in 1981 and those folks sat there all night and didn't buy more than one cup of coffee and wanted it refilled all night...
I told them I worked on tips, no tips, no service...

And this manager lost her job, for less than that. The assholes in question, didn't even buy the one cup.

They were just assholes.
They were asked to order something or leave by staff and tne police. The two believed that black privilege entitled them to tresspass.

Handcuffing of 2 black men in a Starbucks called 'reprehensible outcome' by CEO
The company was founded on the premise that Starbucks would be a comfortable third place for people to work and socialize; the first two places being home and office. Come in anytime and stay as long as you want with no pressure to buy anything. This was part of the Starbucks culture which created millions of devoted customers. However as Starbucks expanded into very high traffic locations, the big overstuffed chairs, and fireplaces became small tables and stand up bars. Every inch of space was used. I have no doubt that customers that sit for expended periods without ordering would be asked to leave.

Maybe they might want to make an announcement then? Change their corporate motto? I'm fine with Caribou, they are our 'home grown' go to for coffee. But Starbucks still needs to be honest with where they are now if they don't want this snowball to avalanche.

You know how ill-mannered we snowflakes are.
Most Starbuck stores are located in shopping centers and near major shopping and restaurant areas. In these stores, the atmosphere is usually very casual and laid back. My experience has been you can sit in one of these stores for hours and no one is going to suggest you leave. I was in a Starbucks in New York last year and believe me, no one would want to sit in one these places for long. It was crowded and noisy, the kind of place you grab a cup of coffee on the way to work.

Starbucks policies are all about social responsibility, business code of conduct, human rights, equal opportunity, healthcare, and all the things that drives conservatives nuts. This of course is the primary reason why this story is relished so by conservatives; the most liberal and pc oriented major business ejects two black men presenting an opportunity to build a case of discrimination.

Policies | Starbucks Coffee Company

Starbucks can be considered a model, as you describe it,for what liberals want of our society.

Yet we can see that, even when liberals get what they want, it does not lead to racial harmony.

At least one lib was talking ominously of how Starbucks needs to do this or that, before this "avalanches".

This bodes ill for the future, if demographic shift gives liberals the power to remake society as they see fit.
An organization can provide leadership but not all members will follow. In the case of Starbucks, there're over 250,000 employees. Being a liberal is not a requirement to work at Starbucks.

I bet that very few of their managers, are not liberals.

Just a coincidink, not that they would discriminate or anything like that. Oh, NO.

BUT, regardless, Stabucks did nothing wrong and is responding as a liberal would want, throwing the hard working manager to the wolves, and "taking responsibility" and taking steps so nothing as horrible as a manager asking black non customers to leave will ever happen again.

And still they are being mobbed with protesters.

THis bodes ill for the future.
Yes, they were. They were asked to leave and refused, even when the cops showed up.

MOst businesses have signs up saying the restrooms are for customers only. And downtown Philly?

It is going to SUCK for the employees and the customers, if they have to stop enforcing that.
As a businessman I would never ask anyone to leave who is not being disruptive even if they're not purchasing anything. Wouldn't want to alienate a potential future customer.

That would be your choice.

The fact remains, the manager of the store asked them to leave and they did not.

Not even when the cops showed up.

They were defiant trespassers. They should have been arrested. You will note that the cops are not in any trouble.

They are complete assholes. THey are making trouble, for no reason, at best.

At worse, this is a set up and they want to get paid off.
They were assholes because the manager escalated a situation that didn't need to be escalated in the first place. Granted they should have left once the police arrived and instructed them to vacate the premises so them being cuffed and led out was appropriate but the whole situation would have never happened if the manager had left well enough alone.

The manager was being completely reasonable in asking non costumers to leave.
Again, as a business owner if one of my managers had acted in such a manner as to alienate potential customers who (at the time) were not causing any disruptions that manager would be looking for employment elsewhere.

I believe you would.

I believe that you would, like Starbucks, throw an employee under the bus, despite them doing nothing wrong, and I bet, completely following company guide lines.

Such as action, would demoralize your entire work force, letting them know that upper management does NOT have their backs when they have to deal with difficult costumers.

To recap. The manager was being completely reasonable. THe two black guys were complete assholes, and criminal trespassers and you side with the criminals and want to see the innocent woman lose her job.
Again, as a business owner if one of my managers had acted in such a manner as to alienate potential customers who (at the time) were not causing any disruptions that manager would be looking for employment elsewhere.

Please remind me to never frequent any business of yours. Not that I likely would, but just as a reminder.

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