Boys and girls.....Terrorist in the


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
(Hamas training 2015 camps for military and martyrdom children)
The child in the video speaks willing to die for Palestinians and Arabs

Title: Iran: Billions for Terror?
Published on Sep 10, 2015

This film details Iran’s direct funding of terrorism to its proxy military operatives, Hezbollah and Hamas. With billions of dollars of unfrozen assets expected to be unfrozen and available to Iran, Iranian leaders have stated that they will continue to fund Hamas. This film includes interviews with boy and girl child soldiers of Hamas, who describe their intention to destroy Israel, with guns, and other weapons. The interviews and video of UNRWA-educated children was filmed in Gaza in the summer of 2015.

It's heartbreaking to see how these children are incredibly indoctrinated when they don't have the ability to fully reason otherwise. One can see how many were so mesmerized by Hitler, for example, and others drank magic cool-aid out of "allegiance". Very sad!
The terrorist state of Israel has driven these poor innocent people to the edge of desperation in order to survive. ..... :cry:
just practical training for their goals , not that I approve of their goals . No insult intended to anyone but Western 'softies' really should see reality and wise up .
Eh, if Iran wasn't funding them, Israel certainly would make sure they had just enough money and funding. Otherwise, how else would we get such lovely propaganda film? :lmao:

The leaders in Israel have to convince their sheep there is a threat, right? And Hamas has to spread hate as well to stay in power. . . both political sides need each other to stay in power.

Personally, the Americans should just stay the hell out, trade with everyone, and mind our own business. With any luck, both sides will grow up and make peace. But if they don't, it's none of our concern.
The terrorist state of Israel has driven these poor innocent people to the edge of desperation in order to survive. ..... :cry:

sometimes you are a moron

sometimes you are not

this time you are.
Eh, if Iran wasn't funding them, Israel certainly would make sure they had just enough money and funding. Otherwise, how else would we get such lovely propaganda film? :lmao:

The leaders in Israel have to convince their sheep there is a threat, right? And Hamas has to spread hate as well to stay in power. . . both political sides need each other to stay in power.

Personally, the Americans should just stay the hell out, trade with everyone, and mind our own business. With any luck, both sides will grow up and make peace. But if they don't, it's none of our concern.
Sure and in your OP Israel created the Muslims willing to kill for their prophet in Minnesota too I can imagine.

Interview with young Somalian Muslims living in America but prefer Sharia laws. I'd say send them back to Somalia as quickly as possible
America or Somalia - you might be surprised


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